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Chapter 1 & 2 - Bell

Ch. 1: Intro to Medical Language; Ch. 2: Intro to Health Records - Bell

Gen/o Creation, cause
Hydr/o Water
Morph/o Change
Myc/o Fungus
Necr/o Death
Orth/o Straight
Path/o Suffering, disease
Phag/o Eat
Plas/o Formation
Py/o Pus
Scler/o Hard
Sten/o Narrowing
Troph/o Nourishment, development
Xen/o Foreign
Xer/o Dry
-ac Pertaining to
-al Pertaining to
-ar Pertaining to
-ary Pertaining to
-eal Pertaining to
-ic Pertaining to
-tic Pertaining to
-ous Pertaining to
-ia Condition
-ism Condition
-ium Tissue, structure
-y Condition, procedure
-icle Small
-ole Small
-ule Small
-ula Small
-iatrics Medical science
-iatry Medical science
-iatrist Specialist in medicine of
-ist Specialist
-logist Specialist in the study of
-logy Study of
-algia Pain
-dynia Pain
-cele Hernia (A bulging of tissue into an area where it doesn’t belong)
-emia Blood condition
-iasis Presence of
-itis Inflammation
-lysis Loosen, break down
-malacia Abnormal softening
-megaly Enlargement
-oid Resembling
-oma Tumor
-osis Condition
-pathy Disease
-penia Deficiency
-ptosis Drooping
-rrhage Excessive flow
-rrhagia Excessive flow
-rrhea Flow
-rrhexis Rupture
-spasm Involuntary contraction
-centesis Puncture
-gram Written record
-graph Instrument used to produce a record
-graphy Process of recording
-meter Instrument used to measure
-metry Process of measuring
-scope Instrument used to look
-scopy Process of looking
-desis Binding, fixation
-ectomy Removal
-pexy Surgical fixation
-plasty Reconstruction
-rrhaphy Suture
-stomy Creation of an opening
-tomy Incision
Singular -a Plural -ae
Singular -ax Plural -aces
Singular -ex Plural -ices
Singular -ix Plural -ices
Singular -is Plural -es
Singular -ma Plural -mata
Singular -on Plural -a
Singular -um Plural -a
Singular -us Plural -i
Singular -y Plural -ies
a- Not
-an Not
anti- Against
contra- Against
de- Down, away from
ante- Before
pre- Before
pro- Before, on behalf of
brady- Slow
tachy- Fast
post- After
re- Again
ab- Away
ad- Toward
circum- Around
peri- Around
dia- Through
trans- Through
e- Out
ec- Out
ex- Out
ecto- Outside
exo- Outside
extra- Outside
en- In, inside
endo- In, inside
intra- In, inside
epi- Upon
sub- Beneath
inter- Between
bi- Two
hemi- Half
semi- Half
hyper- Over
hypo- Under
macro- Large
micro- Small
mono- One
uni- One
oligo- Few
pan- All
poly- Many
multi- Many
con- With, together
syn- With, together
sym- With, together
dys- Bad
eu- Good
Combining vowels are used to: -joining a root to any suffix beginning with a consonant -join two root words together -joint two roots together even when the second root begins with a vowel
Do not use combining vowels when: The suffix begins with a vowel
Impression Another way of saying assessment
Diagnosis What the health care professional thinks the patient has
Differential diagnosis A list of conditions the patient may have based on the symptoms exhibited and the results of the exam
Etiology The cause
Benign Safe
Remission To get better or improve; most often used when discussing cancer
Morbidity The risk for being sick
Mortality The risk for dying
Prognosis The chances for things getting better or worse
Localized Stays in a certain part of the body
Pathogen The organism that causes the problem
Lesion Diseased tissue
Sequelae A problem resulting from a disease or injury
Disposition What happened to the patient at the end of the visit; often used at the end of ED notes to reference where the patient went after the visit (home, the ICU, normal hospital bed)
Observation Watch, keep an eye on
Reassurance To tell the patient that the problem is not serious or dangerous
Supportive care To treat the symptom and make the patient feel better
Palliative Treating the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause
Distal Farther away from the center
Proximal Closer to the center
Superior Above
Inferior Below
Anterior The front
Posterior The back
Midline The middle
Ventral The front
Dorsal The back
Medial Towards the middle
Lateral Out to the side
Supine Lying down on back
Prone Lying down on belly
Right hemisphere Of the brain, controls the left hand when on the left side
Left hemisphere Of the brain, controls the right hand when on the right side
Contralateral control Control of the opposite side
Ipsilateral and contralateral control Control of the same side and control of the opposite side
Unilateral One side
Bilateral Both sides
Dorsum The top of the hand or foot
Palmar/plantar The palm of the hand/the sole of the foot
Transverse plane Divides the body from top to bottom
Coronal plane Divides the body into slices from front to back
Sagittal plane Divided the body in slices right to left
Pre-op Before surgery
OR Operating room
Post-op After surgery
ICU Intensive care unit
CCU Coronary care unit
SICU Surgical intensive care unit
PICU Pediatric intensive care unit
NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
ER Emergency room
ED Emergency department
ECU Emergency care unit
L&D Labor & delivery
(R) Right
(L) Left
(B) Bilateral (both sides)
⬆️ Increased
⬇️ Decreased
VS Vital signs
HR Heart rate
RR Respiratory rate
BP Blood pressure
T Temperature
I/O Intake/output: the amount of fluids a patient has taken in (by IV or mouth) and produced (usually just urine output)
Dx Diagnosis
DDx Differential diagnosis
Tx Treatment
Rx Prescription
Hx History
PMHx Past medical history
FHx Family history
H&P History & physical
CC Chief complaint (the main reason for the visit)
HPI History of present illness (the story of the symptoms)
ROS Review of systems (anything else not directly related to the chief complaint)
PE Physical exam
PCP Primary care provider
PERRLA Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
NOS Not otherwise specified
RRR Regular rate and rhythm
CTA Clear to auscultation
A&O Alert & oriented
NAD No acute distress
PO Per os (by mouth)
IV Intraveneous
SC Subcutaneous
CVL Central venous line
IM Intramuscular
PR Per rectum (anal)
NPO Nil per os (nothing by mouth)
prn As needed, from the latin term per re nata, as the need arises
QID Four times daily from latin quater in die, four in a day
QD Daily, from latin quaque die, each day
AC Before meals, from latin ante cibum, before food
TID Three times daily, from latin ter in die, three in a day
BID Twice daily, from latin bis in die, two in a day
PC After meals, from later post cibum, after food
QHS At night, from latin quaque hora somni, each night at the hour of sleep
SOAP Subjective- the problem in the patient’s own words Objective- physical exam, laboratory findings, imaging studies performed at visit Assessment- logical analysis; diagnosis, or differential diagnosis Plan- a course of action consistent with assessment
Symptom Something a patient feels
Noncontributory Not related to this specific problem
Acute Started recently or a sharp, severe symptom
Abrupt All of a sudden
Progressive More and more each day
Febrile To have a fever
Alert Able to answer questions; responsive; interactive
Auscultation To listen
Palpation To feel
Marked Really stands out
Oriented being aware of who he or she is, where he or she is, and the current time; a patient who is aware of all three is “________ × 3”
Unremarkable Normal
Percussion to hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the resulting vibration; drums are a percussion instrument
Idiopathic No known cause; it just happens
Malignant Dangerous; a problem
Systemic/generalized All over the body (or most of it)
Chronic It has been going on for a while now
Exacerbation It is getting worse
Afebrile To not have a fever
Created by: akibel6854
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