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Key Terms Chapter 13

anus The distal opening of the digestive tract (root: an/o)
appendix An appendage; usually means the narrow tube of lymphatic tissue attached to the cecum, the vermiform (worm-like) appendix
bile The fluid secreted by the liver that emulsifies fats and aids in their absorption (roots: chol/e, bili)
cecum A blind pouch at the beginning of the large intestine (root: cec/o)
colon The major portion of the large intestine; extends from the cecum to the rectum and is formed by ascending, transverse, and descending portions (roots: col/o, colon/o)
common bile duct The duct that carries bile into the duodenum; formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct (root: choledoch/o)
duodenum The first portion of the small intestine (root: duoden/o); also pronounced du-OD-eh-num
enzyme An organic substance that speeds the rate of a chemical reaction
esophagus The muscular tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach
feces The waste material eliminated from the intestine (adjective: fecal); stool
gallbladder A sac on the undersurface of the liver that stores bile (root: cholecyst/o)
hepatic portal system A special circulatory pathway that brings blood directly from the abdominal organs to the liver for processing (also called simply the portal system); the vessel that enters the liver is the hepatic portal vein (portal vein)
ileum The terminal portion of the small intestine (root: ile/o)
intestine The portion of the digestive tract between the stomach and the anus; it consists of the small and large intestines; it functions in digestion, absorption, and elimination of waste (root: enter/o); the bowel (BOW-el)
jejunum The middle portion of the small intestine (root: jejun/o)
lacteal A lymphatic capillary in a villus of the small intestine; lacteals absorb digested fats into the lymph
large intestine The terminal portion of the digestive tract, consisting of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anus; it stores and eliminates undigested waste material (feces)
liver The large gland in the upper right abdomen; in addition to many other functions, it secretes bile needed for digestion and absorption of fats (root: hepat/o)
lower esophageal sphincter (LES) Muscle tissue at the distal end of the esophagus (gastroesophageal junction) that prevents stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus; also called the cardiac sphincter
mastication Chewing
mouth The oral cavity; contains the tongue and teeth; used to take in and chew food, mix it with saliva, and move it toward the throat to be swallowed
palate The roof of the mouth; the partition between the mouth and nasal cavity; consists of an anterior portion formed by bone, the hard palate, and a posterior portion formed of tissue, the soft palate (root: palat/o)
pancreas A large, elongated gland posterior to the stomach; it produces hormones that regulate sugar metabolism and also produces digestive enzymes (root: pancreat/o)
peristalsis Wave-like contractions of an organ’s walls; moves material through an organ or duct
peritoneum The large serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and supports the abdominal organs
pharynx The throat; a common passageway for food entering the esophagus and air entering the larynx (root: pharyng/o)
pylorus The stomach’s distal opening into the duodenum (root: pylor/o); the opening is controlled by a ring of muscle, the pyloric sphincter
rectum The distal portion of the large intestine; it stores and eliminates undigested waste (roots: rect/o, proct/o)
saliva The clear secretion released into the mouth that moistens food and contains a starch-digesting enzyme (root: sial/o); saliva is produced by three pairs of glands: the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands
sigmoid colon Distal S-shaped portion of the large intestine located between the descending colon and the rectum
small intestine The portion of the intestine between the stomach and the large intestine; comprised of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum; accessory organs secrete into the small intestine, and almost all digestion and absorption occur there
stomach A muscular sac-like organ below the diaphragm that stores food and secretes juices that digest proteins (root: gastr/o)
uvula The fleshy mass that hangs from the soft palate; aids in speech production (literally “little grape”) (root: uvul/o)
villi Tiny projections in the lining of the small intestine that absorb digested foods into the circulation (singular: villus)
Created by: ghostofpima
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