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Med Terminology N-P

Discover the power of word part knowledge.....

Nano- Dwarf, One Billionth
Nas- Nose
Naso- Nose
Natr- Sodium
Natri- Sodium
Necr- Death, Necrosis
Necro- Death, Necrosis
Neo- New
Nephr- Kidney
Nephro- Kidney
Neur- Nerve, Nervous System
Neuri- Nerve, Nervous System
Neuro- Nerve, Nervous System
Norm- Normal
Normo- Normal
Octo- Eight
Oculo- Eye, Ocular
Odont- Tooth
Odonto- Tooth
Odyn- Pain
Odyno- Pain
-Oid Resemblance To
Olig- Few, Little
Oligo- Few, Little
-Oma Tumor, Neoplasm
-Omata Plural Of -Oma
Oncho- Tumor, Bulk, Volume
-One Ketone
Onych- Fingernail, Toenail
Onycho- Fingernail, Toenail
Oo- Egg, Ovary
Oophor- Ovary
Oophoro- Ovary
Ophthalm- Eye
Ophthalmo- Eye
-Opia Vision
-Opsia Vision
Or- Mouth
Orchi- Testis
Orchido- Testis
Orchio- Testis
Ori- Mouth
Oro- Mouth
-Ose Sugar
-Oses Plural of -Osis
-Osis Process, Condition, State
Ossi- Bone
Osseo- Bony
Ost- Bone
Oste- Bone
Osteo- Bone
Ovari- Ovary
Ovario- Ovary
Ovi- Egg
Ovo- Egg
Oxa- Oxygen
Oxo- Oxygen
Oxy- Sharp, Acid, Acute, Shrill, Quick, Oxygen
Pachy- Thick
Pan- All, Entire
Pant- All, Entire
Panto- All, Entire
Para- Abnormal, Involvement Of Two Like Parts
Pari- Equal
Path- Disease
Patho- Disease
-Pathy Disease
Ped- Child, Foot
Pedi- Child, Foot
Pedo- Child, Foot
-Penia Deficiency
Penta- Five
Per- Through, Thoroughly, Intensely
Peri- Around, About
-Pexy Fixation, Usually Surgical
Phaco- Lens
-Phage Eating, Devouring
-Phagia Eating, Devouring
Phago- Eating, Devouring
-Phagy Eating, Devouring
Phako- Lens
Phanero- Visible, Evident
Pharmaco- Drugs, Medicine
Pharyng- Pharynx
Pharyngo- Pharynx
Phil- Attraction, Chemical Affinity
-Philia Attraction, Chemical Affinity
Philo- Attraction, Chemical Affinity
Phleb- Veins
Phlebo- Veins
-Phobia Fear
Phon- Sound, Speech
Phono- Sound, Speech
Phor- Carrying, Bearing
Phoro- Carrying, Bearing
Phos- Light
Phot- Light
Photo- Light
Phren- Diaphragm, Mind, Phrenic
Phreni- Diaphragm, Mind, Phrenic
-Phrenia Of Mind
Phrenico- Diaphragm, Mind, Phrenic
Phreno- Diaphragm, Mind, Phrenic
-Phylaxis Protection
Phyll- Leaf
Phyllo- Leaf
Physi- Physical, Natural
Physio- Physical, Natural
Physo- Swelling, Inflation, Air, Gas
Phyt- Plants
Phyto- Plants
Pico- One Trillionth
Plan- Flat
Plani- Flat
Plano- Flat
-Plasia Formation
Plasma- Plasma
Plasmat- Plasma
Plasmato- Plasma
Plasmo- Plasma
Platy- Wide, Flat
-Plegia Paralysis
Pleo- More
Plesio- Near, Similar
Pleur- Rib, Side, Pleura
Pleura- Rib, Side, Pleura
Pleuro- Rib, Side, Pleura
Pluri- Several, More
-Pnea Breath, Respiration
Pneo- Breath, Respiration
Pneum- Air, Gas, Lung, Breathing
Pneuma- Air, Gas, Lung, Breathing
Pneumat- Air, Gas, Lung, Breathing
Pneumato- Air, Gas, Lung, Breathing
Pod- Foot, Foot-Shaped
-Pod Foot, Foot-Shaped
Podo- Foot, Foot-Shaped
-Poiesis Production
Poikilo- Irregular, Variable
Polio- Gray
Poly- Multiplicity, Polymer
Post- After, Behind, Posterior
Pre- Anterior, Before
Presby- Old
Pro- Before, Forward, Precursor
Proct- Anus, Rectum
Procto- Anus, Rectum
Prot- First
Proto- First
Pseud- False
Pseudo- False
Psych- Mind
Psyche- Mind
Psycho- Mind
-Ptosis Sagging, Falling
Pyel- (Renal) Pelvis
Pyelo- (Renal) Pelvis
Pykn- Dense, Compact
Pykno- Dense, Compact
Pyo- Suppuration, Pus
Pyreto- Fever
Pyro- Fire, Heat, Fever
Created by: LadyCeci
Popular Medical sets




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