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MT Chapter 5
Term | Definition |
What are the two chambers of the eye? | the anterior chamber and posterior chamber |
The anterior chamber contains the | aqueous humor |
The posterior chamber contains the gelatinous fluid called the | vitreous humor |
Light enters the eye through the | pupil |
aque/o | water |
blephar/o | eyelid |
cycl/o | circle, ciliary body |
acry/o | tear |
kerat/o | cornea |
corne/o | cornea |
phot/o | light |
retin/o | retina |
vitre/o | glassy |
choroid | vascular layer beneath the sclera that provides nourishment to the outer portion of the retina |
ciliary muscle | smooth muscle portion of the ciliary body, which contracts to assist in near vision |
palpebra | movable, protective fold that opens and closes, covering the eye; which is also called eyelid |
lacrimal ducts | tubes that carry tears to the lacrimal sac |
lens | transparent structure behind the pupil that bends and focuses light rays on the retina |
cones | cone-shaped cells within the retina that are color sensitive and respond to bright light |
sclera | tough, fibrous, white outer coat extending from the cornea to the optic nerve |
vitreous | jelly-like mass filling the inner chamber between the lens and retina that gives bulk to the eye |
diplopia | double vision |
lacrimation | secretion of tears |
scotoma | blind spot in vision |
myopia | nearsightedness; difficulty seeing distant objects when light rays are focused on a point in front of the retina |
presbyopia | impaired vision caused by old age or loss of accommodation |
accommodation | ability of the eye to adjust focus on near objects |
blepharitis | inflammation of the eyelid |
dacryoadenitis | inflammation of the lacrimal gland |
dacryocystitis | inflammation of the lacrimal sac |
conjunctivitis | inflammation of the conjunctiva; which is also called pinkeye |
entropion | inward turning of the rim of the eyelid |
glaucoma | group of diseases of the eye characterized by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the optic nerve, producing defects in vision |
retinal detachment | separation of the retina from the underlying epithelium, disrupting vision and resulting in blindness if not repaired surgically |
scleritis | inflammation of the sclera |
tonometry | use of a tonometer to measure intraocular pressure, which is elevated in glaucoma |
ophthalmoscopy | use of an ophthalmoscope to view the interior of the eye |
enucleation | excision of an eyeball |
iridectomy | excision of a portion of iris tissue |
cycloplegic | agent that paralyzes the ciliary muscle and the powers of accommodation; commonly used in pediatric eye examinations |
gt | drop |
IOL | intraocular lens |
LASIK | laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis |