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Endocrine System

Ch. 13

Endocrinology Crin/o-= secrete Study of (glands) within (the body that) secrete (hormones)
Primary Male and Female Hormones Androgen & Estrogen
Males produce these hormones in the Testes
Females produce these hormones in the Ovaries
Although males & females possess BOTH of these types of hormones they Possess them in significantly different amounts.
Endocrine Gland Glands that produce and secrete hormones into the blood -This gland uses hormones as chemical messengers
Exocrine Gland Glands that produce and secrete substance on the outside of the body
Galactorrhea Discharge of milk due to the hypersecretion of prolactin
Anterior pituitary gland secretes ________ that leads to Galactorrhea? Prolactin
Hyperpituitarism Disease of the pituitary gland that causes hypersecretion (above normal secretion) of one or more pituitary hormones.
Hypersecretion Above normal secretion
Hypopituitarism when you lack one or more of the pituitary hormones. -Diminished hormone secretion by the pituitary gland, causing dwarfism in children and premature aging in adults. -Children are smaller than average & adults seem younger than they are.
Panhypopituitarism Lack of pituitary hormones Pan: All Hypo: Deficient Pituitarism: Has to do with the pituitary gland
Hormones made by the pituitary gland include Growth hormone (GH)
Gigantism Hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood & puberty
Acromegaly Hypersecretion of growth hormone during adulthood
Dwarfism Hyposecretion of growth hormone during childhood & puberty
Galactorrhea & the following diseases down are of the Anterior Pituitary Gland
Diseases of the Posterior Pituitary Glands
What hormone does the pituitary gland secrete that leads to these diseases? Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Diabetes Insipidus Hyposecretion of (ADH) -(3 most common causes) -brain tumor, head injury, or complications during brain or pituitary surgery.
Polyuria Condition of urinating too much
Polydipsia Condition of too much thirst
Diseases of the Pineal Gland
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Hypersecretion of melatonin, causing depression, weight gain, and an increased desire for food and sleep.
What hormone does the Pineal Gland secrete that leads to this disease? Melatonin
Diseases of the Thyroid Gland
Hyperthyroidism Disease of the thyroid gland that causes hypersecretion of thyroid hormones.
What hormone does the thyroid gland secrete that leads to these diseases? Thyroid Hormone
Grave's Disease Most common type of hyperthyroidism: an autoimmune disease where the body produces antibodies that stimulate TSH receptor on the thyroid gland & increase the production of thyroid hormones.
Exophthalmos Well known sign of hyperthyroidism, that causes edema behind the eyeballs causing them to protrude. (eyes bulge)
Goiter Chronic & progressive enlargement of the thyroid gland
Thyromegaly Enlargement of the thyroid gland -Another name for goiter
Hypothyroidism Disease of the thyroid gland that causes hyposecretion of thyroid hormones
Myxedema Swelling of the subcutaneous and connective tissues
Cretinism Untreated congenital hypothyroidism that results in mental retardation
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis The most common type of thyroiditis; an autoimmune disorder in which the body forms antibodies against the thyroid gland
Thyroid carcinoma Malignant tumor of the thyroid gland
Thyroiditis Inflammation of the thyroid gland
Diseases of the Parathyroid Gland
Hyperparathyroidism Disease of the parathyroid gland that causes hypersecretion of parathyroid hormones -Causes hypercalcemia (condition of above normal amounts of calcium in the blood)
Hypercalcemia Condition of above normal amounts of calcium in the blood
Hypoparathyroidism Disease of the parathyroid gland that causes hyposecretion of parathyroid hormones -Causes hypocalcemia (below normal amounts of calcium in the blood)- causes tetany (sustained muscle spasms)
Hypocalcemia Below normal amounts of calcium in the blood
Tetany Sustained muscle spasms
What hormone does the parathyroid gland secrete that leads to these diseases? Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
Diseases of the Pancreas
Hypoglycemia Condition of below normal (amounts) of glucose in the blood -Causes headaches, sweating, and shakiness
Insulin resistance syndrome Hypersecretion of insulin; occurs when receptors on the body cell resist and do not allow insulin to transport glucose into the cell.
What hormone does the pancreas secrete that leads to these diseases? Insulin
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Hyposecretion of insulin; caused by an inability of the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin -One precursor to getting DM is gestational diabetes during pregnancy
Hyperglycemia Condition of above normal (amounts of) glucose in the blood
Glycosuria Condition of having glucose in the urine
Polyphagia Condition of eating too much
Ketoacidosis Condition of high levels of ketones (acidic by-product) in the blood -Dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus
Ketones Acidic by-product
Diabetic neuropathy Decreased or abnormal sensation in the extremities because of nerve damage due to demyelination of the nerves
Diabetic nephropathy Degenerative changes in the nephrons of the kidneys because of the high levels of glucose and ketones
Diabetic retinopathy Degenerative changes of the retina of the eye because of the local effects of high levels of glucose and ketones
Diseases of the Adrenal Cortex
Hyperaldosteronism Disease of the adrenal cortex that causes the hypersecretion of aldosterone; caused by an adenoma in the adrenal cortex
Hypoaldosteronism Disease of the adrenal cortex that causes the hyposecretion of aldosterone; caused by a defect in the adrenal cortex
What hormone does the adrenal cortex secrete that leads to these diseases? Aldosterone
Phechromocytoma A tumor of the medulla (with a) gray color (to the) cells (when viewed under a microscope) caused by the hormones Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
What hormone does the adrenal cortex secrete that leads to these diseases? Cortisol
Cushing's Syndrome Hypersecretion of cortisol caused by an adenoma in the adrenal cortex resulting in rapid weight gain causing deposits of fat in the face (moon face), upper back (buffalo hump), and abdomen
Addison's Disease Hyposecretion of cortisol; an autoimmune disorder in which the body produces antibodies that destroy the adrenal cortex
What hormone does the adrenal cortex secretes that leads to these diseases? Androgens
Virilism Masculine facial features and body build in girls
Hirsutism Excessive, dark hair on the forearms and face of girls
Diseases of the Ovaries
What hormones does the ovaries secrete that leads to this disease? Estrogen
Menopause Cessation of a monthly (cycle) caused by the estrogen hormone
Diseases of the Testes
What hormone does the testes secrete that leads to these diseases? Testosterone
Precocious Puberty Hypersecretion of testosterone in a male child caused by an adenoma in the testis
Gynecomastia Hyposecretion of testosterone in an adult male causing a condition of breasts in males
Infertility Hyposecretion of testosterone in an adult male causing too few spermatozoa to be produced
Blood Tests (FBS), (GTT). (TFT)
Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Test that measures the level of glucose after the patient has not eaten for at least 12 hours
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Blood and urine tests that measure the level of glucose to determine if the pancreas is secreting a normal amount of insulin
Thyroid Function Test (TFT) Test that measures the levels of T3 & T4, and TSH to determine if the thyroid gland is secreting normal amounts of thyroid hormones
Urine Test (Urine Dipstick) Test that measures glucose, ketones, and other substances in the urine
Surgical Procedures
Adrenalectomy Surgical removal of the adrenal gland
Parathyroidectomy Surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands
Thymectomy Surgical removal of the thymus
Thyroidectomy Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
Medications used to treat hormone diseases
Antidiabetic Medications that treat type 2 diabetes mellitus by stimulating the pancreas to secrete more insulin or by increasing the number of insulin receptors on cells
Antithyroid Medications that treat hyperthyroidism by inhibiting the production of thyroid hormones
Created by: Ash_Nic
Popular Medical sets




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