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Telephone Etiquette

Medical Skills and Services

What does it mean to enunciate words? Pronounce them distinctly
The main purpose of the telephone greeting is to address callers with courtesy and help them know that they have reached the correct party. True
Why must the assistant always be aware of who is nearby when on the telephone? To keep unauthorized parties from overhearing confidential information
Why might office policy require the assistant to also get a patient's date of birth when identifying a caller? Several patients may have the same name
What is the maximum amount of time a caller should be left on hold before the assistant checks back with the caller? 1-2 minutes
What is the main purpose of using inflection? To emphasize important points in a conversation
What is an appropriate response for assistants who feel they may lose their temper with a difficult caller? Ask for another staff member's help
Why should an assistant smile when talking on the telephone? It will be heard in the voice just as it would be seen in person.
What is the key response for an assistant who is dealing with an angry telephone caller? Calmly reassuring the caller of concern and intention to help.
What is the use of language and words to send and receive information called? Verbal Communication
What is it called when a speaker's feelings are expressed through speech? Tone of Voice
Which term refers to word choice? Diction
Which of the following telephone greetings is acceptable for a medical office? "Dr. Grabin' office, Samantha speaking, how may I help you?"
An assistant is near the waiting room of a medical office, and she is speaking with a patient by telephone. Which of these statements is she permitted to say? "Mr. Dawson, our records show that your insurance has not paid for the tests you underwent last month."
Why is it important for the assistant to evaluate the situation before prioritizing treatment? Sometimes a patient may be upset, but there is no medical emergency.
What is the process of evaluating a situation and prioritizing treatment called? Triage
What is determining who is the best person in the facility to handle each telephone call? Screen
Why should an office assistant keep the physician from being interrupted without need? To provide better care to patients.
A patient calls to get more instructions for the prescribed treatment. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant? Transfer the call to a nurse.
When are calls from other medical personnel usually transferred directly to the office physician? When the physician who is calling asks to be put through at once.
Another physician calls with an important question and asks to be put through to the office physician immediately. But the office physician is in the middle of a patient exam. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant? Take a message to be returned as soon as possible.
Who handles most routine patient telephone calls? Assistant or other medical office staff
For which types of telephone calls is it acceptable for the office assistant to take a message much of the time? Patient Calls, Personal Calls, Non-Medical Business Calls, and calls from other medical professionals.
A patient calls with a serious condition that is not an emergency, but requires an urgent appointment. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant? Schedule the appointment as early as possible.
Which type of telephone call warrants immediately notifying the physician? Emergency calls
What is an example of a message is the most acceptable for an assistant to leave when returning a patient's call? "Mrs. Brian, this is Trudy at SureCare. Please call our office at 555-6543, at your earliest convenience so I can schedule a time for your questions to be answered."
Why might an assistant avoid using the term "doctor" when leaving a telephone message for a patient? To protect the patient's privacy
What may be found on a standard message form? Date & Time of call, patient's name & Caller's name (correctly spelled), Caller's telephone number, and Reason for the Call.
Why is planning ahead for outgoing calls helpful? It saves the assistant's time, the person answering the call time, and helps free up the telephone line sooner.
Susan is speaking to a patient. Should she use speaker phone so that her hands are free to take notes in the patient's chart? True or False? False
What technology allows telephone calls to be sent to another appointed number? Call Forwarding
What technology allows a patient to speak with a human? Answering Service
What technology uses a recorded message with a series of directions for callers to press buttons to reach the correct party? Automatic Routing Unit (ARU)
What technology leaves the hands free and is built into the phone? Speakerphone
What technology is used for three or more people in different geographical areas to "meet" by phone? Conference Call
Created by: DeniseRupert
Popular Medical sets




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