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CH 13

medical terminology

anterior/ ventral located at or toward the front of the body or body part
distal part farthest from centre or from the paint of attachment
dorsal/ posterior back surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure in relation to another
lateral farthest away from midline of the body
medial closest to midline of the body
proximal nearest to trunk of the body or the point of origin
a-, an- without, not, lack of
ab- away from
ad- to, toward, near
ante- before, forward, in front of
anti- against
auto- self
bi- double, twice, two
brady- slow
circum- around
contra- against, opposite
de- down, from
dia- across, through, apart
dis- apart, free from
dys- difficult, abnormal
ecto- outer, outside
en- in, into, within
endo- inner, inside
api- over, on, upon
eryth- red
eu- normal, good, well, healthy
ex- out, out of, from, away from
hemi- half
hyper- excessive, too much, high
hypo- under, decreased, less than normal
in- in, into, within, not
infra- within
inter- between
intra- into, within
leuk- white
macro- large
mal- illness, disease
meg- large
micro- small
mono- single, one
muco- mucus
neo- new
non- not
olgi- small, scant
para- beside, beyond, after
per- by, through
poly- many, much
peri- around
post- after, behind
pre- before, in front of, prior to
pro- before, in front of
re- again, backward
retro- backward, behind
sang blood
semi- half
sero- thin, watery fluid
sun- under, beneath
super- above, over
supra- above, over
tachy- fast, rapid
trans- across, over
uni- one
abdomino abdomen
adreno adrenal gland
adeno gland
angio vessel
arterio artery
arthro joint
broncho bronchus
cardio heart
cephalo head
chole bile
chondro cartilage
colo colon/ lg intestine
consto rib
cranio skull
cyano blue
cysto bladder, cyst
cyto cell
dento tooth
derma skin
duodeno duodenum
enchephalo brain
entero intestine
fibro fibre, fibrous
gastro stomach
glosso tongue
gluco sweetness, glucose
glyco sugar
gyn, gyne, gyneco woman
hem, hema, hemo, hemato, hepato blood
hepato liver
hydro water
hystero uterus
ileo, ilio ileum, prt of sm intestine
lapro abd, loin, flank
laryngo larynx
litho stone
mammo breast, mammary gland
masto breast, mammary gland
meno menstruation
myo muscle
necro death
nephro kidney
neuro nerve
ocullo eye
oophoro ovary
ophthalmo eye
ortho bone
oto ear
pedo child, foot
pharyngo pharynx
phlebo vein
pnea breath, R
pneumo lung, air, gas
procto rectum
psycho mind
pulmo lung
pyo pus
recto rectum
rhino nose
salpingo fallopian/ uterine tube
spleno spleen
steno narrow, constriction
sterno sternum
stomato mouth
thermo heat
thoraco chest
thrombo clot, thrombus
thyro thyroid
toxo poison
toxico poison
tracheo trachea
uro urine, urinary tract, urination
utero uterus
urethro urethra
urino urine
vaso vein
vertebro spine, vertebrae
-algia pain
-asis condition, usually abnormal
-cele hernia, herniation, pouching
-centesis puncture and aspiration of cell
-cyte cell
-duction make something happen
-ectasis dilation, stretching
-ectomy excision, removal of
-emia blood cond
-genesis development, production, creation
-genic producing, causing
-gram record
-graph diagram, recording instrument
-graphy making a record
-iasis cond of
ism a cond
itis inflammation
-logy study of
-lysis destruction of, decomp
-megaly enlargement
-meter measuring instrument
-metry measurement
-oma tumour
-osis cond
-pathy disease
-penia lack, deficiency
-phasia speaking
-phobia exaggerated fear of
-plasty surgical repair, reshaping
-plegia paralysis
-ptosis falling, sagging, dropping, down
rrhage-, -rrhagia excessive flow
-rrhaphy stitching, susturing
-rrhea profuse flow, discharge
-scope exam using scope
-scopy exam within scope
-stasis maintenance, maintaining constant level
-stomy, -ostomy creation of an opening
-tomy, -otomy incision, cutting into
-uria cond of urine
RUQ contains: xiphoid process, liver, transverse colon, ascending colon
LUQ contains: stomach, small intestine, descending colon
RLQ contains: umbilicus, bladder
LLQ contains: sigmoid colon, pubic symphysis
abd abdomen
ac before meals
ADL activities of daily living
EEG electroencephalogram
ED emergency department
'F Fahrenheit
FBS fasting blood sugar
gal galon
GI gastrointestinal
h,hr hour
H2O water
HS,hs hour of sleep; bedtime
ht height
I&O intake and output
in inch
pc after meals
per by, through
po, per os by mouth
prn when necessary
Pt, pt patient
qh every hour
q2h, q3h, q4h etc ever ________ hours
qhs every night at bedtime
R rectal temp, respiration, right
RBC red blood count/ cell
s with a line over without
SOB shortness of breath
tid 3 x day
TPR temp, pulse, resp
U/a, U/A, u/a urinalysis
V/S, vs vital signs
WBC white blood count/ cell
w/c wheelchair
wt weight
ad lib as desired
amb ambulate
bid 2x day
BM, bm bowel movement
BP, b/p, B/P blood pressure
c with line over with
CA cancer
CBC complete blood count
CBR complete bed rest
c/o complaint of
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Dc, d/s discontinue (NEVER used as discharge)
DOA dead on arrival
DON director of nursing
Dx diagnosis
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
Q every
Qod every other day
IM intramuscular
SQ subcutaneous
Tx treatment
ID intradermal
MAR medication administration record
i,ii,iii,iiii, etc 1, 2, 3, 4, etc
Qty quantity
No. number
Ref. refills
tab. tablet
pr per rectum
sl sublingually
Q every
Qod every other day
OU both eyes
gtt or gt drop
OS left eye
OD right eye
SOBOE shortness of breath on exertion
eupnea normal breathing
tachypnea rapid breathing
bradypnea slow breathing
apnea lack/ absence of breathing
orthopnea breathing deeply/ comfortably only when sitting
atelectasis lung collapse
Created by: Wil.Wilson
Popular Medical sets




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