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lec 6

vi sinh

M. tuberculosis complex and M. leprae - They are unable to replicate in the environment - They are found only in humans (and other warmblooded animals)
NTM - Free-living saprophytic (hoại sinh) environmental - Some may be found in humans
Mycobacterium tuberculosis have • Slim, slightly curved or straight (*) • Non-motile • High lipid content in the cell wall - Acid-fast positive • Obligate aerobic
M. leprae does not grow in vitro
Special Gram-positive bacilli: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Three groups - M. tuberculosis complex - M. leprae - "Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)"
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cell wall structure High content of lipids form a coat that makes them hard, impermeable (không thấm), and hydrophobic (kỵ nước) >> Acid fastness - Mycolic acids - Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) - Other glycolipids
Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Is a chronic granulomatous disease High mortality rate in untreated disease TB Person-to-person transmission
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex are - M. tuberculosis • The most common and important • Only found in humans - M. bovis (trực khuẩn lao bò) - M. africanum • Found in Africa
one of the most common communicable diseases in Viet Nam Tuberculosis
Latent TB Infection Inactive, bacteria are under control in the body TST or IGRA results positive Chest x-ray usually normal Sputum smears and cultures negative No symptoms Not contagious (truyền nhiễm) Not a case of TB
TB Pulmonary Active Disease Active, multiplying bacteria in the body TST or IGRA results positive Chest x-ray usually abnormal Sputum smears and cultures may be positive Symptoms: cough, fever, weight loss Often contagious before treatment A case of TB
Risk factors of TB - HIV co-infection (đồng nhiễm) is the most important Age: Highest during late adolescence and early adulthood - Also in the elderly
Tuberculosis is require a Th1 cellular immune response for their contro
Immunological tests are used for the diagnosis of latent infection
The purpose of testing for latent tuberculosis infection is To identify individuals who are at increased risk for the development of tuberculosis disease
Tuberculin skin test (TST) Using "tuberculin purified protein derivative" (PPD) A positive PPD skin test only means past exposure (đã từng tiếp xúc) to MTB • It cannot differentiate between latent or active disease
TST Disadvantages • False positives - Infections with another mycobacterial species - Prior BCG vaccination • False negatives - Patients with severe disseminated disease - Immunosuppressed
BCG vaccination is a live strain of M. bovis developed by Calmette and Guérin in 1921 is the most widely administered vaccine in the world Benefits • Lower risk of TB meningitis and disseminated disease in children • Better in small children than older children and a
Anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli: Clostridium • Large Gram-positive bacilli • Obligately anaerobic (some are aerotolerant anaerobes) • Spore-forming, similar to Bacillus - Endospore form - Vegetative form survive in the environment as endospores Virulence is caused by the production of potent e
Clostridium perfringens - Environment • Soil, water - Intestinal tract of humans and animals • They produced many different potent exotoxins
Clostridium perfringens Diseases • Soft-tissue infections - Cellulitis - Muscles infections • Without necrosis: Suppurative myositis • With necrosis: Myonecrosis (Gas gangrene) - Painful - Systemic spread - High mortality
Clostridium perfringens Diseases • Enteric infections - Food poisoning: Mild watery diarrhea - Necrotizing enteritis • Rare but severe • Necrosis of jejunum: Abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, ..
Severe C. difficile disease following antibiotic exposure in an immunocompromised patient 60-year-old man - Who received a transplanted liver 5 years ago • He is admitted to hospital admission for evaluation of abdominal pain and severe diarrhea • Three weeks prior to admission he received a 10-day course of oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol
Clostridium difficile is the most common cause of antimicrobial-related diarrhea Acquired by the fecal-oral route
Clostridium difficile Virulence Host factors: Normal flora Bacterial factors: Two potent exotoxins
Clostridium botulinum The cause of botulism Ubiquitous - Vegetables, fruits, seafood, soil and marine (biển)
Botulinum toxin - The most potent bacterial toxin, and perhaps the most potent known poison - It causes flaccid paralysis (gây tê liệt)
Food-borne botulism Home canned foods Intoxication by ingestion of food contaminated by preformed botulinum toxin
Clostridium botulinum Treatment Antitoxin Antimicrobials: Penicillin G
Clostridium tetani (uốn ván) The cause of tetanus Toxins - Tetanospasmin ('tetanus toxin') • The most important virulence factor
Clostridium tetani Pathogenesis. Inoculation of spores through damaged skin > Vegetative form > Production of tetanospasmin Absorption of the toxin (hấp thụ độc tố) > Retrograde axonal transport (vận chuyển ngược)> Spinal cord and brainstem
"A" subunit is toxic - It inhibits the release of the inhibitory neurotransmitters (ức chế sự giải phóng các chất dẫn truyền thần kinh) (Glycine and GABA) > Excitation of motor neurons (tb thần kinh kích thích vận động) > It causes spastic paralysis (gây tê liệt)
Generalized Tetanus The most common The most severe Cause: - Stiff neck - 'Risus sardonicus' (sardonic smile) - Rigid abdomen
Localized Tetanus Rare Many times will become generalized tetanus Tonic and spastic muscle contractions (co thắt cơ bắp) in one extremity or body region
Neonata Tetanus Failure in asepsis (vô trùng) in managing the umbilical stump (cuống rốn) if mothers are not well immunized
Previous doses of Tetanus vaccine for Clean, minor wound <3 (doses): Vaccination NOT use HTIG >=3: Vaccination only if last dose given >=10 years
Previous doses of Tetanus vaccine for All other wounds <3 (doses): Vaccination & HTIG >=3: Vaccination only if last dose given >=5 years
Created by: huy12345
Popular Medical sets




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