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Key Terms Chapter 8

equilibrium The sense of balance
gustation The sense of taste (Latin geusis means “taste”)
hearing The sense or perception of sound
olfaction The sense of smell (root osm/o means “smell”)
proprioception The awareness of posture, movement, and changes in equilibrium; receptors are located in muscles, tendons, and joints
sensory receptor A sensory nerve ending or a specialized structure associated with a sensory nerve that responds to a stimulus
tactile Pertaining to the sense of touch
vision The sense by which the shape, size, and color of objects are perceived by means of the light they give off
auditory tube The tube that connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx and serves to equalize pressure between the outer and middle ear (root: salping/o); pharyngotympanic tube; originally called the eustachian (u-STA-shen) tube
cerumen The brownish, wax-like secretion formed in the external ear canal to protect the ear and prevent infection (adjective: ceruminous [seh-RU-mih-nus])
cochlea The coiled portion of the inner ear that contains the receptors for hearing (root: cochle/o)
external auditory canal Tube that extends from the pinna of the ear to the tympanic membrane; external auditory meatus
incus The middle ossicle of the ear
labyrinth The inner ear, named for its complex structure, which resembles a maze
malleus The ossicle of the middle ear that is in contact with the tympanic membrane and the incus
ossicles The small bones of the middle ear; the malleus, incus, and stapes
pinna The projecting part of the outer ear; auricle (AW-rih-kl)
semicircular canals The three curved channels of the inner ear that hold receptors for equilibrium
spiral organ The hearing receptor, which is located in the cochlea of the inner ear; organ of Corti (KOR-te)
stapes The ossicle that is in contact with the inner ear (roots: staped/o, stapedi/o)
tympanic membrane The membrane between the external auditory canal and the middle ear (tympanic cavity); the eardrum; it serves to transmit sound waves to the ossicles of the middle ear (roots: myring/o, tympan/o)
vestibular apparatus The portion of the inner ear that is concerned with the sense of equilibrium; it consists of the vestibule and the semicircular canals (root: vestibul/o)
vestibule The chamber in the inner ear that holds some of the receptors for equilibrium
vestibulocochlear nerve The nerve that transmits impulses for hearing and equilibrium from the ear to the brain; eighth cranial nerve; auditory or acoustic nerve
Created by: ghostofpima
Popular Medical sets




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