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lec 5

vi sinh

Staphy lococcus Grape-like: Single, pairs, short chain Non- flagellate (non- motile)
Catalase + Staphylococcus (tụ cầu khuẩn)
Catalase - Streptococcus (liên cầu khuẩn) Enterococcus (nhiễm khuẩn đường ruột
S. aureus is the most virulent species
Coagulase + S. aureus
Coagulase - (CoNS) S. epidermides S. saprophyticus
Normal flora (mainly CoNS) can found on human skin and mucosal (niêm mạc) surfaces
S. aureas can found in hospital workers
Facultative anaerobic Staphylococcus Streptococcus
S. pyogenes Large Beta - hemolysis Lancefield antigen A
S. agalactiae Large Beta - hemolysis Lancefield antigen B
S. pneumoniae Large Alpha - hemolysis
S. viridans Small Alpha - hemolysis Differ type of lancefield antigen
S. aureus structural Adhesins Protein A Glycocalyx
Glycocalyx in staphylococci Many contain polysaccharide capsule Some have slime
S. aureas toxins Cytolytic toxin Exfoliative Toxin Superantigen toxin Enzymes
Panton-Valentine leakocidin (PVL) can cause very severe cutandous infection (nhiễm trùng da) and necrotizing (hoại tử) pneumonia
Exfoliative Toxin is Produced by S. aureus cause epidermal layer of the skin to slough off
SSSS Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome caused by Exfoliative Toxin of S. aureus Mainly in newborns
Superantigen toxin are Produced by S. aureus Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 Enterotoxins
Enterotoxins cause food poisoning
S.viridans is most common causes Endocarditis
Streptococcus Bac that Low virulent is s. viridans group
S. mitis group related with endocarditis in native valves
S. mutans group related with dental caries (sâu răng)
S. anginosus group related with Pharyngitis
S. bovis gruop related with gastrointestinal carcinomia (cancer)
S. suis Most Cases in Southeast Asia Cause Bacteria and Meningitis
S. pneumoniae most common cause Pneumonia, meningitis and otitis media (viêm tai giữa)
Risk factors of S.suis contact with sick pig consumption of uncooked pork products
Otitis media is primarily seen in young children
Enterococcus is lancefield antigen D part of normal flora of the intestine
Enterococcus clinical disease UTI is most common Abdominal Bacteremia Endocarditis
Enterococcus treatment ampicillin some beta-lactams with aminoglycosides
Cytolytic toxin are Produced by S. aureus Alpha (most important), Beta, Gamma Panton-Valentine leakocidin
Diseases caused by S. aureus 1. Skin disease: Folliculitis 2. Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 3. Impetigo 4. Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 5. Bacteremia 6. Endocarditis 7. Pneumonia 8. Food poisoning
S. pyogenes also cause ______________ same with S. aureus Impetigo
Coagulase - Staphylococcus (CoNS) are normal flora of the skin
CoNS virulence factor Adhesins produce slime Biofilms produce toxin
The most common CoNS S. epidermidis
CoNS cause urinary tract infections S. saprophyticus
CoNS more virulent than other S. lugdunensis
Streptococcus Pairs Or chains Some have capsule
Classify Streptococcus Hemolysis Lancefield antigen Colony morphology: large or small
Virulence factor of S. pyogenes M protein Adhesins Cytotoxin Streptococcal Superantigen Toxin Streptokinases
M protein Major virulence factor of S. pyogenes
S. pyogenes transmission Direct P → P Droplets: from coughs or sneeze
S. pyogenes clinical diseases caused by invasion Pharyngitis Impetigo Cellulitis and elysipelas (Viêm mô tb và ban đỏ) Necrotizing fascitis (viêm cân hoại tử)
S. pyogenes clinical diseases caused by toxins Scarlet fever Streptoco ccus toxic shock syndrome (STSS)
Scarlet Jever Rash Complication of a previous streptococcal pharyngitis Biến chứng của viêm họng do liên cầu Khuẩn
All S. pyogenes and S. agalactiae are susceptible to Penicillin (especially Pharyngitis)
S. agalactiae has in Female genital tract Lower gastrointestinal tract
Bacteremia and Meningitis pathogen in newborns Cause by S. agalactiae
S. agalactiae virulence factors Polysaccharide capsule Adhesins Toxin and Enzymes
S. agalactiae causes clinical disease in pregnant women Endometritis UTI
vertical transmission from parent to child
S. viridans group founded in Oral and upper respiratory tract Female genital tract Gastrointestinal tract
Streptococcus not use Lancefield antigen to classification S. viridans group
Diphtheriae is a very severe disease, found in children
Diphtheric toxin (DT) is a potent inhibitor (chất ức chế) of protein synthesis enter bloodstream make systemic disease
Diphtheria transmitted by Respiratory droplets Hand-to-mouth contact Skin contact (uncommon)
Respiratory diphtheria is The most common site of infection is the tonsils or pharynx
Systemic disease are Myocarditis: Most patients with diphtheria, It is severe: may cause death Neuropathy
Corynebacterium diphtheriae does not invade the bloodstream
Corynebacterium diphtheriae treatment Antimicrobial: penicillin , erythromycin
Corynebacterium diphtheriae prevention The toxoid, it is used in vaccination against the disease
Listeria monocytogenes cause disease in Newborns Elderly Pregnant women Immunocompromised
Listeria monocytogenes transmission By the oral route: Food-borne disease Vertical transmission: Transplacentally or at birth
Neonatal disease is Early-onset disease: Acquired transplacentally in utero Late-onset disease: Acquired at or soon after birth
Late-onset disease is Meningitis
Disease in pregnant women influenza-like symptoms Risk of vertical transmission: Neonatal risk (Nguy cơ sơ sinh)
Disease in Healthy adults influenza-like illness gastroenteritis
Listeria monocytogenes Antimicrobial treatment Combination of ampicillin with gentamicin
Anthrax transmission Zoonosis: Inoculation (cấy skin), Inhalation, Ingestion (nuốt_ -Animal to human -Person to person
Cutaneous anthrax Wounds contaminated with anthrax spores Eschar or black eschar Painless Mortality )tử vong) ~20% if untreated
Gastrointestinal anthrax ingestion of spores Mortality is very high: ~100%
Inhalation (pulmonary) anthrax Spores are inhaled Very severe: Very high mortality rate
Bacillus anthracis treatment Combination therapy of Ciprofloxacin or doxycycline
Created by: huy12345
Popular Medical sets




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