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medical terms - word roots, prefixes, suffixes StudyCoding

dys- bad,difficult
-algia pain, suffering
hyper- excessive/increase
hypo- deficient/low
-itis inflamation
-osis abnormal
-ectomy removal
-plasty fix
-rrhage bleeding/fluid
-rraphy surgical suturing
-sclerosis hardening/narrowing
-ostomy artificial hole
-otomy incision
pre- before
peri- surounding area
a- without- not position
ana backward, excessive
epi- upon
endo- within
aden glands
-plasia formation
-trophy development- enlargement but not tumor
-oma tumor malignant
-malacia abnormal softening
-nosis disease/condition
ankyl/o crooked/bent
arthro- joints
ossi,osse,oseo,osto pertaining to bones
myel/o pertaining to bone marrow/spine
chrondo- pertaining to cartilage
ligament/o ligaments
synovi,o lining of the synovial joints,lubricant
bursae tissue to cushion area from joint friction
-necrosis fluid/blood doesn't reach tissue, tissue may die
ileum/ile small intestines/lower GI
ilium/ili hipbone/pevic/skeletal
infection invasion pathogen
inflammation swelling -itis
contusion inflammation under skin/bruise
laceration cut or tear of skin
lesion pathological change of tissue/ eg blister
mucous mucous membrane: sinus cavities
mucus fluid from membrane
cellulitis skin irritation/until 8 weeks else ulcer
palpation examination
palpitation racing heart
aden/o gland
adip/o fat
anter/o front/before
caud/o lower part of body/tail
cephal/o head
cyt/o, cyte cell
end, endo within,inside
exo- outside, away frome
hist/o tissue
-ologist specialist
-ology science of
-path/o, pathy disease, suffering
plas/i, plas/o, plasia development, growth, formation
poster/o behind or toward back
-stasis, -static control, maintenance
anatomy structure of the body
physiology study of the functions of the body
Frontal plane plane divides front and back of body, anterior/posterior
midsagittal plane plane evely divides right and left of body, midline
Transverse plane separated upper and lower, superior and inferior
Vertical plane right angle to horizon: divides right and left of the standing body
sagittal plane unequally division of right and left
Vental belly side of the organ- frontside
Dorsal back of the organ -backside
cephalic towards the head
caudal towards the lower part of body
proximal toward the midline
distal farthest from the midline
hypochondriac region Right/left region ribs
epigastric region upon gastric region between hypochondriac-middle
lumbar region right/left lower back area
umbilical region around the belly button
iliac region right/left pelvic area
hypogastric region lower gastic area
RUQ right upper quadrant: includes: liver, right kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, and large and small intestine
LUQ left upper quadrant:includes spleen, stomach, pancreas, left kidney, left adrenal, upper colon
RLQ ileum, small-large bowel, appendix, cecum,ascending, right ureter(back) right ovary/fallopian tube
LLQ ileum, , transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, left ureter, left ovary/fallopian tube
peritoneum multilayered membrane protects organs within the abdominal cavity
Conective Tissue Adipose Fat
Dense Connective Tissue bone/cartilage/joints/skeletal
Loose connective tissue surrounds organs/nerve cells/blood vessels
liquid connective tissue blood, lymph, transports nutrients/waste
Nerves tissue that sends stimuli: 12 from brain, 31 from spinal to body
muscle tissue tissue that contracts and relaxes
aplasia defective development or congenital absence
hypoplasia incomplete development
anaplasia change in structure, abnormal,
hypertrophy increase of bulk of organ, additional cells
hyperplasia enlargement of organ fast/excessive development
Etiology study the causes of disease:
pathogen disease-producing microorganism
communicable transmitted by multiple methods:: symptom
indirect contact from surface
bloodbourne spread through contact with infected blood/body fluids
droplet transmission respiratory droplets:: Covid19, UR infection, fever 3 codes
airborne transmission of bateria in the air
food-borne gastro - food intake transmission:: symptoms allergy, poison, gastritis, vomitting/diarrhea
vector borne transmission insect/animal transmission
epidemilologist studies outbreaks of disease
endemic ongoing presence of disease
epidemic sudden outbreak of disease
pandemic outbreak of disease large geographic area
functional disorder symptoms with not anatomical cause eg. panic attack, constipation, dizziness code functional
idiopathic illness without known cause
iatrogenic illness bad response to medical treatment iatro relating to medical treatment
congenital existing from birth
Due to aging normal progression of life
telemetry provide continuous cardiac monitoring
Skeletal system bone, cartilage, joint,bone marrow, ligament, synovial, bursa: osteo, chondro,arthro,myelo,ligament,syno,bursa
chondro cartilage
bone tissue periosteum, compact bone, spongy, medullary cavitiy
periosteum outer surrounding of bone
compact bone cortical bone, dense had oute protective layer- heavy
spongy bone cancellous bone, pourous; red bone marrow
medullary cavity central cavity of shaft creates yellow marrow
endosteum lining the medullary cavity
bone marrow hemopoietic tissue that manufactures red blood cells, hemoglobin white blood cells and thrombocytes.
