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HLHS 11&12

aer air
aerodonalgia tooth pain caused by exposure to air
aphagia inability to eat
eupepsia good digestion
gingivalgia gum pain
gingivostomatitis inflammation of the mouth and gums
chole bili bile
cyst/o vesic/o bladder
icterus another name for jaundice
sialorrhea excessive salivation
ascites fluid filled abdomen
gloss tongue
clasis break
odontoclasis breaking of a tooth
anophony sound from the anus
flatus fart
steatorrhea excessive fat discharged in feces
ascites retention of fluid in the peritoneum
hepat/o liver
sial/o saliva
sialoangiectasis overexpansion of the saliva vessels
anosigmoidoscopy procedure for looking at the anus and sigmoid colon
endoscopy procedure for looking inside
duoden/o duodenum
fecal occult blood test (FOBT) test of feces to discover blood not visibly apparent
bariatrics branch of medicine dealing with weight issues
frice to rub
dentrifrice toothpaste
inguinal lower side portions of the abdomen
lumbar middle side portions of the abdomen
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) disease in which acid comes up from the stomach and damages the esophagus
glossotrichia overdevelopment of bumps on the tongue, making the tongue appear to be hairy
pyloric stenosis narrowing of the sphincter at the base of the stomach
colovaginal fistula abnormal opening between the colon and vagina
ile ileum
jejun jejunum
celi/o lapar/o abdomen
celiomyositis inflammation of the abdominal muscle
doch/o duct
-iasis presence
cirrhosis liver disease
sialagogic agent that causes salivation
anastomosis creation of an opening; a surgical procedure connecting two previously unconnected hollow tubes
proctoplasty surgical reconstruction of the anus and rectum
pexy surgical fixation
trips rub
cholelithotripsy crushing of bile (gall) stones
BE barium enemal
HAV,HBV,HCV all types of hepatitus
NGT nasal gastric tube
PUD peptic ulcer disease
RLQ RUQ right lower/upper quadrant
LLQ LUQ left lower/upper quadrant
UGI upper gastrointestinal
sialoangiectasis overexpansion of the salivary glands
choledocholithiasis presence of a stone in the common bile duct
pyloric stenosis narrowing of the sphincter at the base of the stomach
translate sigmoid The portion of the large intestine at the end of the colon before the rectum
translate an/o The sphincter or muscle at the end of the intestines that allows for the passage of feces
gallbladder pain cholecystalgia
The left hypochondriac region of the abdomen is in which quadrant of the abdomen? LUQ
translate enter/o INTESTINE, not SMALL INT.
N&V nausea and vomiting
Which medical term means "pain in the intestines"? enterodynia
vesic/o bladder
nephr kidney
Why does a urologist deal with both urinary tract problems and male genital problems? The male reproductive system shares structures with the urinary system
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the root prostat/o? ALL are true: It is an organ that surrounds the urethra, It breaks into pro (before) + state (stand), It is an organ in the male reproductive tract, It got its name because of its position in front of the urinary bladder.
Which is NOT a root used to refer to the testicle? balan/o : this means penis
orchid/o test/o orch/o orchi/o testicles
Which medical term means "involuntary urination"? Enuresis
Which medical term describes a persistent and painful erection? Priapism
Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term ureteropyelonephritis into its component parts? uretero/pyelo/nephr/itis
Build a medical term that means "renal pelvis disease." Pyelopathy
Translate the medical term vesicotomy. Incision into the bladder
Build a medical term that means "surgical removal a kidney and ureter." Nephroureterectomy
Which root is used for the external genital organs of a female? vulv/o
Which root refers to the innermost membrane covering the fetus? amni/o
Which root means "give birth" and focuses on the mother? part/o
Translate the root episi/o. vulva
Which term is also known as colpitis? vaginitis
Which term is characterized by pain during sexual intercourse? dyspareunia
Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term oligohydramnios? oligo (few) +hydr (water) + amnios (amnion) = not enough amniotic fluid
Which term refers to a disorder in which the placenta separates form the uterine wall before the birth of the fetus? abruptio placentae
Which medical term means "inflammation of the perimetrium (tissue on the outside of the uterus; the outer layer of the uterus)"? Perimetritis
how is ischemia pronouced? ih-skee
pyosalpinx blockage in fallopian tube due to pus
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia abnormal growth of cervical cells
teratoma ovarian cyst that has other stuff in it like teeth or bone
toc labor
nat birth
ren/o nephr/o kidney
Which of the following statements is NOT true about the root glomerul/o? it is a basic working unit of the kidney. The basic working unit of the kidney is called the nephron.
