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medical terminology

med terms

word root core component of many words.
prefix comes before a word root
suffix comes after a word root
aden gland
pancreat pancreas
thyr thyroid gland
hem, hemat blood
phleb vein
thromb clot
my muscle
oste bone
pod foot
sacr sacrum (lower backbone)
spondyl vertebra (backbone)
ten, tendin tendon
vertebr vertebra
arthr joint
brachi arm
cervic neck
chondr cartilage
cost rib
crani skull
dactyl finger, toe
fibr connective tissue
abdomin abdomen
an anus
appendic appendix
bil. chol bile, gall
col colon (large intestine)
dent teeth
enter intestines
esophag esophagus
gastr stomach
gingiv gums
gloss tongue
hepat liver
icter jaundice
ile ileum (small intestine)
lapar abdominal wall
lingu tongue
pepsia digestion
phag eating, swallowing
proct rectum
splen spleen
stomat mouth
andr men
colp vagina
cyst bladder
gravid pregnant
gynec woman
hyster uterus (womb)
mamm, mast breast
metr uterus
nephr kidney
ov ovum (egg)
oophor ovary
orchid testicles
prostat prostate gland
pyel pelvis of the kidney
ren renal (kidney)
salping fallopian tube
ureter ureters
ur urinary
vesic bladder
bronch bronchial
laryng larynx
nas nose
pleur pleura
pneum, pneumon lungs, air
pulmon lung
rhin nose
steth chest
thorac thorax (Chest)
trache trachea (airway, windpipe)
derm, dermat skin
hidr sweat
trich hair
onych nail
xer dry
angi blood vessel
ateri, arter artery
cardi heart
vas vessel
ven vein
blephar eyelid
cephal head
cerebr cerebrum (part of the brain)
encephal brain
esthesi sensation
irid, ir iris
mening, meningi membranes, meninges
myel spinal cord, bone marrow
neur nerve
ocul, ophtalm eye
ot ear
lip, adip fat
bio life
carcin cancer
cry cold
dors back portion of the body
gluc, glyc sugar
herni hernia
hist tissue
hydra water
lact milk
later side
lith stone
med,medi middle
narc numbness, stupor, sleep
necr death
onc tumor
path disease
ped child, foot
psych mind
pyo pus
pyr fever, heat
septic infection
therm heat
a-, an- without
ab- away, from
ad- toward
ambi- both
ante- before
anti- against
auto- self
bi- two, twice, double
brady- slow
circum- around
contra- against
de- down
dys- painful, abnormal, difficult, bad
endo- within, inside
epi- above, on
eu- normal, good
ex, extra, exo- outside of
hemi- half
hyper- above, excessive, increased
hypo- below, decreased, insufficient
infra- beneath
inter- between, among
intra- within, during
levo- to the left
macro- large
mal- bad
mega- exceptionally large
meso- middle
meta- over, beyond
micro- small
mono- one
multi- many
neo- new
nulli- none
peri- around
poly- many
post- after, behind
pre-, pro- before, in front of
presby- older age
primi- first
pseudo- false
quadri- four
retro- behind, in back of
sten narrowed
sub- under
super-, supra- above, excess
sym-, syn- together, with
tachy- fast
trans- across
tri- three
ultra- beyond, excess
uni- one
-age related to
-cidal, -cide pertaining to killing
-form shape
-fuge driving away
-iatry, iatrist healing by a provider, healer
-ical pertaining to
-ion process
-logy, -logist study of, one who studies
-ole little, small
-phylaxis protection, prevention
-pnea berathing
-therapy treatment
-uria urine
-centesis surgical puncture
-cise cut, remove
-clasis break down
-desis stabilization, binding
-ectomy removal, excision
-gram record
-graph instrument for recording
-ion process
-lepsy seizure, convulsion
-lysis destruction, separation
-meter device for measuring
-metry process of measuring
-pexy fixation, to put in place
-plasty surgical repair, reformation
-scopy visual examination
-spasm involuntary twitch, contraction
-stasis stopping or controlling
-stomy a new opening
-tomy incision
-tripsy crushing
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-cele swelling, herniation
-dynia pain
-ectasis dilation expansion
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood conditon
-gen producing
-ia, -ism condition
-iasis presence of, formation of
-itis inflammation
-malacia weakening of, softening of
-mania obsessive preoccupation
-megaly enlargement
-oid seeming like
-ole small
-oma tumor
-osis condition, usually abnormal
-pathy disorder, disease
-penia deficiency, decrease
-phagia eating, swallowing
-phobia fear
-plasia formation of
-plegia paralysis
-ptosis drooping, falling
-rrhage bursting forth
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-slerosis hardening condtion
-trophy development
Created by: elshalance
Popular Medical sets




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