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Ch.14 Flashcards

Femle reproductive and Obstetrics

-arche beginning
episi/o vulva
colp/o vagina (sheath)
gynec/o woman
mamm/o breast
oo- egg, ovary
salping/o uterine tube
toc/o labor or birth
adnexa uterine tubes and ovaries
oocyte female gamete
uterus womb; pear shaped organ in the pelvic cavity in which the embryo and fetus develop
introitus, vaginal orfice opening of the vagina
fetus the developing organism from the ninth week to birth
oligo-ovulation irregular ovulation
retroversion backward turn of the whole uterus
fibroid, fibromyoma benign tumor in the uterus composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix
oophoritis inflammation of one of both ovaries
urethrocele pouching of the urethra into the vagina
vaginosis infection of the vagina, with little or no inflammation, characterized by a milk-like discharge and an unpleasant odor
amastia absence of a breast
polythelia presence of more than one nipple on a breast
excisional biopsy removal of an entire lesion for microscopic examination
hysteroscopy use of a hysteroscope to examine the intrauterine cavity for assessment of abnormalities
radiography x-ray imaging
Papanicolaou "Pap" Smear study of cells collected from the cervix to screen for cancer and other abnormalities
adhesiolysis breaking down or severing of pelvic adhesions
repair of a rectocele colporrhaphy posterior repair
total hysteretomy removal of the uterus and the cervix
myomectomy excision of fibroid tumors
Created by: genesist
Popular Medical sets




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