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chemical compounds react and combine to form millions of cells, which are the basic units of life.
basic structural components of most human cells cell membrane, cytoplasm, nuclear membrane, and nucleus.
ribosome an organelle that contributes to protein synthesis, which is the building of proteins from their basic components, the amino acids. these support the protein chains as ribonucleic acid (RNA) builds them.
endoplasmic reticulum provides networks of passageways for moving various substances within the cytoplasm. where it has ribosomes on the surface area, it is the rough endoplasmic reticulum; otherwise, it is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
mitochondrion an organelle that gives the cells energy. cells might have one or more, depending on how much energy the particular cell needs to perform its specific functions.
lysosome the function of this within a cell is digestion
centriole a cylindrical-shaped organelle that plays a role in cell division, with each pair in the cell making sure to divide the chromosomes equally to the cells that result from the reproduction process.
cell membrane the thin outermost structure of human cells. selectively permeable which means that it lets some substances in and out but blocks the passage of others. in bacterial cells the cell membrane lies within the cell wall
cell wall outermost layer that maintains the shape and protects it. human cells do not have a cell wall but bacteria cells do. each bacterium has a cell wall that is either gram-positive or gram-negative which is important when providers are selecting medication.
antibiotic targets bacteria according to its cell-wall structure but does not damage human cells because they do not contain cell walls
nucleus round structure inside the cell at the center, largest organelle in a cell and controls the cell's functions. contains chromosomes, which are thread-like structures made of the person's DNA.
DNA a body's genetic information
nuclear membrane aka nuclear envelope is the structure that surrounds the nucleus. contains pores that allow larger compounds to move in and out of the cell's nucleus.
cytoplasm the inside of the cell that contains other organelles, such as the mitochondria, that perform the functions of the cells. components are water, proteins, ions, and nutrients.
Golgi apparatus synthesizes carbs and sorts the proteins the ribosome is supporting. also has some storage functions prior to preparing some substances for removal from the cells.
Peroxisome an organelle in the cytoplasm that contains enzymes
flagellum a tail-like appendage that allows the cell to move in a swimming-like motion. a sperm cell has a flagellum to help it move toward egg cells.
cilia hair-like projections that help move substances through various tracts and paths in the body.
organisms any living things.
micro-organisms are tiny (often one-celled) living things.
bacteria a single-celled micro-organism that reproduces rapidly and causes many different infections. can survive without other living tissue.
aerobic with air
anaerobic without air
coccus round
spirillum spiral-shaped
vibrio shaped like a comma
bacillus rod-shaped
virus a tiny micro-organism that causes many infections and diseases. require living tissue to survive and grow. are actually parasites.
parasite an organism that lives in, on, or at the expense of another organism without contributing to the host's survival.
immune system the organs and structures that regulate the body's immunity, or resistance to disease.
pneumonia inflammation of the lungs.
common viruses HIV, influenza, and HPV
fungi a micro-organism that grows on or in animals and plants.
yeasts single-cell fungi
spore-producing molds multi-cell varieties
protozoa a single-cell parasite that can be microscopic or large enough to see without a microscope. thrive in damp environments and in bodies of standing water, such as ponds and lakes. replicate rapidly inside a living host.
Entamoeba histolytica an ameba that causes dysentery, a sever type of diarrhea.
multicellular parasites lice, bed bugs, scabies, and pinworms. these cause infections and infestations.
Created by: elshalance
Popular Medical sets




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