cartilage chondro- connective tissue shock absorber for joint, articular and meniscus
articular cartilage covers surface of bone to create joints
meniscus fibrous cartilage esp: knee and mandibular
diaphysis shaft of bone
epiphyses wider end of long bones
foramen opening in bone that blood vessels, nerves and ligaments pass
process normal project on the surface of the bone; serves as attachment site
joint articulations, union between two or more bones
fibrous joint dense
fontanelles soft joint cranium
occipital back/base cranium/skull
parietal scalp cranium skull
frontal front skull
temporal sides/base of cranium right/left
sphenoid area anterior to temporal right/left skull/cranium
nasal bones upper bridge/ nose
zygomatic bone cheek bone RT/LT skull/cranium zygo-joining
maxillary bone upper jaw-doesn't move
mandible skull: lower jaw
palentine skull: hard palate of mouth/floor of nose
lacrimal skull: socket of eye orbit/skull/cranium, orbit,
inferior conchae skull: thin bones forms interior of nose
vomer bone skull: base of the nasal septum(cartilage)
thoracic cavity ribs 7 true, 3 false, 2 floating
chin face category
orbit eye socket skull/cranium
sternum breast bone
shoulder RT/LT: clavicle, scapula, acromion
acromion extension of scapula distal
Arm bones right/left: humerus, radius, ulna, olecranon process
Hand carpals, metacarpals, phalanges 1-5 thumb ==1
wrist eight carpal bones, which divide into two rows: a proximal row and a distal row
meta carpals palm bones 1-5 thumb ==1
vertebrae bones of the spinal column; cervical 7, thoracic 12, lumbar 5
cervical disks neck disk 7
thoracic disks back disks 12
lumbar disks lower back disks 5
sacrum triangle bone above coccyx/tailbone
coccyx tail bone, caudal
pelvis ilium, ischium, pubis, pubic symphysis cartilaginous
il bottom of pelvis loop RT/LT
acute bad outcome:
deferential or rule out rule out testing: code: only an inpatient for hospital
remission "history" and now in remission: is reocurring code as NEW; still treating == CHRONIC
ischium lower posterior bone when sitting
acetabulum hip socket
pubis anterior portion of pubic bone
Leg bones femurs, patella, knee popliteal, ligaments, tibia, fibula
femurs thigh bone
knee patella: RT/LT
tibia shin bone THICK large calf bone
fibula thiner shin bone FINE
ankle joint joint connect lower leg and foot: talus, malleolus (R/L), calcaneus
talus articulates with tibia/fibula superior tarsal
metatarsals bones to the toes1-5
calcaneus heel bone
ankylosis absence of of movement/stiff
adhesive capsulitis frozen shoulder
baker's cyst cyst behind knee RA
arthritis inflamation of the joints
osteoarthritis OA- degenerative
spondylosis spinal OA osteoarthritis
gout inflamation of joint from uric acis
rheumatoid arthritis RA autoimune disorder: chronic
ankylosing spondylitis RA esp vertebrae
Juvenile rheumatoid JRA
spinal column disks skeletal: cervicle1-7, thoracic1-12,lumbar1-5
lower leg tibia, fibula thick/fine
patella right/left
cruciate ligaments anterior/posterior knee right/left
phalanges upper fingers/lowertoes Rt/Lt 1-5, proximal, distal, middle
Skeletal system MDs chiropractor, orthopedic, osteopath, podiatrist, rheumatologist
subluxation partial displacement:Injury 4 codes
lumbago lumbar back pain
spina bifida congnital bifida==split
kyphosis abnormal increase curvature thoracic spine
primary cancer where cancer starts: can be the history or reoccursite
secondary where cancer spreads to metasisizes
osteoporosis loss of bone, chronic
osteopenea thin bones,-underlining condition?
