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CH. 6 EHR reimburse

Ch. 6 -EHR Reimbursement

abstracting Collecting data from a health record. Used for determining CPT, HCPCS, or ICD-10-CM codes and for release of information.
abuse Unintentional deception in which a provider inappropriately bills for services that are not medically necessary, do not meet current standards of care, or are not medically sound.
coding variance Medical coding mistakes caused by computer error or by various kinds of human error, from simple carelessness to incorrect application of coding guidelines and procedures.
compliance plan written set of office policies and procedures intended to ensure compliance with laws regulating billing, coding, and third-party reimbursement.
CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) comprehensive set of medical codes that describe procedures, treatments, and services for financial reimbursement and analytical purposes
eligibility Entitled to receive benefits from a health plan.
encounter form form generated to reflect the services and charges for a patient visit. It includes patient information and account balance. This may also be referred to as a Superbill.
fraud Presenting claims for services that an individual or entity knows or should know to be false, resulting in a benefit to the presenting party.
guarantor person who is legally responsible for a patient’s account; the guarantor is usually the patient, but the guarantor for a minor or a person of decreased mental capacity may be a parent, trustee, or legal guardian.
HIPAA 5010 standard electronic claim format used by a non-institutional provider or supplier to submit a claim electronically to Medicare and most other insurance carriers for covered services.
ICD-10-CM International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, with Clinical Modification. A coding system used to describe inpatient and outpatient diagnoses.
medical coding process of assigning standard numeric or alphanumeric codes to diagnoses, procedures, and treatments for research, disease tracking, and reimbursement purposes
medical identity theft unauthorized use of someone else’s personal information to obtain medical services or to submit fraudulent medical insurance claims for reimbursement.
pay for performance (P4P) outcomes-based payment model that offers providers financial incentives for meeting specific standards and electronically documenting compliance with them; punitive measures may be applied to providers who fail to comply.
third-party payer organization, other than the patient, that pays for the incurred medical expenses. This could be a federal program or a commercial insurance company (for example, Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and Humana).
Created by: chaisenpai
Popular Medical sets




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