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Medical Terminology
Common Roots
Term | Definition |
arthr/o (AR-throh) | joint |
cardi/o (KAR-dee-oh) | heart |
enter/o (En-ter-oh) | small intestine |
gastr/o (GAS-tro) | stomach |
hepat/o (he-PAH-toh) | liver |
neur/o (NUR-oh) | nerve |
hem/o (HEE-moh) | blood |
hemat/o (heh-MAH-toh) | blood |
my/o (MAI-oh) | muscle |
muscul/o (MUS-kyoo-loh) | muscle |
angi/o (AN-gee-oh) | vessel (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) |
vas/o (VAS-oh) | vessel (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) |
vascul/o (VAS-kyoo-loh) | vessel (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) |
derm/o (DER-moh) | skin |
dermat/o (der-MAT-oh) | skin |
cutane/o (kyoo-TAY-nee-oh) | skin |
pneum/o (Noo-moh) | lung |
pneumon/o (noo-MAW-noh) | lung |
pulmon/o (PUL-maw-noh) | lung |
gen/o (JIN-oh) | creation, cause |
hydr/o (HAI-droh) | water |
morph/o (MOR-foh) | change |
myc/o (MAI-koh) | fungus |
necr/o (NEK-roh) | death |
orth/o (OR-thoh) | straight |
path/o (Pah-thoh) | suffering, disease |
phag/o (FAY-goh) | eat |
plas/o (PLAS-oh) | formation |
py/o (PAI-oh) | pus |
scler/o (SKLEH-roh) | hard |
sten/o (STIH-noh) | narrowing |
troph/o (TROH-foh) | nourishment, development |
xen/o (ZEN-noh) | foreign |