closed fracture no open cut: no general anesthesia: cast included the first time
open fracture open skin; general sedation
comminuted fracture crushed shaft
pathologic fracture break under normal strain: aging- not trauma
spiral fracture bone twisted apart
stress fracture overuse injury
transverse fracture straight across
fat embolus fat cells from yellow bone marrow released
crepitation unusual grating sound from two broken bones move; joint movement; or pneumonia lungs
radiograph xray
arthroscopy internal visual examination of joint
bone marrow biopsy sample of bone marrow for diagnosis
bone marrow aspiration syringe to withdraw tissue for diagnosis
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
arthrocentesis test to check joint; needle .inflammation:synovial fluid
Ultasonic bone density testing for osteoporosis
Dual xray absoptionmetry measure hip/spine/density
orthotic mechanical appliance, eg: splint, leg brace
prosthesis substitute for a diseased/ missing body part
percutaneous diskectomy suction out rupture disk: which disk percutaneous==through skin
percutaneous vertebroplasty bone cement is injected : which disk
laminectomy removal of disk: which disk
spinal fusion fuse vertebrae: which disks
craniectomy removal part of skull: where
craniotomy incision in skull
cranioplasty repair skull
osteoclasis surgical fracture of a bone to fix deformity
ostectomy surgical removal of bone
perosteotomy cut through the periosteum to the bone
Muscular system muscles, fascia, tendons
muscles tissue surrounds nerves, protects bones: tissue contracts/relax
fascia tissue that covers, separates muscles
Tendons attach muscles to bones
muscle types skeletal, smooth, myocardial
smooth muscle internal organs like digestive trac, involuntary-autonomic
myocardial muscle heart
skeletal muscle muscle attached to the bone
abduction movement of the limb: to
adduction movement of limb: pain, tingling, place
deltoid muscle shoulder cap
pectoralis major muscle- pecs: pace maker site
biceps brachii muscle upper arm anterior (humurus)
abdominal stomach muscles, obliques,
trapezius muscle triangle head,neck should blade dorsal
gluteus maximus buttocks: often absess/ulcer dorsal
Hamstrings: biceps femoris, seitendinosus, semimenbranosus
biceps muscle upper arm anterior
triceps muscle upper arm posterior
gluteus maximus buttocks RT/LT
deltoid muscle shoulder cap triangle RT/LT
frontalis muscle fore head
temporalis muscle lifts jaw to closed position
masseter muscle to lift jaw to close for chewing
Pectoralis major trunk muscles chest RT/LT under Mast/ breast
external oblique muscle side abdomen slanted RT/LT:: RLQ/LLQ
internal oblique muscle off midline of abdomen slanted RT?LT
rectus abdominis muscle center of abdomen helps breathing: supports spine
transverse abdominis muscle located on the side of the abdomen for laughing/coughing
deltoid muscle cap of shoulder
trapezius muscle triangle head,neck shoulder blade dorsal
rectus femoris muscle anterior extends upper leg
quadriceps 4 muscles of the thigh, vastus, lateralis, vastus medialis
gastrocnemius calf muscle "stomach of the leg for the way it looks"
