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COHP 100 Ch 2

Body Structure

Cellular Level molecules combine to form cells, the basic structural and functional units of the body
Tissue Level groups of cells that work together to perform a specialized function
Organ Level structures that are composed of two or more different types of tissue; they have specific functions and usually have recognizable shapes
System Level related organs with a common function, also called organ-system level
Organism Level collection of body systems that makes up the most complex level: a living human being. All parts of the body functioning together constitute the total organism
Anterior (ventral) front of the body
Posterior (dorsal) back of the body
Lateral pertaining to the side
Proximal near the point of attachment to the trunk or a structure
Distal farther from the point of attachment to the trunk or a structure
Parietal pertaining to the outer wall of a cavity (ex: the parietal pleura lines the chest cavity)
Visceral pertaining to the organs within a cavity (ex: the visceral pleura covers the lungs)
3 Major Planes of Reference midsagittal (median) coronal (frontal) transverse (horizontal)
Midsagittal Plane (median) vertical plane that passes through the midline of the body and divides the body or organ into equal right and left sides
Coronal Plane (frontal) plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions
Transverse Plane (horizontal) plane that separates the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions
Dorsal back of body cranial & spinal cavities, and the brain and spinal cord
Ventral front of body thoracic cavity (heart and lungs) abdominopelvic cavity (abdominal and pelvic cavities: digestive organs and reproductive systems)
Abdominalpelvic Quadrants RUQ, RLQ, LUQ, LLQ
RUQ right lobe of liver, gallbladder, part of the pancreas and part of the small/large intestine
RLQ part of the small/large intestine, appendix, right ovary, right fallopian tube, right ureter
LUQ left lobe of the liver, stomach, spleen, part of the pancreas, part of the small/large intestine
LLQ part of the small/large intestine, left ovary, left fallopian tube, left ureter
Right/Left hypochondriac upper right/left region located under cartilage of the ribs
Right/Left lumbar middle right/left region located near the waist
Right/Left iliac lower right/left region near the groin (aka inguinal region)
Epigastric middle region located above the stomach
Umbilical middle region located in the area of the umbilicus or naval
Hypogastric lower middle region located below the stomach and umbilical region
Caud/o tail
ili/o ilium (lateral, flaring portion of the hip bone)
Lumb/o loins (lower back)
Thorac/o chest
Radi/o radiation, xray, radius
-ad toward
-al pertaining to
-algia, -dynia pain
-plasia formation, growth
-epi above, on
infra- below, under
Directional -ior, -al
Adhesion band of scar tissue binding anatomical surfaces that are normally separate from each other
Inflammation Protective response of body tissues to irritation, infection, or allergy
Sepsis Body's inflammatory response to infection in which there is fever, elevated heart and respiratory rates, and low blood pressure
Endoscopy Visual examination of the interior of organs and cavities with a specialized lighted instrument (endoscope)-Used for biopsy, coagulation, and fluid aspiration.
Fluoroscopy Radiographic procedure that uses a fluorescent screen instead of a photographic plate to produce a visual image from xrays that pass through the patient, resulting in continuous imaging of the motion of internal structures and immediate serial images
MRI Radiographic technique that uses electromagnetic energy to produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of the body (soft tissue)
Nuclear scan Diagnostic technique that produces an image of an organ or area by recording the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical substance called tracer; usually introduced into the body by ingestion, inhalation, or injection
Radiography Production of captured shadow images on photographic film through the action of ionizing radiation passing through the body from an external source
Radiopharmaceutical Drug that contains a radioactive substance, which travels to an area or a specific organ that will be scanned
Tomography Radiographic technique that produces a film representing a detailed cross-section of tissue structure at a predetermined depth
Computed Tomography (CT scan) Narrow beam of xrays with a contrast medium (provides more detail) or without a contrast medium that targets a specific organ or body area to produce multiple cross sectional images for detecting pathological conditions such as tumors or metastases
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan Nuclear imaging study that combines CT with radiopharmaceuticals to produce a cross-sectional image of radioactive dispersements in a section of the body to reveal the areas where the radiopharmaceutical is being metabolized and where there is a deficienc
Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Scan Nuclear imaging study that scans organs after radioactive tracer and employs a specialized gamma camera that detects emitted radiation to produce a 3D image from a composite of numerous views; used to show how blood flows to an organ and helps determine h
Ultrasonography (US) Imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off body tissues and are recorded to produce an image of an internal organ or tissue
PET: areas of decreased metabolism indicate Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, or epilepsy.
PET: areas of increase metabolism indicate Tumor (Tracer accumulates in the most rapidly metabolizing tissues.)
Anastomosis Surgical joining of two ducts, vessels, or bowel segments to allow the flow from one to the other.
Cauterize Process of burning abnormal tissue with electricity, freezing, heat, or chemicals (silver nitrate).•Usually performed to destroy damaged or diseased tissues or coagulate blood vessels.
Created by: ambermaclean12
Popular Medical sets




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