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Urinary System

Chapter 6

Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by the Ureters
Function of the urinary system - Removes waste material from the body - Regulates fluid volume - Maintains electrolyte concentration in the body fluid - Assists in the blood pressure regulation
Urine-producing unit within the urinary system
reservoir in the kidney that collects the urine
muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine
opening through which urine passes to the outside of the body
renal calculus stone in the kidney
Enuresis involuntary urination
incontinence inability to control bladder and/or bowels
epispadias congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis
urinary suppression sudden stoppage of urine formation
urinary retention abnormal accumulation of urine in the bladder because if an inability to urinate
pyelonephritis inflammation of the renal pelvis and the kidney
Urea in the blood
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
cystocele protrusion of the bladder
cystolith Stone(s) in the bladder
inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney
hydronephrosis Abnormal condition of water in the kidney
nephroblastoma Kidney Tumor containing developing (germ) cells
nephritis Inflammation of a kidney
nephrolithiasis Condition of stone(s) in the kidney
Oliguria scanty urine
polycystic kidney disease A condition in which the kidney is enlarged and contains many cysts
nephroma Tumor of the kidney
nephromegaly Enlargement of the kidney
nephroptosis Drooping kidney
pyelitis Inflammation of the renal pelvis
cystotomy Incision of the bladder
ureteritis inflammation of a ureter
ureterocele Protrusion of a ureter
ureterostenosis Narrowing of the ureter
ureterolithiasis Condition of stone(s) in the ureter
urethrocystitis Inflammation of the urethra and the bladder
nephrectomy Excision of the kidney
cystectomy Excision of the bladder
meatotomy Incision of the meatus
Incision of the kidney to remove stone(s)
nephrolysis Separating the kidney (from other body structures)
nephropexy Surgical fixation of the kidney
nephrostomy Creation of an artificial opening into the kidney
pyelolithotomy Incision into the renal pelvis to remove stone(s)
Creation of an artificial opening into the ureter
ureterectomy Excision of the ureter
cystolithotomy Incision into the bladder to remove stone(s)
Creation of an artificial opening into the bladder
vesicourethral suspension suspension pertaining to the bladder and urethra
cystorrhaphy Suturing the bladder
urethroplasty Surgical repair of the urethra
lithotripsy Surgical crushing of a stone
Pyelolithotomy incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone
Cystolithotomy incision of the bladder to remove a stone
voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) radiographic imaging of the bladder and the urethra. Dye is instilled in the bladder and images are taken of the bladder and during urination of the dye (cystourethrograms)
Nephrography radiographic imaging of the kidney
intravenous urogram radiographic image of the urinary tract with contrast medium injected intravenously (intraveneous pyelogram (IVP))
intravenous urogram IVP
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) noninvasive surgical procedure to crush stone(s) in the kidney or ureter by administration of repeated shock waves
urinalysis (UA) Multiple routine test performed on urine specimen
catheter (cath) flexible, tubelike device for withdrawing or instilling fluids
cystography Radiographic imagining of the bladder
Nephrology Study of the kidney
Nephrosonography Process of recording the kidney using sound
nephrotomogram Sectional radiographic image of the kidney
Cystoscope Instrument used for visual examination of the bladder
Nephroscopy Visual examination of the kidney
Ureteroscopy Visual examination of the ureter
Urethroscope Instrument used for visual examination of the urethra
cystogram Radiographic image of the bladder
Radiographic record of the kidney
Radiographic imaging of the bladder and the urethra (taken before and during urination)
Radiographic image of the urinary tract (moving in a direction opposite from normal)
Cystorrhaphy cystorrhaphy
Nephrolysis separating of the kidney from other body structures
Lithotripsy surgical crushing of a stone
Albuminuria Albumin in the urine
Anuria Absence of urine
Diuresis Condition of urine passing through
Dysuria Difficult or painful urination
Glycosuria Sugar (glucose) in the urine
Hematuria blood in the urine
Pertaining to the meatus
Physician who studies and treats diseases of the kidney
Study of the urinary tract
drooping kidney that it was necessary to attached the kidney back in place be performing a
Urology Study of the urinary tract
Nocturia Night urination
Oliguria Scanty urine (amount)
Polyuria Much (excessive) urine
Pyuria Pus in the urine
Pertaining to urine
Radiographic imaging of the kidney
nephrohypertrophy Excessive development (increased in size) of the kidney
Urologist Physician who studies and treats diseases of the urinary tract
synonym for micturate
urodynamics pertaining to the force and flow of urine within the urinary tract
Cystocele cystocele
Ureterostenosis narrowing of the ureter
Nephroptosis drooping kidney
Pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
UA - shows pus in urine urinalysis Pyuria
BUN blood urea nitrogen
Created by: kcvalentin
Popular Medical sets




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