Muscular system MDs exercise physiologist, neurologist, occupational therapist, physiatrist, PT, sport medicine physician
fascitis inflamation of th fascia
fibromyalgia chronic: pain cannot be pinpointed: disability
Tenosynovitis inflmation of the sheath surrounding the tendon, synovial tissue
Ataxia lack of muscle coordination: caused by abnormal cerebellum:.sequela of CVA
Itermittent claudication pain in leg muscle, relieved by rest, due to poor circulation PVD:.code the cause
cramps/spasm spasm: chk : "code spasm, upper right arm, adverse effect of vacination"
Myasthenia gravis Mg: chronic autoimmune disease use: CHK stroke CVA
Hyperkinesia over use of
Overuse injuries injuries caused by continual use Chk sports
Overuse tendinitis inflammation of the tendon from over use. Chk injury
Rotator cuff snydrome inflamed tendons of shoulder RT/LT
Paralysis loss of sensation and muscle control: CHK injury, CVA
hemipasresis slight paralysis/weakness: where/ CHK
hemiplegia paralysis one side of body: RT/LT: CHK injury, CVA
-plegia paralysis
paraplegia both legs paralysis
quadriplegia all extemities paralysis
my/o muscle
polymyositis inflammatory disease creating weakness
-cele hernia/swelling
-fibr/o fibrous tissue
-rrhexis rupture
hypotonia decrease muscle tone
angi/o blood vessel or lymph vessel
aort/o aorta
ateri/o artery
ather/o plaque, fatty substance
brady- slow
cardi/o heart
-crasia mixture or blending
-ernia blood, blood condition
erythr/o red
hem/o, hemat/o blood, relating to blood
leuk/o white
phleb/o vein
tachy- fast rapid
thromb/o clot
ven/o vein
myocardio infarction heart attack MI
apex lower V of the heart
Cardiovascular system heart, blood vessels and blood
pericardium double walled membrane sac encloses the heart
parietal percardium fibrous sac that surrounds the heart
percardial fluid lubricrant to prevent friction of the heart beat
visceral pericardium inner layer of the pericardium sac
epicardium external layer of the heart
myocardium middle and thickest heart layer
endocardium inner layer of the heart wall
Superior vena cava large vein RT: transport deOxy blood to heart from upper body
purkinje fibers Electrical conduction of the ventricular muscle
arteries blood vessels carry Oxy blood away from the heart
aorta largest vessel starts from left ventricle, main trunk of the arterial system
carotid major arteries up to the head, RT/LT, internal to brain, external to face
arterioles artery to capillaries
capillaries network of smallest vessel
veins low presure return low O2 poor blood to the heart
venae Cavae largest veins to return deOxy blood to the heart
Superior Venae Cavae returns deOxy blood from the upper body/superior
Inferior venae Cavae returns deOxy blood from the lower body/ inferior
Cardio Vascular system MDs cadiologist, hematologist, vascular surgeon
artherosclerosis hardening/narrowing vein/arteries
atheroma deposit of plaque
angina chest pain
stable angina pain during exercise goes away
unstable angina pain precusor of MI
angina pectoris stable angina
atrium upper chambers of heart RT/from veins
ventricle lower chamber LT from arteries
Aorta large artery carries blood from heart
Lymphatic and immune system absorbs fat, fat-soluble vitamins, destorys pathogens, returns to veins
