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Blesi8e Ch26 Terms

[MO1] The Medical Record [Tier 01]

audit inspection
charting process that lays out a chronological account of the patients treatment as well as the need for further follow-up
chief complaint noted in the patient's medical record as the main reason for the patient's visit
CHEDDAR acronym that provides a structured charting method for data acquired during a routine health care visit
chronologic refers to filing according to date
documentation both the act of preparing and the evidence created when a health care professional records information regarding a patient assessment and treatment
ethnicity demographic term that indicates what societal group a patient identifies with
history physical impression plan (HPIP) a similar system to SOAP of recording medical information about a patient
indexing a system of cross-referencing information contained in office files so that the data may be searched using different characteristics
meaningful use a term used by government agencies for improving patient care and outcomes through evaluating treatment patterns and necessity of treatment
objective information that can be observed; vital signs, lab results, diagnostic test results
privacy officer the person designated by a health care organization who handles and oversees the maintenance of protected health information
problem-oriented medical record (POMR) a system used to collect specific pieces of information regarding a patient during a health care visit.
progress notes record of continuing progress and treatment of a patient
purge to clean out; purge files of those patient who are no longer being seen by the provider
subjective information supplied by the patient regarding routine information about the patient, personal, medical and family history as well as their chief complaint.
SOAP one fo the most widely used methods of charting to collect patient encounter information
tickler file a chronological file commonly used as a follow-up method for a particular date.
Created by: MaesterRay
Popular Medical sets




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