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Ch 6 Sensory

sclera white parts of the eye
cornea clear surface in the middle of the eye
choroid layer includes lens, iris, and cilliary muscles
lens bends the light rays
iris colored area, controls size of the pupil
blephar eye lid
vitre vitreous liquid helps focus
phac or phak lens Greek for lentils
outer ear pinna, ear canal and tympanic membrane
middle ear incus, malleus, and stapes
tympanic membrane or myring ear drum
salping rhinosalpingitis ear infection between the throat and middle ear
cochlea bone shell filled with fluid and hair to transfer sound waves to electrical signals
vestibular system maintains balance in the inner ear
mastoid bone protruding behind the ear
akinetopsia unable to detect motion
ambiopia or diplopia double vision
amblyopia decreased or dull vision or lazy eye
astenopia weak vision or eye strain
hemianopsia loss in half of field of vision
myopia near sightedness
hyperopia far sightedness
presbyopia old age far sightedness
scotopia adjustment to see in the dark
conjunctiva thin invisible membrane between eye and eye lid
lacrim or dacry tear drops
corne or kerat clear middle part of the eye; protects lens and helps focus light
cerumen ear wax
labyrinth inner ear system includes vestibular and colchlea
blepharoplegia paralysis of eyelid
blepharospasm twitch of eyelid
dacryoadenalgia pain of the tear duct gland
dacryocystalgia pain in the tear sac
dacryorrhea watery eyes
xerophtalmia dry eyes
ophthalomoplegia eye paralysis
astigmatism inability of light rays to focus on a single point in the back of the eye
keratalgia cornea pain
cycloplegia paralysis of cilliary body muscles
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasis abnormal dilation of the pupil
scotoma blind spot or dark spot in field of vision
hyperacusis excessive sensitive hearing
osteoacusis hearing through bone (how you hear your own voice)
presbycusis hearing loss due to old age
otalgia ear pain
otorrhea excessive discharge from the ear
opthalmoscope instrument to look at the eye
optomyometer instrument to measure the strength of the eye muscles
phacoscope instrument to look at the eyes
tonometer measures pressure in the eye or tension or intraocular pressure
binocular pertaining to two eyes
lacrimation tear formation
optometrist specialist in measuring the eye
blepharadema swelling of the eye lid
blepharoptopsis drooping of the eye lid
blephopyrrhea pus discharge from eye lid
ectropion outward turning of the eye lid
entropion inward turning of the eye lid
dacryolith hard stone formation in tear system
dacropyorrhea pus discharge in tears
exopthalamus protrusion of the eye
nystagmus involuntary movement of the eye back and forth (Chuck flashing)
strabismus eyes deviate when looking at the same object Squint
esotropia eye turning inward (cross eyed)
exotropia eye turning outward (spread eye)
keratomalacia or scleromalacia softening of the cornea or sclera
pterygium winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending into the cornea
papilledema swelling at the optic nerve
phacomalacia abnormal softening of the lens
phacosclerosis abnormal hardening of the lens
audiogram record produced by an instrument (audiometer)
salpingoscope instrument for looking at the Eustachian tubes
pneumatic otoscopy procedure for examining the ear using air
aural pertaining to the ear
otorhinolaryngologist specialist in ear nose and throat
otosteal pertaining to the bones of the ear
salpingopharyngeal pertaining to the Eustachian tubes and throat
ceruminosis excessive ear wax formation
macotia abnormally large ears
microtia abnormally small ears
otopyorrhea discharge of pus from the ears
otosclerosis hearing loss from hardening of the bones in the middle ear
tympanic perforation tear or puncture of the ear drum
blepharoconjunctivitis inflammation of the conjuntiva and eyelid
dacryocystitis inflammation of the tear sac (cys)
dacryoadentitis inflammation of the tear gland
dacryohemorrhea discharge of blood in tears
dacryostenosis narrowing of the tear duct
glaucoma vision loss due to damage to the optic nerve
opthalmomycosis fungal eye condition
opthalmatrophy atrophy (wasting) of the eye
trichiasis eye lashes (hair)growing backward and touching the eye
opthalomomytis inflammation of the eye muscles
conjunitvitis pink eye
sclerokeratoiritis inflammation of the sclera, cornea, iris
sclerectasia over expansion of the sclera
aniridiria absence of iris
aphakia absence of the lens
cataract cloudiness of the lens
cyclokeratitis inflammation of the cilliaray body and cornea
endophthalamitis inflammation of the inner eye (intraoccular)
iridocyclitis inflammation of the iris plus ciliary body
iridopathy disease of the eye
phakitis inflammation of the lens
retinosis condition of the retina
mastoiditis inflammation of the mastoid
otitis externa inflammation of the outer ear
otomycosis fungal ear condition
aerotitis inflammation of the middle ear caused by air
myringitis inflammation of the ear drum
myringodermatitis inflammation of the ear drum plus surrounding skin
myringomycosis fungal ear drum
rhinosalpingtis nasal and Eustachian tubes
acoustic neuroma tumor of acoustic nerve
cochleitis inflammation of the cochlea
conductive hearing loss sound not getting to the middle ear
sensorineural hearing loss sound not transmitted from inner ear to the brain due to sensory organs or nerves
otosclerosis hearing loss from hardening of the ears of the bones in the middle ear
iridotomy incision into the iris
phacoemulsification fragmentation of the existing lens in order to remove it and replace it
miotic drug causes contraction of the pupil
mydriatic drug causes dilation of the pupil
intravitreal antibiotics delivered into the vitreous gel liquid
eunucleation or opthalmectomy removal of the eye
cycloplegic paralyzes ciliary body
cyclotomy incision into the ciliary body
retinopexy surgical fixation of retina (reattachment)
mastoidcentesis puncture of the mastoid bone
tympanocentesis puncture of the eardrum
myringectomy removal of the ear drum
tympanostomy create a hole in the ear drum
A R M D age related macular dengeneration
L A S I K laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
O D right eye (from Latin—oculus dexter)
O S left eye (from Latin—oculus sinister)
PERRLA pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
AOM acute otitis media middle ear infection
Created by: spainterrd
Popular Medical sets




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