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Med Terms-Week 6
Term | Definition |
A- or An- | No, Not or Without |
Ad- | Toward |
Circum- | Around |
Poly- | Many |
Ab- | Away from |
Amphi- | On both sides |
Di- or Dia- | Complete |
Sym- or Syn- | Together |
–gram | Record |
–graphy | Process of recording |
–graph | Instrument used for recording |
–scope | Instrument used for visual examination |
–scopy | Process of visually examining |
–sthenia | Strength |
–rrhaphy | Suture |
–trophy | Development or Nourishment |
Burs/o | Bursa |
Duct/o | Carry or To lead |
Maxill/o | Upper jaw |
Myocardi/o | Heart muscle |
Brachi/o | Arm |
Dactyl/o | Fingers or Toes |
Synovi/o | Synovia or Synovial Membrane |
My/o | Muscle |
Sarc/o | Flesh |
Thorac/o | Chest |