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Ch10 CSA

Medical Terminology - Chapter 10 Creative Study Assignment (StaceyLaBranche)

Expectorant A drug that increases bronchial secretion and promotes coughing them out
Bronchodilator A drug that dilates the muscular walls of the bronchi
Antihistamine A drug that neutralizes or inhibits the effect of histamine
Anticoagulant A drug that dissolves or prevents the formation of thrombi or emboli in the blood vessels
Antibiotic A drug that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
Mechanical ventilation Mechanical breathing using a ventilator
Tracheostomy An operation to make an opening into the trachea, usually to insert a tube
Tracheotomy Incision into the trachea
Tonsillectomy Removal of the tonsils
Thoracotomy Incision into the chest
Thoracostomy Surgical opening in the chest, usually to insert a tube
Thoracoplasty Repair of the chest involving fixation of the ribs
Thoracentesis Puncture for aspiration of the chest (plural cavity)
Pneumonectomy Removal of an entire lung
Nasal Polypectomy Removal of a nasal polyp
Lobectomy Removal of a lobe of a lung
Adenoidectomy An operation to remove adenoid tissue from the nasopharynx
Pulmonary Angiography X-Ray imaging of the blood vessels of the lungs after the injection of contrast dye
Radiology X-Ray imaging
Vital Capacity Amount of air exhaled after a maximal inspiration
Tidal Volume Amount of air exhaled after a normal inspiration
Spirometry Direct measurement of lung volume and capacity
Magnetic resonance Imaging Non-ionizing image of the lung to visualize lung lesions
Lung Biopsy Removal of a small piece of lung tissue for pathologic examination
Examination Methods Techniques used during physical examination to objectively evaluate the respiratory system
Bronchoscopy Use of a flexible endoscope (bronchoscope) to examine the airways
Endoscopy Examination inside a body cavity with a flexible endoscope for diagnostic or treatment purposes
Tonsillitis Acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils
Sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses
Pulmonary Embolism Occlusion in the pulmonary circulation, most often caused by a blood clot
Pneumohemothorax Air and blood in the pleural cavity
Pneumothorax Air in the pleural cavity caused by a puncture of the lung or chest wall
Pneumonia Inflammation in the lung resulting from infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites or from aspiration of chemicals
Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura
Hemothorax Blood in the pleural cavity
Created by: StaceyLaBranche
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