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Chap 7 orthopedics

Orthopedics The medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the skeletal and muscular systems and uses laboratory and diagnostic procedures, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat skeletal and muscular diseases
Avascular Necrosis Death of cells in the epiphysis of a long bone, often the femur
Osteoma benign tumor of the bone
Osteosarcoma cancerous bone tumor in which osteoblasts multiply uncontrollably
Chondroma benign tumor of the cartilage
Chondromalacia patellae Abnormal softening of the patella because of thinning and uneven wear
Fracture broken bone due to an accident, injury, or disease process
Open Fracture (Compound Fracture) Occurs when a broken bone breaks through the overlying skin
colles fracture occurs when the distal radius is broken by falling onto an outstretched hand
depressed fracture occurs when the cranium is fractured inward toward the brain
greenstick fracture that occurs in children when the bone only breaks on one side, its occurs when the bone bends and doesn’t break completely
Osteomalacia abnormal softening of the bones due to a deficiency of vitamin D
Osteomyelitis infection in the bone and the bone marrow
Osteoporosis abnormal thinning of the bone structure
Ankylosing spondylitis chronic inflammation of the vertebrae that leads to fibrosis, fusion, and restriction of movement of the spine.
Ankylosing Suffix: -osing condition of making Combining Form: ankyl/o- fused together; stiff Medical Definition: Condition of being fused together
Spondylitis Suffix: -itis inflammation; infection of Combining Form: spondyl/o- vertebrae Medical Definition: inflammation or infection of the vertebrae
Kyphosis (Humpback) abnormal, excessive, posterior curvature of the thoracic spine
Lordosis (Swayback) abnormal, excessive, anterior curvature of the lumbar spine
Scoliosis abnormal, excessive C-shaped or S-shaped lateral curvature of the spine
Arthralgia pain in the joint from injury, inflammation, or infection from various causes
Arthropathy disease of a joint from any cause
Gout metabolic disorder with high levels of uric acid in the blood
Hemarthrosis blood in the joint cavity from blunt trauma or a penetrating wound
Osteoarthritis chronic inflammatory disease of the joints, particularly the large weight bearing joints and joints that move repeatedly; Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
Rheumatoid arthritis acute and chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue, particularly of the joints
Sprain overstretching or tearing of a ligament around a joint
Pectus excavatum congenital deformity of the bony thorax in which the sternum, particularly the xiphoid process, is bent forward.
Genu Valgum congenital deformity in which the knees are rotated toward the midline are are abnormally close together and lower legs are bent laterally: knock-knee
Genu varum congenital deformity in which the knees are rotated laterally away from each other and the lower legs are bent toward the midline: bowleg
Hallux valgus (bunion) deformity in which the great toe is angled laterally toward the other toes
Talipes equinovarus congenital deformity in which the foot is pulled downward and toward the midline: clubfoot
arthrography procedure that uses a radioplaque contrast dye that is injected into a joint
arthrogram x-ray, CT, MRI image; picture of a joint
bone density tests procedure that measures the bone density to detect osteoporosis
goniometry procedure in which a goniometer is used to measure the angle of a joint and its range of motion (ROM)
goniometer instrument used to measure an angle of a joint (measures range of motion)
orthosis orthopedic device such as a brace, splint, or collar that is used to immobilize a body part and keep it straight or correct an orthopedic problem
prosthesis orthopedic device such as an artificial leg for a patient who has had an amputation of a limb
Amputation procedure to remove all or part of an extremity because of trauma, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes mellitus
Arthrocentesis procedure to remove an accumulation of fluid from an injured joint by using a needle inserted into the joint space
Arthrodesis Procedure to fuse together a joint
Arthroscopy Procedure that uses an arthroscope inserted into the joint to visualize structures inside the joint
Arthroscope instrument used to examine a joint
Bone graft procedure that uses whole bone or bone chips to repair fractures with extensive bone loss or defects due to bone cancer.
Allograft frozen or freeze-dried bone taken from a cadaver
Autograft bone taken from the patient’s own body
Joint placement therapy procedure to replace a joint that has been destroyed by disease or osteoarthritis; also known as arthroplasty
Analgesic drugs medications used to treat pain, can be over-the-counter such as acetaminophen or aspirin Suffix: -ic pertaining to Prefix an- not; without Combining form: alges/o- sensation of pain Medical Definition: pertaining to without the sensation of pain
Bone Resorption Drugs medications that inhibit osteoclasts from breaking down bone; used to prevent and treat osteoporosis
Corticosteroid medications that decrease severe inflammation
Gold Compound Drugs Medications that inhibit the autoimmune response that attacks the joints and connective tissue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
AKA Above the knee amputation
BKA Below the knee amputation
DJD Degenerative joint disease
OA osteoarthritis
ORIF Open reduction and internal fixation (procedure to treat a compound fracture)
RA Rheumatoid Arthritis
ROM range of motion
THR total hip replacement
Created by: taylormitchell
Popular Medical sets




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