anti against
carcin/o cancerous
immun/o immune
lymph/o lymph node/gland
lyphangi/o lymph vessel
neo new/strange
-oma tumor, neoplasm (cancer)
onc/o tumor
phag/o eat/swallow
-plasm formative material of cells
sarc/o flesh connective tissue
spleen/o spleen
-tic pertaining to
tox/o poison
cervical lymph nodes located alon the sides of the nes/ RT/LT
axillary lymph nodes located the arm pits RT/LT
ingunal lymph nodes groin/RT/LT
antigen foreign substances: virus, bacteria, toxin, transplanted tissue
lymphocytes lympho cells, mature, diferentiation=modified
B cells lymphocytes specialized cells B cell confronts a pathogen....transformed to a plasma cell to destroy pathogen
plasma cells secretes a large volume of antibodies
T Cells Origin thymus, cell mediated immunity not antibodies
Cyokines proteins released primarily by TCells
interferons produced to response to antigens
interleukins directs B and T cells to divide
lymphoid pertaining to lymph
lingual pertaining to the tongue
tonsil lymphoid tissue prevent pathogen from respiratory nose and mouth
adenoids nasophayngeal tonsils RT/LT
platine tonsils RT/LT find: Tonsils
lingual tonsils base of the tongue, oral, mouth RT/LT
thymus lymphoid gland above heart stimulate maturation
vermiform appendix hangs off cecum large intestine/colon RLQ Structure, DIGESTIVE System, some lymphatic functions
Spleen lymphoid tissueLUQ inerior to diaphragm posterior to stomach, filters from blood:
allergens allergic substance: code
toxins poisonous: code
malignant cells cancer cells: immune system attempts to prevent the entry: Code uncertain behaivor
thoracic duct lymph duct in the chest area
Axillary lymph nodes under armpits
cervicle lymph node neck area
inguinal lymph nodes inguinal, lower abdoman, groin RT/LT
intolerance Intolerance....
vaccine contageous disease (MD) CODE: fever/swelling, place, adverse effect of vaccination
Lymphatic and immune system MDs allergist, immunologist, lympohlogist, oncologist
Lymphadentitis swollen gland :identify cervicle, axillary, inguinal RT/LT
lymphadenopathy diseased lymph node: identify
lymphagioma cancer of lmphnodes unkown:identify
ruptured spleen torn spllen, CODE injury:identify LUQ
splenorrhagia bleeding LUQ
splenomegaly enlargement: LUQ
tonsilitis/tonsilectomy inflammation, CHK adenoids, absence -CODE ectomy
lymphoscintigraphy diagnostic test imaging.
lymphedema swelling: identify
adnexa of eye adnexa of the eye: structure and surrounding
orbit Eye socket
EYE MDs Opthamologist (Code: Diabetic Retinopothy), Optometrist, Optician
auris ear
auditory ear pertaining to2
stricture stuck and removal: how? Code: removal earring, pinna lobe, how, where, , activity-- skin, ear, R/Lt
Ear MDs SLP Speechlanguage-pathologist, audiologist, ENT-ear nose throat
Skin structures skin, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair, nails, epidermal,dermis, subcutaneous
cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/ intact skin
seb/o sebaceous secret sebum oil, discourage bacteria
hidr/o sweat glands
Integumentary MDs dermatology, plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeons: breast reduction remove 8oz both.
