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Mercy Abbreviations
Mercy Abreviations
Term | Abbreviation |
Chief Complaint | C/C |
Complains of | C/O |
Current Health Systems | CHS |
Date of Birth | DOB |
Differential Diagnosis | DD |
Estimated Date of Confinement | EDC |
Family History | FH |
History | HX |
History and Physical | H&P |
History of Present Illness | HPI |
Impression | IMP |
Medications | Med |
New Born | NB |
Occupational History | OH |
Patient | Pt |
Physical Exam | PE |
Private Medical Doctor | PMD |
Review of Systems | ROS |
Social History | SH |
Visual Acruity | VA |
Vital Signs | VS |
Weight | Wt |
Year old | y/o |
Abdomen | ABD |
Central Nervous System | CNS |
Head,Eyes,Ears, Nose, Throat | HEENT |
Gastrointestinal | GI |
Genitourinary | GU |
Gynecological | GYN |
Peripheral Nervous System | PNS |
Respiratory | Resp |
Abdominal pain | ABD PN |
Chest pain | CP |
Dyspnea on Excertion | DOE |
Fever of Unknown Origin | FUO |
Gun Shot Wound | GSW |
Headache | H/A |
Lower Back Pain | LBP |
Nausea and Vomiting | n/v |
Abortion | ab |
Acute Myocardial Infarction | AMI |
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome | ARDS |
Alcohol | ETOH |
Atherosclerotic Heart Disease | ASHD |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | COPD |
Chronic Renal Failure | CRF |
Congestive Heart Failure | CHF |
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft | CABG |
Coronary Artery Disease | CAD |
Cysticfibrosis | CF |
Dead on arrival | DOA |
Delirium Tremens | DTs |
Deep Vein Thrombosis | DVT |
Diabetes Mellitus | DM |
Dialation and Curettage | D&C |
Enstage Renal Failure | ESRF |
Epsteinbar Virus | EBV |
Foreign Body Obstruction | FBO |
Hepatitis B | HBV |
Hiatial Hernia | HH |
Hypertension | HTN |
Infectious Disease | ID |
Inferior wall myocardial ifarction | IWMI |
Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitis | IDDM |
Intracranial Pressure | ICP |
Mass Casuality Incident | MCI |
Mitral Valve Prolaspe | MVP |
Motor Vehicle Collision | MVC |
Non-insulin dependant diabetes | NIDDM |
Organic brain syndrome | OBS |
Otitis Media | OM |
Overdose | OD |
Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnea | PND |
Pelvic inflammatory disease | PID |
Peptic Ulcer Disease | PUD |
Pregnancy/birth/abortion | G/P/A |
Pregnancy induced Hypetension | PIH |
Pulmonary Embolism | PE |
Rheumatic heart disease | RHD |
Sexually transmitted disease | STD |
Transient ischemic attack | TIA |
Tuberculosis | TB |
Upper respiratory infection | URI |
Urinary tract infection | UTI |
Venereal disease | VD |
Wolff-Parkinson Disease/White syndrome | WPW |
Angiotensin-converting enzyme | ACE |
Aspirin | ASA |
Bicarbonate | HCO3- |
Birth control pills | BCP |
Calcium | Ca++ |
Calcium Chanel Blocker | CCB |
Calcium Chloride | CaCl |
Chloride | Cl |
Digoxin | Dig |
Diphenhydamine | DPHM |
Diptheria/Pertussis/Tetanus | DPT |
Hydochlorathiazide | HCTZ |
Lactated Ringers | LR |
Magnesium Sulfate | MgSo4, Mg++ |
Morphine Sulfate | MS |
Nitroglycerine | NTG |
Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory agent | NSAID |
Normal Salin | NS |
Penicillin | PCN |
Phenobarbital | PB |
Potassium | K+ |
Sodium Bicarbonate | NaHCO3 |
Sodium Chloride | NaCl |
Tylenol | APAP |
Anticubital | AC |
Anterior axillary line | AAL |
Anterior Cruciat ligament | ACL |
Anterior/posterior | A/P |
Gallbladder | GB |
Intercostal space | ICS |
Lateral collateral ligament | LCL |
Left lower quadrant | LLQ |
Left lower lobe | LLL |
Left upper lobe | LUL |
Left upper quadrant | LUQ |
Left ventricle | LV |
Livr,spleen, kidneys | LSK |
Lymphnode | LN |
Medial collateral ligament | MCL |
Midaxillary | MAL |
Right lower quadrant | RLQ |
Right upper quadrant | RUQ |
Right upper lobe | RUL |
