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Combining Forms

MEDOP 230- Gastroenterology: Combining Forms

PrefixCombing FormDefinitionSuffixDefinitionMedical Meaning
dys- abnormal, difficult, painful phag/o- eating or swallowing -ia condition, state, thing Dysphagia; difficulty swallowing
poly- many/much phag/o -ia Polyphagia; excessive overeating
gloss/o- tongue -itis infection, inflammation Glossitis; infection of tongue
dys- peps/o- digestion -ia Dyspepsia; indigestion
hemat/o- blood -emesis vomiting Hematemesis; Vomiting of blood
aden/o- carcin/o- gland cancer -oma tumor Stomach cancer; cancer that begins in gastric glands
mal- bad rotat/o- rotate -ion action, condition Volvulus; malrotation of intestine
rect/o- rectum -cele hernia Rectocele; hernia in rectum that affects vaginal wall
hemat/o- chez/o- blood pass feces -ia Hematochezia; blood in feces
hepat/o- liver -megaly enlargement Hepatomegaly; enlargement of liver
choledoch/o- lith/o- common bile duct stone -iasis abnormal condition or process Cholelithiasis; condition of gallstones in the bladder
abdomin/o- abdomen -centesis procedure to puncture Abdominocentesis; removal of liquid using a needle
choledoch/o- lith/o- common bile duct stone -tomy process of cutting into Choledocholithotomy; surgery to remove stone in gallbladder
herni/o- hernia -rrhaphy procedure of suturing Herniorrhaphy; closure of defect where hernia is
gastr/o- enter/o- stomach intestine -logy study of gastroenterology; study of gastrointestinal system
gustat/o- sense of taste -ory having the function of gustatory; perceive taste
gastr/o- stomach -ic pertaining to gastric; adjective form of stomach
bili/o- bile
chol/e- bile
*Built from chol/e- and cyst/o-. cholecyst/o gallbladder
*Built from chol/e- and angi/o-. cholangi/o- bile duct
*Built from chol/e- and doch/o-. choledoch/o- common bile duct
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