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Flash card 1& 2
Question | Answer |
Gen/o | Creation, cause |
Hydr/o | Water |
Morph/o | Change |
Myc/o | Fungus |
Necr/o | Death |
Orth/o | Straight |
Path/o | Suffering, disease |
Phag/o | Eat |
Plas/o | Formation |
Py/o | Pus |
Scler/o | Hard |
Sten/o | Narrowing |
Troph/o | Nourishment, development |
Xen/o | Foreign |
Xer/o | Dry |
-ac | Pertaining to |
-tic | Pertaining to |
-ia -ism | Condition |
-ium | Tissue, structure |
-y | Condition, proceudre |
-icle | Small |
-iatric | Medical science |
-iatrist | Specialist in medicine of |
-ist | Special |
-logist | Specialist in the study of |
-logy | Study of |
-algia | Pain |
-cele | Hernia |
-emia | Blood condition |
-iasis | Presence of |
-itis | Inflammation |
-lysis | Loosen, breakdown |
-malacia | Abnormal softening |
-megaly | Enlargement |
-oid | resembling |
-oma | tumor |
-osis | condition |
-pathy | disease |
-penia | deficiency |
-ptosis | drooping |
-rrhage | excessive flow |
-rrhea | flow |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-spasm | involuntary contractions |
-centesis | punture |
-gram | written records |
-graph | instrument used to produce a record |
-graphy | process of recording |
-meter | instrument used to measure |
-metry | process of measuring |
-scope | instrument used to look |
-scopy | process of looking |
-desis | binding, fixation |
-ectomy | removal |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
-plasty | reconstruction |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-stomy | creation of an opening |
-tomy | incision |
-a | -ae pronouncing |
-ax | -aces pronounce |
-ex | Pronounced -ices |
-ix | pronounced -ices |
-is | pronounced -es |
-ma | Pronounced -mata |
-on | pronounced-a |
-um | -a |
-us | -i |
-y | -ies |
a- ay- | not |
anti | against |
de- | down, away from |
ante- | before |
pre- | before |
pro- | before, on behalf of |
brady- | slow |
tachy- | fast |
post- | after |
re- | again |
ab- | away |
ad- | toward |
circum- | around |
peri- | around |
dia- | through |
trans- | through |
e-/ eh-/ ec-/ ex- | out |
ecto-/ exo-/ extra- | outside |
en-/ endo-/ extra- | in, inside |
epi- | upon |
sub- | beneath |
inter- | between |
bi- | two |
hemi-/ semi- | half |
hyper- | over |
hypo- | under |
macro- | large |
micro- | small |
mono-/ uni- | one |
oligo- | few |
pan- | all |
poly-/ multi- | many |
con-/ sym-/ syn- | with, together |
dys- | bad |
eu- | good |