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lec 3

vi sinh

Flagella Rope - like Composed flagellin
Functions of antibodies Blocking the pathogen Recruiting or helping other cells that will kill the pathogen
Bac Cell membrane has Phos pholipid bilager No sterols
Fimbriae hair like work as adhesins
Bac structure has Genetic elements: Chromosome, Plasmids, Transposable elements Ribosomes Protein
Chromosomes contain genes (Double - stranded) Proka: One single circular Euka: Have multiple
The basic bac shape Coccus (tròn) Bacillus (que) Curved (liềm, cung) Spiral (quăn)
Plasmids replicate separately from chromosome Are circular double stranded DNA Can transferred to another bacterium
Aerobic metabolism Utilizing oxygen
Anaerobic metabolism Without utilizing oxygen
Transposeble elements Segments of DNA that can move to other site on a DNA have in both proka and Euka
Transposeble elements types Insertion sequences Transposons
To avoid toxic of oxi need ez Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase, Peroxidase
Insertion sequences Very simple, only genetic information required for them to move
Obligated aerobe Growth with oxi Needed oxi
Transposons Larger, Contain other genes
Obligated anaerobe Growth without oxi Oxi is toxic
Facultative anearobe can grow with or without oxygen utilized if available
Transposeons may moving by Cut themselves to another Location Replicate prior (cắt nhỏ) to move Jump to a plasmid then transferred to another Bac
Bac wall Made of peptidoglycan (mucopeptid)
Microaerophilic aerobe need low of O2 (~2%-10%)
Gram + Thick peptidoglycan layer Narrow periplusonce space Has: Teichoic acid Don't have outer membrane Toxins: Exotoxins High permeability (tính thấm)
aerotolerant anaerobe do not utilize oxygen but can survive and grow in oxi
Gram - Bilayer Thin peptidoglycan layer Wide periplusonce space Has: Lipopolysaccharide, Lipoprotein Have outer membrane Toxins: Exotoxins and edotoxins Low permeability (tính thấm)
Cell division in bac usually occurs by Binary fission
two type of teichoic acids Wall teichoic acids Lipoteichoic acids has fatty acids
binary fission A process in which one cell divides to form two daughter cells
teichoic acids function For cell wall maintenance ( duy trì thành tế bào) during cell division and adheston
Endospores are produced in response to environmental, metabolic and cell cycle Signals NOT metabolically active
Porins special channels for transporting chemical compounds
Bac endospore is A single one forms inside Bao in response to non favorable conditions For Surviving
Fungal spores Produced in great numbers For reproduction
Lipopolysaccharide include Lipid A ( endotoxin) Polysaccharide
Extracellular bac Do not survive inside host cell Can live in extracellular environment Are most Bac
Polysaccharide has two components Core: species of Bac O - antigen
Three group of Bac Extracellular Facultative intracellular Obligate intracellular
O antigen Long linear polysaccharide of 50-100 repeating units of 4 to 7 sugars per unit
Facultative intracellular Bac Can invade host cell Can live in extracellular environment
Lipoproteins Cross-link the outer mem and peptidoglycan
Obligate intracellular Bac Need to invade host cell Can not live in extracellular environment
Glucocalyx Coating of macromolecules, protect cell and help adhere to environments
A brofilm is a community of microbes In a sticky matrix attached to a surface (có chất kết dính ở bề mặt)
Based on chemical composition Glucocalyx has 2 type Slime layer: loose shield Capsule: Thicker, sticky gummy consistency
A major viruleace factor Capsule type of Glucocalyx
Bac within a biofilm cooperate with each other
biofilms are ____________ to antibiotics very resistant
The capsule virulence because protects bacteria Can work as an adhesin
Created by: huy12345
Popular Medical sets




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