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HLHS CH 9&10

What parts of the heart receive blood atria
what parts of the heart send blood ventricles
what side handles oxygen-rich blood? left
what side handles oxygen-poor blood right
what divides the heart septum, a thick muscle
what connects the left atrium and ventricle? mitral valve
what is the left outgoing blood vessel? aorta
what connects the left ventricle and the aorta? aortic valve
what connects the right atrium and ventricle? tricuspid valve
What is the right outgoing blood vessel? pulmonary artery
what connects the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery? pulmonary valve
valvul/o valve
atri/o atrium
sept/o septum
ventricul/o ventricle
cardi/o coron/o heart
capillaries tiny vessels
angi/o vas/o vascul/o vessel
aort/o aorta
ateri/o artery
ather/o fatty plaque
phleb/o ven/o vein
pector chest
phoresis to carry
endocardium tissue lining the inside of the heart
epicardium tissue lining the outside of the heart
myocardium heart muscle tissue
pericardium tissue around the heart
vena cava large diameter vein that gathers blood from the body and returns it to the heart
inferior vena cava the part of vena cava that gathers it from lower portion of the body
superior vena cava gathers from upper portion of the body
angiogenesis development of blood vessels
angiopoiesis formation of blood vessels
angiosclerosis hardening of a blood vessel
aortectasia dilation of the aorta
aortic stenosis narrowing of the aorta
occlusion closing or blockage of a passage
venostasis trapping of a blood in an extremity due to compression
angiogram record of the blood vessels
angiography procedure to describe the blood vessels
amgioscope device for looking into a blocked vessel
diastolic pressure pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is relaxed
systolic pressure pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is contracting
systemic circulation circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body
atrial fibrillation quivering or spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers in the heart's atrium
ASD atrial septal defect flaw in the septum that divides the two atria of the heart
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscles
congestive cardiomyopathy/dilated cardiomyopathy heart cavity is unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) and becomes stretched (dilated), which causes weak/slow pumping of blood
hypertrophic cadiomyopathy heart muscle becomes enlarged and blocks blood flow
restrictive cardiomyopathy heart muscle hardens, restricting the expansion of the heart, thus limiting the amount of blood it can pump to the rest of the body
MI myocardial infarction death of heart muscle tissue
pericardial effusion fluid pouring out into the tissue of the heart
aneurysm bulge in a blood vessel
aortic regurgitation flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart; caused by a weak heart valve
antianginal drug that prevents or relieves the symptoms of angina pectoris
angina to chock
antiarrhythmic drug that opposes an irregular heartbeat
cardiotonic drug that increases the strength of heart contractions
thrombolytic drug that breaks down clots
vasopressor/vasoconstrictor drug that constricts or narrows the diameter of a blood vessel
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) borrowed piece of blood vessel used to bypass a blocked artery in the heart
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) alternate treatment for a coronary artery that passes instruments up a patient’s blood vessels into the heart
phlebophlebostomy procedure to create an opening between two veins
endarterectomy surgical removal of the inside of an artery
embolectomy surgical removal of an embolus
HTN hypertension
DVT deep vein thrombosis-formation of a blood clot deep in the body, most commonly in the leg
HTN high blood pressure
CHF congestive heart failure
SV stroke volume
NSR natural sinus rhythm, NOT a diagnostic procedure
phlebology study of veins
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
vasospasm involuntary contraction of a blood vessel
phren diaphragm
capn/o carbon dioxide
spir/o breathing
atelectasis incomplete expansion
hemoptysis coughing/spitting up blood
hypercarbia excessive carbon dioxide
pectoriloquy speaking from the chest
pleurisy inflammation of the pleura
rhinorrhagia excessive blood flow from the nose
The term used to indicate a deficient amount of oxygen in the blood is hypoxemia
the passageway for food and air is the pharynx
split up the word pneumoconiosis pneumo/coni/osis
eupnea good breathing
paralysis of the diaphragm phrenoplegia
new growth in the lung pulmonary neoplasm
pulmon/o lungs
empyema em (in) + py (pus) + ema (condition) = pus inside the chest
phrenospasm "involuntary contraction of the diaphragm" (also known as the hiccups).
OSA a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep.
laryng/o larynx
pharyng/o pharynx
sept/o septum
sin/o sinus/o sinus
pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o air or lungs
bronch/o bronchi/o bronchus
bronchiol/o bronchiole
alveol/o alveolus
stern/o sternum
cost/o rib
thorac/o pector/o steth/o chest
ox/o oxygen
spir/o -pnea breathing
orthopnea able to breathe only in an upright position
epistaxis nosebleed
rhinorrhea runny nose
auscultation listening to chest
spirometry strength of breathing
ventilation–perfusion scan (VQ) how effectively oxygen and blood reach different parts of the lungs.
pectus carinatum chest that protrudes like the keel of a ship
pectus excavatum chest that is hollowed out
percussion striking the body surface
retraction the sucking in of the skin around bones during inhalation, happens when someone is in respiratory distress
atelectasis incomplete expansion
caseous necrosis death of tissue with a cheese like appearance
chylothorax chyle in the chest
empyema pus inside the chest
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) a group of lung diseases characterized by the continual blockage of lung passages
diaphragmatocele hernia of diaphragm
pneumoconiosis lung condition caused by dust
mesothelioma cancerous tumor of the mesothelial cells in lung
antitussive stops coughs
ABG arterial blood gas
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
CTA clear to auscultation when an examination reveals nothing abnormal about a patient’s lung
diaphoresis profuse sweating
Which is NOT a root used to refer to vessels? angi, vascul, arteri, ven THEY ALL DO!
The term venogram is pronounced VEE-noh-gram
The force exerted by blood on the wall of blood vessels is ALL of these: called blood pressure, determined by both diastolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is relaxed, and systolic pressure, pressure exerted on blood vessels when the heart is contracted, abbreviated BP.
Which statement is true about the root sept/o? It stands for "septum," comes from a Latin word meaning "partition or dividing structure," and can refer to any wall dividing two cavities.
Translate the term rhinitis as literally as possible Nasal inflammation
Which term refers to the main branches from the trachea into each lung? bronch/o
Which is the correct translation and definition for the abbreviation CT? computed tomography
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the root alveol/o? It is a term that describes the lung.
Created by: ciqbal
Popular Medical sets




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