What is true about glomerul/o It comes from the Latin word meaning little ball, it is part of the urinary system, t refers to the cluster of small blood vessels inside the kidney, The glomerulus serves as the primary place for filtering the blood to form urine.
Translate the medical term nephrohypertrophy as literally as possible. "Kidney over nourishment condition" overdevelopment of the kidney
Build a medical term that means "downward displacement of the bladder." Cystoptosis
KUB kidneys, ureters and bladder
gyn/o gynec/o woman
metr/o hyster/o uter/o uterus
oophor/o ovari/o ovary
salping/o fallopian tube
The terms teratogenic and teratology both deal with: birth defects
meat/o opening; comes from a word meaning to go through and usually refers to the opening of the urethra
epididym/o organ that sits on top of each testicle; the place where sperm cells complete their final level of development and are stored
pyel/o series of tubes that funnel urine out of the kidneys, into the ureters, and on to the bladder
UA urine analysis
DRE examination of prostate w/ finger (digit)
HD procedure to remove waste from blood
PKD disease characterized by the formation of many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys
BUN nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea; it is the product of the breakdown of amino acids for energy
RP image of the renal pelvis produced by injecting a contrast dye from the bladder to the kidney
SUI loss of bladder control caused by the application of external pressure
VUR abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters
CS C-section delivery of a baby through an incision made in the uterus
Cx opening between the uterus and the vagina
CPD condition characterized by the inability of the mother’s pelvis to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal
TVS transvaginal sonography -imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina
G pregnant
TAH surgical removal of the uterus through an incision in the abdomen; usually includes the removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes
VH vaginal Historectomy- surgical removal of the uterus through an incision in the vagina
BSO surgical removal of both of the ovaries and adjacent fallopian tubes; often performed as part of a total abdominal hysterectomy
SHG procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus
ur/o urin/o urine
lith/o stone
incontinence inability to control urination
nocturia nighttime urination
oliguria low urine output
albumin protein
albuminuria protein in urine
azot nitrogen
azotemia excess nitrogen in blood
dipso thirst
dipsogenic creating thirst
kal potassium
hyperkalemia excessive potassium in the blood
hyponatremia low sodium in blood
nat sodium
meatal stenosis narrowing of the opening of the urethra
azoospermia condition of no living sperm
cryptorchidism hidden testicle
hypospadias birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis
phimosis contraction of the foreskin of the penis, preventing it from being retracted
vas deferens vessel carrying sperm from the testicles
diuretic agent that causes urination
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) breakdown of kidney stones using sound waves generated outside the body
fulguration use of electric current to destroy tissue
hemi half (think hemisphere)
intracorporeal lithotripsy breakdown of kidney stones using a device placed inside the body
laparonephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen
HSV herpes simplex virus
-cyesis pregnancy
chori/o chorion/o chorion
fet fetus
part/o nat/o birth
-cele hernia
amastia absence of a breast
cervical dysplasia bad formation of cervical cells
hematosalpinx/hydrosalpinx blockage of the fallopian but caused by blood / water
menarche beginning of or fist menstruation
myometrium middle layer of uterine muscle tissue
bradytocia slow labor
macrosomia baby with large body
teratogenic causing of birth defects
cardiotocograph instrument for recording the baby’s heart rate during contractions; also known as a fetal heart monitor
pelvicephalometry procedure for measuring the head size of the baby and the pelvis size of the mother
rectocele hernia or protrusion of the rectum into the vagina
placenta previa condition in which the placenta is attached to the uterus near the cervix
pseudocyesis false pregnancy
choledoch common bile duct
Created by: ciqbal
Popular Medical sets




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