cauterization burning the tissue
chemabrassion chemical peel
cryosurgery removal by liquid nitrogen, freezing
curettage removal by scrapping
debridement removal of foreign objects
Irrigation and debridement presurized fluid to remove foreign objects
Dermabrasion scraping/sandpaper
Electrodesiccation tissue destroyed by elctric spark
incision cutting open and drain
mohs surgery tract skin cancer
incisional biopsy cut partial
excisional biopsy cut all: C
needle biopsy using needle to remove part
blepharoplasty eye lid lift RT/LT for impaired vision
botox for migraine
lab results M.D. initial and date to validate
Integumentary System Skin, covering, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair
cervical lymphnodes neck area lymphnodes
Axillary lymph nodes thoracix under armpits
Inguinal lymph nodes Inguinal/groin/lower abdomin
lasopharyngeal tonsils adenoids RT/LT
-megaly enlargement
-graphy test
-dema swelling
primary lymphedema hereditary condition
secondary lympedema damage to lymphatic vessels
localized allergic response location of reaction
oral thrush fungus: snoow on togue, white spots: bacterial
fungus parasitic organism
chicken pox varicella
shingles herpes ostre
bacteri bacteria
oncology study of cancer prevention
neoplasm tumor new-growth
metastasize to spread
metasisis describes the process cancer spreading
reoccur/reocurring new code
-emia pressence of blood
-isis condition of
Mamm/o breast, mast
sentinel node biopsy biopsy of the 1st lymph node to com in contact with cancer cells
dissection cut apart to check tissue
lumpectomy removal of cancerous tissue
mastectomy removal entire breast, nipple
radical mastectomy removal breast/mast and surrounding tissue
modified radical mastecomy removal and breast and axillary lymph nodes
breast reconstruction immediate, delayed,
sarcoma tissue cancerous tumor malignant
carcinoma cancerous malignant
Reed Sternberg cells Hodgkin's lymphoma
in situ original place
lymphedema accumulation of lymph inflamtion of area
Respiratory system oxgenates blood and expels carbon dioxide, H2o: nose to lungs
Upper respitory system nose to trachea: nose, trachea, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea
lower respitory system bronchial tree, lungs- alveoli
nas/o nose
sinus/o sinuses RT/LT
pharyng/o pharynx nose to trachea
laryng/o larynx voice box
epiglott/o epiglottis, closes trachea
trache/o trachea pass air from pharynx to bronchi
bronch/o,bronchi/o bronchi pass air trachea to lungs
alveol/o alveoli: air sacks that exchange gas in pulminary capillary
pneum/o, pneumon/o, pulmon/o lungs organs for breathing
sinus air filled cavities lined with mucous membranes: face
lungs RT: larger/lobes-superior, middle/inferior. LT: lobes-upper and lower
mediastinum area between RT/LT lungs heart, esophagus, trachea, bronchi, thamusgland, lymph node
Pleura membrane surrounding the lungs
parietal pleura outside membrane of the thoracic cavity covers diaphragm
visceral pleura inner membrane attached to lungs
pleural cavity space filled with fluid between parietal and visceral to ease friction
Diaphragm dome muscle separate thoracic cavity and abdomen, for BREATHING: respiratory
Respiratory system MDs otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, thoracic surgeon
Bronchitis Inflamation of Bronchial tubes RT/LT imaging: Acute and chronic
pneumonia inflamation of the alveoli
emphysemia long term lung disease alveoli usu: smoking
asthma chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes
rhin- nose
Croup URI: accute with bacteria:B96.89
Epitaxis nose bleed: CHK cause- sinusitis unspecified
Pertussis whooping cough: bacterial
Influenza URI: code " J"-confirmed
Rhinorrhea Runny nose often headache, congestion
-asis forming the name of a disease
-edema swelling, excessive fluid accumulation
-ia abnormal condition
-pnea breathing, apnea, bradypnea....
