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Unit 3, Chapter 6

Legal Consideration

Aminister to give a medication
Administrative Law establishes agencies that are given the power to make laws and enact regulations
Agents person representing another
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) an alternative to trial that encourages the parties to settle their differences out of court
Civil Law law related to actions between individuals
Common Law laws developed in England and brought to the united states by the early settlers (judge-made law)
Constitutional Law laws that are made by the constitution of the united states or individual states.
Contract Law refers to agreements between individuals and entities that are binding
Criminal Law law related to wrongs committed against the welfare and safety of society as a whole
Defendant person who defends action brought in litigation
Deposition oral testimony given by an individual with a court reporter and attorneys for both sides present; often used as part of the discovery process
Discovery the time in which both [parties are allowed access to information and evidence related to a legal case follows the subpoena process
Dispense prepare and give out medication to be taken at a later time
Emancipated Minors persons under age 18 years old who are financially responsible for themselves and free of parental care
Expert Witness individual with highly specialized knowledge and skills in particular area who testifies to a standard of care
Expressed Consent permission given either verbally or in writing
Expressed Contract written or verbal contract that specifically describes what each party in the contract will do
Felony serious crime such as murder, larceny,assault and rape
Health Insurance Potability and Accountability (HIPPA) government rules, regulations and procedures resulting from legislation designed to protect the confidentially of patient informatin
Implied consent consent assumed by the health care provider , typically in an emergency that threatens the patients life. also occurs in more subtle ways in the health care environment
Implied contract contract indicated by actions rater than words
Incompetence a legal term indicating a person who is not able to manage his/hers affairs due to low IQ mental deterioration, illness, psychosis, it may sometimes indicate physical disability
Interrogatory a written set of questions that must be answered, under oath, within specific time period, part of the discovery process
Intimate partner violence (IPV) to violence or abuse between a spouse or former spouse or relationship
Libel false and malicious writing about another constituting a defamation of character
Litigation court action
Malfeasance conduct that is illegal or contrary to an officials obligations
Malpractice professional negligence
Mature minors a person, usually younger than 18 years, who is able to understand and appreciate the consequences of treatment despite his or her young age
mediation dispute resolution that allows a facilitator to help the two parties settle their differences and come to an acceptable solution
medically indigent clean and free from infection
minor person who has not reached the age of majority usually 18 years
misdemeanor a lesser crime, vary from state to state in their definition, punishment is usually probation or a time of public service and a fine
misfeasance a civil law term referring to a lawful act that is improperly or unlawfully executed
negligence failure to exercise a certain standard of care
non-compliant describes one who fails to follow a required command or instruction
non-feasance a civil law term referring to the failure perform an act,official duty,or legal requirement
Patient self-determination Act (PSDA) the act that includes the advance directive giving patients the right to be involved in their health care decisions
Plaintiff person bringing charges in litigation
Precedents refers to ruling made at an earlier time and include decisions made in a court,interpretations of a constitution, statutory law decisions
Prescribe to order or recommend the use of a drug, diet, or other form of therapy
Risk Management techniques adhered to in the ambulatory care setting that keep the practice , its environment , its procedures as safe for the patients as possible. proper risk management also reduce the possibility of negligence that leads to torts and malpractice suit
Slander false and malicious words about another constituting a defamation of character
Statutory Law refer to the body of laws establish by states
Subpoena written command designated a person to appear in court under penalty for failure to appear
Tort wrongful act that results in injury to one person by another
Tort Law Law that stems from Tort/ wrongful act that causes harm to one person , by another
Created by: merlitpz
Popular Medical sets




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