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Key Terms Chapter 16

cervix Neck; usually means the lower narrow portion (neck) of the uterus (root: cervic/o); also called the cervix uteri (U-ter-i)
clitoris A small erectile body anterior to the urethral opening that is similar in developmental origin to the penis (roots: clitor/o, clitorid/o)
contraception The prevention of pregnancy
corpus luteum The small yellow structure that develops from the ovarian follicle after ovulation and secretes progesterone and estrogen
endometrium The inner lining of the uterus
estrogen A group of hormones that produce female characteristics and prepare the uterus for the fertilized egg; the most active of these is estradiol
fallopian tube A tube extending from the upper lateral portion of the uterus that carries the ovum to the uterus (root: salping/o); also called uterine (U-ter-in) tube
fimbriae The long finger-like extensions of the uterine tube that wave to capture the released ovum (singular: fimbria)
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that acts on the gonads; in males, FSH stimulates Sertoli cells and promotes sperm cell development; in females, it stimulates ripening of ova in the ovary
fornix An arch-like space, such as the space between the uppermost wall of the vagina and the cervix; from Latin meaning “arch”
greater vestibular gland A small gland that secretes mucus through a duct that opens near the vaginal orifice; also called Bartholin (BAR-to-lin) gland
labia majora The two large folds of skin that form the sides of the vulva (root labi/o means “lip”) (singular: labium majus)
labia minora The two small folds of skin within the labia majora (singular: labium minus)
luteinizing hormone (LH) A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that acts on the gonads; in males, it stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone; in females, it stimulates ovulation and corpus luteum formation
mammary gland Specialized gland capable of secreting milk in the female (roots: mamm/o, mast/o); the breast
menarche The first menstrual period, which normally occurs during puberty
menopause Cessation of menstrual cycles in the female
menstruation The cyclic discharge of blood and mucosal tissues from the lining of the nonpregnant uterus (roots: men/o, mens); menstrual period, menses (MEN-seze)
myometrium The muscular wall of the uterus
ovarian follicle The cluster of cells in which the ovum ripens in the ovary
ovary A female gonad (roots: ovari/o, oophor/o)
ovulation The release of a mature ovum from the ovary (from ovule, meaning “little egg”)
ovum The female gamete or reproductive cell (roots: oo, ov/o) (plural: ova)
perineum The region between the thighs from the external genitalia to the anus (root: perine/o)
progesterone A hormone produced by the corpus luteum and the placenta that maintains the endometrium for pregnancy
rectouterine pouch A blind pouch, such as the recess between the rectum and the uterus; the cul-de-sac or pouch of Douglas
tubal ligation Surgical constriction of the uterine tubes to produce sterilization
uterine tube A tube extending from the upper lateral portion of the uterus that carries the ovum to the uterus (root: salping/o); also called fallopian (fah-LO-pe-an) tube
uterus The organ that receives the fertilized egg and maintains the developing offspring during pregnancy (roots: uter/o, metr, hyster/o)
vagina The muscular tube between the cervix and the vulva (roots: vagin/o, colp/o)
vulva The external female genital organs (roots: vulv/o, episi/o)
candidiasis Infection with the fungus Candida, a common cause of vaginitis
colposcope Instrument for examining the vagina and cervix
cone biopsy Removal of a cone of tissue from the cervical lining for cytologic examination; also called conization
dilation and curettage (D&C) Procedure in which the cervix is dilated (widened) and the uterine lining is scraped with a curette
dysmenorrhea Painful or difficult menstruation; a common disorder that may be caused by infection, use of an intrauterine device, endometriosis, overproduction of prostaglandins, or other factors
endometriosis Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, usually in the pelvic cavity
fibroid Benign tumor of smooth muscle
hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus; most commonly done because of tumors; often the uterine tubes and ovaries are removed as well
leiomyoma Benign tumor of smooth muscle, usually in the uterine wall (myometrium); in the uterus, may cause bleeding and pressure on the bladder or rectum; also called fibroid or myoma
mammography Radiographic study of the breast for the detection of breast cancer; the image obtained is a mammogram
mastectomy Excision of breast tissue to eliminate malignancy
metrorrhagia Uterine bleeding between normal menstrual periods
oophorectomy Excision of an ovary
Pap smear Study of cells collected from the cervix and vagina for early detection of cancer; also called Papanicolaou smear or Pap test
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Condition caused by the spread of infection from the reproductive tract into the pelvic cavity; commonly caused by sexually transmitted gonorrhea and Chlamydia infections
salpingectomy Surgical removal of the uterine tube
salpingitis Inflammation of a uterine tube, typically caused by urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted infection; chronic salpingitis may lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy (development of the fertilized egg outside of the uterus)
sentinel node biopsy Biopsy of the first lymph nodes to receive drainage from a tumor; used to determine spread of cancer in planning treatment
stereotactic biopsy Needle biopsy using a computer-guided imaging system to locate suspicious tissue and remove samples for study
tomosynthesis Three-dimensional x-ray imaging technique for detection of breast cancer; digital tomosynthesis
vaginitis Inflammation of the vagina
Created by: ghostofpima
Popular Medical sets




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