obesitiy/anorexia Code: BMI
Cough body reaction from UR irritation : CHK smoking, bronchitis (imaging) otherwise URI,
Respiratory Failure condition when blood is not oxygenated enough: CHK Cardio
O2 dependency needs oxygen
Tracheotomy tracheal incision clear airway
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
thoracotomy surgical incision of the chest wall to get to pleural cavity
Digestive system mouth to gastointerstinal tract, rectum/anus: mouth,thorax,esophagus,stomach, small intestines,colon,rectum,
Epidermis top layer of skin: Epithelial; squamous epithelial tissue, basal laery, keratin, melanocytes, melanin
Dermis middle layer of skin: corium: connective tissue, blood, lymph vessels, nerve fibers, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands
Subcutaneous deep layer of skin, adipose, ateries, muscle, fascia
or/o mouth
pharyng/o pharynx
esophag/o esophagus
gastr/ stomach
enter/o, ile/o small intestines ile/o
col/o, colon/o large intestines
an/o, proct/o rect/o rectum, anus, proc
hepat/o liver
cholecyst/o gall bladder, stores bile
pancreat/o pancreas
GI gastrointestinal
-phagia to eat
labia lips/adip
soft palate posterior palatine: closes for swallowing
hard palate anterior platine:
esophagus tube: soft muscle pharynx to stomach
pylorus sphincter ring muscle to close stomach to small Intestines
sphincter 7 ring muscle to close off areas, cardiac esophagus, pylorus stomach, of oddi gallbladder,pancreatic, ileocecal, anal, urethra and iris
Digestive Systems MDs Dentist DDS, DMD, Gastroenterologist, interist, orthodontist, periodontist, Proctologist,
Polyp myshroom like growth surface of the musous membrane
inguinal groin,
Steat- presence of fat
Cirrhosis Chronic degenerative of the liver:hepat
Hepatitis A; B; C liver iflammation A-foodborne; B-blood bone; C Bloodborne
Cholangitis cholecyst inflammation: bacterial
cholecystitis Gall bladder inflammation: gall stones
gallstone cholelith
Pancreas organ posterior to the stomach, digestive and endocrine-
inguinal groin
peptic pertaining to Stomach: UGI
-pepsia digestion
Urinary System homeostasis: maintains H2O, NA and acids filtering through the Kidney, Ureters, urinary bladder, adrenal glands, uretha
Renal- kidney RT/LT
Urinary System MDs nephrologist, urologist,
nephro- pertaining to kidney
calculus abnormal mineral deposit Urinary
cyst/o bladder
Dialysis PLACE: procedure to remove waste hemodialysis
Hemodialysis PERSON receiving: process to filter waste blood e.g. CODE: on Dialysis and received Hemodialysis.
ureter/o ureter duct from kidney to bladder
ablation destruction of tissue through surgery, drugs, heat.....Entire
catherization prcedure to put a tube through the blood vessels, for diagnosis and procedure
Nervous system Brain, spinal cord, nerves12/31, sensory organs/receptors, eyes, Ears, nose, skin tongue
cerebr/o, encepha/lo brain
myelo/o spinal cord
neur/i, neur/o nerves 12, 31
-esthesia sensation
-esthet/o feeling, sensation
mening/o membranes, meninges
phobia fear
psycho mind
radicul/o root or nerve root
-tropic having an affinity for
CNS Central nervous system brain and spinal cord
PNS peripheral nervous system 12 pairs of cranial nerves extending from the the brain to the 31 spinal nerves: sen
alimentary canal food passes: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, colon, rectum
Brain parts Cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum brainstem
Cerebral lobes four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, cerebellum
hemoptysis coughing up blood
-ptysis spitup
-py/o- pus
-ectasis stretching/enlargement
atel- incomplete
sputum spit/mucous mixture
eupnea normal breathing
URI Upper respiratory Infection nose-trachea
epiglott/o epiglottus cartilage
UGI Upper GastroIntestine mouth-end of stomach
LGI Lower GastroIntestine Ileum to rectum
Gingiva gum
Stomach parts esophageal sphincter, body/pouch/rugae/pyloric sphincter
small intestine duodenum , jejunum, ileum
large intestine cecum, ascending colon, transverse, descending,sigmoid
pylorus base area of the stomach plyloric sphincter to dudenum
peptic pertaining to stomach
Barrett's esophagus chronic bleeding of the esophagus, GERD
Esophageal varices swollen veins the the lower are of the esophagus, Chk
Gastroparesis poor working of the stomach CHK Diabetic complication
Peptic Ulcers gastric in stomach, duodenal area, perforating entire stomach wall
chacexia physical of wasting away:.cancer, AIDS/HIV(B20)
Dehydration loss of H2O, smyptom Why?
Malnutrition Lack of nutrition Why
Nausea urge to vomit, Why?
