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Ch. 4 Body Structure

HIT 120 Medical Terminology

What is the study of tissues ? Histology
The lungs are contained in which body cavity ? Thoracic
Name the combining forms for the following colors: red, black, and blue... erythr/o- red, melan/o-black, cyan/o-blue
Superficial is to external as deep is to... internal
The word root somat/o means ... body
Removal of a sample of tissue, or bone marrow us known as what type of procedure ...? biopsy
The suffix gnosis means.. knowing
Define the term pericardial around the heart
Establishing the cause and nature of a disease known as a ... diagnosis
The lungs are positioned bilaterally in the chest. The term bilateral refers to...? Both sides
Etiology is The study of the cause or origin of a disease
The opposite of the directional term plantar is ..? palmer
The cranial and spinal cavities are contained in which major body cavity? Dorsal cavity
The transverse plane divides the body into ...? Superior(upper) and inferior(lower) aspects
Describe the anatomical position Body is erect, facing forward, with arms at the side, palms out legs straight, and feet flat on the floor, toes pointing forward.
The results of x-rays, blood work, and medical procedures performed on a patient is known as ..? clinical findings
The pre-fix trans means ..? across, through
A______ is subjective and only experienced by the patient ... symptom
Define anastomosis surgical joining of two ducts, vessels or bowel segments
Cirrh/o, jaund/o, and xanth/o is what color? Yellow
Posterior or dorsal is ... towards the back
Bilateral pertains to... both sides
Combining form for green is... chlor/o
The clinical assessment technique where the physician uses fingers and hands to feel for masses, enlarged organs, tenderness, or pain is called... palpation
The combining forms for white are .. albin/o, leuk/o
The midsagittal plane divides the body into ... right and left halves
The lungs are contained in which body cavity ? thoracic
The opposite of proximal is .... distal
Pertaining to below the stomach hypogastric
DX stands for... diagnosis
The imaging procedure that uses a radioactive material, called a tracer, introduced into the body to produce an image is ... nuclear scan
A state of equilibrium in an internal environment is ... homeostasis
The dorsal cavity contains the ... cranial and spinal cavities
The ___ cavity contains the thoracic and abdomino/pelvic cavities ventral
Dr. Jone's progress note states that the patient's skin is cyanotic. The color of the skin is ... blue
The assessment technique were the physician uses tapping with fingers or hands to assess for presence or absence of fluid in the lungs or abdomen is called... percussion
The combining form for unknown or peculiar is ... idi/o
The prediction of the course of the disease and it's probable out come is .. prognosis
A____ is a specialist in the study of disease pathologist
Establishing the cause or nature of a disease is ... diagnosis
The coronal/frontal plane divides the body into .... anterior and posterior
Created by: Prof Clark
Popular Medical sets




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