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Mohammed/Chapter 5

cerebr/o brain
encephal/o brain
cerebropathy – disease of the cerebrum
cerebrospinal pertaining to the brain and spinal cord
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalogram – record of the brain
cerebellar pertaining to the cerebellum
cerebellitis inflammation of the cerebelllum
lob/o lobe.
lobotomy incision into a lobe
lobectomy – removal of a lobe
cephal/o head.
microcephaly abnormally small head
macrocephaly abnormally large head
crani/oi head or skull.
craniometer – device to measure the skull
craniomalacia softening of the skull
mening/o, meninges.
, meningi/o meninges.
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
meningopathy disease of the meninges
dur/o dura.
epidural pertaining to above the dura
subdural hematoma a collection of blood in the space below the dura
neur/o nerve.
neuralgia – nerve pain
neuropathy nerve disease
gangli/o nerve bundle.
ganglion pertaining to a nerve bundle
ganglitis inflammation of a ganglion
myel/o spinal cord, or bone marrow.
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myelodysplasia defective formation of the spinal cord
esthesi/o feeling or sensation.
anesthesia lack of sensation
hyperesthesia increased sensitivity to stimuli
phas/o speech.
aphasia lack of speech
phren/o, mind.
psych/o mind.
phrenetic pertaining to the mind
psychology study of the mind
somn/o, sleep.
somn/i, sleep.
hypn/o sleep.
somnography process of recording sleep
insomnia inability to sleep
hypnosis condition of sleep
gnosi/o knowledge.
agnosia lack of knowledge
atopgnosis inability to locate a sensation
diagnosis what the health care professional thinks a patient has
prognosis the chances for things getting better or worse
mania excessive desire.
pyromania desire to set fire
kleptomania desire to steal
-phobia excessive fear.
photophobia fear of the light; also defined as hypersensitivity to light
hydrophobia fear of water
neuroglycopenia low blood sugar that interferes with normal brain activity
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye movements
psychosomatic pertaining to relationship of the body and the mind
CNS – central nervous system k
CSF – cerebrospinal fluid
PNS – peripheral nervous system
MS – multiple sclerosis
TIA – transient ischemic attac
EEG – electroencephalogram EMG –
EMG – electromyogram
ICP – intracranial pressure
LOC – level of consciousness
LP – lumbar puncture
PET – positron emission tomography
SRS – stereotactic radiosurg MRA – magnetic resonance angiography ery
stereotactic radiosurg
MRA – magnetic resonance angiography ery
ADHD – attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder
ALS – amytrophic lateral sclerosis
CP – cerebral palsy
CVA – cerebrovascular accident
HD – Huntington's disease
endartectomy operation to remove or bypass the fatty deposit.
causalgia a burning pain often associated with trophic changes in hand or foot, caused by peripheral nerve injury
interictal interval between seizers or convulsions
postictal following seizers
dyslexia a learning disorder characterized by problem in processing words into meaningful information,
syncope sudden loss of cnsciousness.
anosmia lack of the sense of smell.
catatonia a condition marked by changes in muscle tone.
dementia a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living.
delirium a state of mental confusion that develops quickly and usually fluctuates in intensity.
Created by: NuhaMohammed2
Popular Medical sets




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