-emesis vomit
Hemorrhoids internal/external
Melena blood in stool
Cirrhosis liver cirrhosis, chk alcohol use
puberty 0^12, O+ 11 years old
-mycosis disease caused by fungus
-pexy surgical fixation to organ to tissue wall structure
Kidney structure cortex== outer; medulla== inner region; tubule ==small tube; nephron functional units forming urine, renal pelvis
nephron part ot the kidney that forms the urine
ureters RT/LT from kidney to urinary bladder
KUB kidney urinary bladder Urinary System
Dialysis/Hemodialysis status on Dialysis; ARF+HTN+DM+Insulin; Received
pyel/o renal pelvis
Nerve Types ganglion, innervation, plexus, receptors,stimulus, reflexes, neurons
Meninges Brain Dura outer, arachnoid middle, pia inner
-ptosis upper eyelid droop
sensory organs and receptors eyes, ears,nose, skin, tongue
reflexes automatic involuntary response eg coughing
Neurons Afferent impulses to brain; Connecting both A and E; Efferent from the brain to
CNS, PNS MDs anesthesiologist, anesthetist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist, psyhcologist, social worker
cephalalgia head ache
dementia decline of mental ability
Alzheimer's Disease degenerative brain: with behaioral or without
opt/i, opto, optic/o,opthaalm/o receptor organ: eye
ir/i, ir/o, irit/o iris eye part that control ight into the eye
phac/o, phak/o lens eye focus'light into eye
retin/o eye converts image into electrical impulse for brain
diacryocyst/o, lacrim/o eye part lacrimal apparatus: produce, store and remove tears.
acous/o,audi/o, ot/o ear recptor organs Od right, Os left Ou
Pinn/i outer ear
labyrinth/o inner ear
Eye muscles superior/inferior obliques; superior/inferior rectus, lateral/medial rectus,
aphasia without speech a-phasia
-phasia speech
neuropathy nerve diseased; chk DM
anesthesia epidural; general total; local-local, regional-interruption nerves to be blocked; spinal-epidural, topical-ontop
lumbar puncture spinal tap: needle biopsy
OD Oculus Dexter-RT
OS Oculus Sinister-LT
OU Oculus Uterque Both
Eye structure Adnexa oculi: conjunctiva, pupil, lacrimal gland, iris, lacrimal glands-inner, outer(distal), eyeball
conjunctiva white part of eye that is a film over the eye-protection from
walls of the eye sclera, choroid, retina,
Front/Anterior of eye pupil, iris, cornea, lenscilliary body,muscle, suspensory ligament
Back/Posterior of eye Retina, retinal arteries and veins, Fovea centralis, Optic nerve, Choroid
sclera eye: outer wall of the eye
Choroid middle layer of the eye wall
retina eye: inner layer image to brain
closed/open glaucoma Acute/chronic chk DM
phacoemulsification operation removal lens and insertion of lens all together
Outer ear Pinna, external auditory canal Cerumen-gland wax
Middle ear Tympanic membrane, surrounded by the mastoid bone cells: auditory ossicles, Eustachan tubes,
Auditory Ossicles 3 small bones, mallcus-hammer, incus- anvif, Stapes stirrup middle
Inner Ear labyrinth, oval window, cochlea
Unguis finger/toe nail: free edge, lunula, cuticle, nail root
ecchymosis bruise (ecchym pouring out juice)
pruritus itching chk: allergic reaction
sunburn degree of burn, how
presby/o old age
-opia vision condition
kreato/o hard, cornea
myring/o middle ear: tympanic membrane
ot/o ear, hearing
phak/o anterior eye: lens of eye
scler/o outer eye wall sclero
top/o turn, change
lacrimal gland tear glands under upper eyelid
canthus eyelids meet, outer distal, inner proximal
Uvea color part of the eye
macula, macula lutea light sensitive-macula small area
fovea centralis middle of the macula
rods/cones bw / color
epiyhelial tissue epidermis: Inguin thin, continuous, protective layer of cells
Created by: lasuzuki
Popular Medical sets




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