Right middle lobe | RML |
Right lower lobe | RLL |
Temporal mandibular joint | TMJ |
Tympanic membrane | TM |
Arterial blood gas | ABG |
Bilateral breath sounds | BBS |
Blood sugar | BS |
Breath sounds | BS |
Cardiac Injury profile | CIP |
Central venous pressure | CVP |
Cerebral spinal fluid | CSF |
Chest xray | CXR |
Complete blood count | CBC |
Computerized tomography | CT |
Conscious/alert and oriented | CAO |
Deep tendion reflexes | DTR |
Dorsalis pedis | DP |
Electrocardiogram | EKG/ECG |
Electroencephalogram | EEG |
Expiratory | Exp |
Extra occular movements intact | EOMI |
Fetal heart tones | FHT |
Full term normal delivery | FTND |
Heart rate | HR |
Heart sounds | HS |
Hemoglobin | Hgb |
Inspiratory | Insp |
Jugular vein distension | JVD |
Laceration | lac |
Level of consciousness | LOC |
Moves all extremities well | MAEW |
Non-tender | NT |
Normal range of motion | NROM |
Palpation | Palp |
Passive range of motion | PROM |
Point of maximal impulse | PMI |
Posterior Tibial | PT |
Pulse | P |
Pupils equal and reaction to light | PEARL |
pupils equal and round reactive to light and accomodation | PEARRLA |
Range of motion | ROM |
Respiratory | R |
Tactile vocal fremitus | TVF |
Temperature | T |
Unconscious | unc |
Urinary Incontinence | UI |
after eating | pc |
Alert and orietned | A/O |
Anterior | ant. |
as needed | PRN |
before eating | a.c. |
Body surface area | BSA |
Celcius | C |
Equal | = |
Immediately | STAT |
Inferior | inf. |
Less than | < |
Greater than | > |
Negative | - |
occasional | occ |
Pack/year | pk/yrs |
Per | / |
Advanced life support | ALS |
Against Medical advice | AMA |
Automated external defibrillator | AED |
Bag Valve Mask | BVM |
Basic Life support | BLS |
Cardiopulmonary resusitation | CPR |
Carotid Sinus Massage | CSM |
Continuous positive airway pressure | CPAP |
Do not resuscitate | DNR |
Endotracheal tube | ETT |
Estimated time of arrival | ETA |
External cardiac pacing | ECP |
Intermittent positive pressure ventilations | IPPV |
Lone spine board | LSB |
Nasal Cannula | NC |
Non-rebreather mask | NRB/NRBM |
Nothing by mouth | NPO |
Occupational therapy | OT |
Oropharyngeal airway | OPA |
Oxygen | O2 |
Per square inch | PSI |
Physical therapy | PT |
Positive end-expiratory pressure | PEEP |
Short spine board | SSB |
Therapy | Rx |
Treatment | Tx |
Turned over to | TOT |
Verbal order | VO |
Centimeter | cm |
Cubic centimeter | cc |
Deciliter | dl |
drops | gtts |
drops per minute | gtts/min |
Every | q |
Grain | gr |
Gram | g, gm |
Hour | h, hr |
Hydrogen ion concentration | pH |
Intracardiac | IC |
Intramuscular | IM |
Intraosseous | IO |
Intravenous | IV |
Intravenous push | IVP |
Intravenous piggyback | IVPB |
Joules | j |
Keep vein open | KVO |
Kilogram | kg |
Liter | L |
Liter/min | LPM, L/min |
Microgram | mcg |
Millieqivalent | mEq |
Milligram | mg |
Milliliter | ml |
Millimeter | mm |
Millimeter of mercury | mmHg |
Minute | min |
Orally | po |
Subcutaneous | SC, SQ |
Sublingual | SL |
To keep open | TKO |
Atrial Fibrillation | AF |
Atrial Tachycadia | AT |
Atrioventricular | AV |
Bundle branch block | BBB |
Complete Heart Block | CHB |
Electromechanical disassociation | EMD |
Idioventricular rythm | IVR |
Junctional rythm | JR |
Modified chest lead | MCL |
Normal sinus rythm | NSR |
Paroxsysmal atrial tachycardia | PAT |
Paroxsysmal SVT | PSVT |
Premature atrial contraction | PAC |
Premature ventricular contraction | PVC |
Premature junctional contraction | PJC |
Pulseless electrical activity | PEA |
Supraventricular tachycardia | SVT |
Wandering Atrial pacemaker | WAP |
Prior to arrival | PTA |
Rule out | R/O |
Superior | sup. |
Times | X |
Warm and dry | W/D |
While awake | WA |
With in normal limits | WNL |
Advanced cardiac life support | ACLS |