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COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
PFT pulmonary function testing
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
TIA transient ishemic attack
CNS central nervous system
osteocarcinoma bone cancer tumor
morbidity the risk of being sick
proximal closer in to the center
prophylaxis preventive treatment
lesion a diseased tissue
Hodgkin's disease a cancer of the lymphatic system
turner's syndrome a genetic disorder that affects girls and women
Aaron's sign genetic disorder that affects bone and muscle development
jackson's epilepsy a seizures involving one or several parts of the body on the same side.
paget's abscess a chronic condition that breakdown and regrow of bone are increased
mono- , uni one, single (ex: monoplegia)
bi- two (ex: biopsy)
tri- three (ex: triacid)
Ab- Away (ex: abduction)
Ad towards (ex: addiction)
ecto- outside (ex: ectoretina)
endo - inside ( ex: endocardium)
epi- upon ( ex: epidural)
ambi- both ( ex: ambidextrous)
dys- bad ( ex : dyspnea
eu- good, normal ( ex : euphoria)
homo- similar ( ex: homograft)
Iso- equal ( ex : isotonic fluid)
mal bad ( ex: Malabsorption)
algia pain ( ex: cephalgia)
-emia blood condition ( ex: leukemia)
-itis inflammation ( ex: hepatitis)
-lysis loosen, break down (ex: dermatolysis)
-oid resembling ( ex: dermoid)
- opathy disease ( ex: cardiomyopathy)
- pnea breathing ( ex hyperpnea)
-centesis puncture ( ex: amniocentesis)
-ectomy to cut out tissue ( ex: appendectomy)
-ostomy surgical creation of an opening ( ex : colostomy)
-otomy a cutting operation ( ex: laminotomy)
-orrhaphy surgical suturing ( ex: herniorrhaphy)
-opexy fixaton ( ex: nephropexy)
-oplasty plastic surgery ( ex: blepharoplast)
-otripsy intentional surgical crushing of a structure (ex: lithotripsy)
anterior or ventral front
posterior or dorsal back
superior above
inferior below
lateral out to the side
distal farther away from the center
proximal nearer to the center
Created by: elipal2649
Popular Medical sets




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