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HC1 Mod1 U1 Vocab

Health Care Communication 1 Module 1 Unit 1 Vocabulary

ACUTE CARE short term or severe illness of brief duration
CHRONIC CARE addresses pre-existing or long term illness
END-OF-LIFE CARE for those with a terminal illness or terminal disease condition that has become advanced, progressive and incurable
LONG-TERM CARE supports the needs of people living with chronic health problems
PREVENTATIVE CARE the care received to prevent illnesses or diseases
PRIMARY CARE health care at a basic rather than specialized
REHABILITATIVE CARE minimal care and increasing physical activity necessary to restore patients to functional health and allow their return to duty or useful and productive life
SPECIALIZED CARE usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel, very specific field rather than general
SUBACUTE CARE a patient who does not require hospital acute care, but who requires more intensive skilled nursing care than is provided to the majority of patients in a skilled nursing facility
PSYCHIATRIST helps with mental health issues
NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST a psychologist (not an MD) that tests patients to evaluate brain damage
RN (REGISTERED NURSE) evaluates and reports patient progress to physicians; plans, supervises, and provides patient care; gives medications; teaches patients how to care for themselves
LVN (LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE) does many of the same tasks as an RN but is less responsible for planning care and communicating with physicians
CNA (CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT) assists RNs and LVNs to provide direct nursing care, such as dressing, feeding and bathing
PHYSICAL THERAPIST assists patients to increase their ability to ambulate (walk); treats patients to increase strength and mobility to the lower extremities (legs)
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST teaches patients to do ADLs (activities of daily living), such as dressing, bathing, and feeding by themselves; treats patients to increase strength and mobility to the upper extremities (arms and hands)
PT and OT ASSISTANTS & AIDES assist therapists by transporting patients to and from therapy; assist patients to ambulate and exercise under the supervision of the therapist
RECREATIONAL THERAPIST provides recreational activities that promote socialization, motivation, diversion (fun) and exercise
SPEECH THERAPIST teaches patients with brain injuries to speak, understand speech, and think more clearly; also teaches patients with brain injuries to swallow
RESPIRATORY THERAPIST provides respiratory treatments, maintains oxygen administration, monitors patients on ventilators
SOCIAL WORKER assists patients and families to access resources needed (such as home health care); also assists placing patients in other facilities, such as SNFs or extended care facilities (ECFs)
INFANT MORTALITY RATE the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births
LIFE EXPECTANCY RATE an estimate of the average age that members of a particular population group will be when they die
UNIVERSAL COVERAGE all people have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship
DEDUCTIBLE The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay
CO-PAY a fixed amount paid by an insured for covered services
INSURANCE PREMIUM the payment or installment you agree to pay a company in order to have insurance
COINSURANCE The percentage of costs of a covered health care service you pay (20%, for example) after you've paid your deductible
Created by: sschall
Popular Medical sets




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