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Module 3 Vocabulary

Oral Histology & Embryology

Alveolar crest Highest point of the alveolar ridge.
ameloblasts Cells that form enamel
alveolar socket Cavity within the alveolar process that surrounds the root of a tooth.
apex Tapered end of each root tip.
apical foramen Natural opening in the root.
cementoblasts Cells that form cementum.
cementoclasts Cells that resorb cementum.
cementum Specialized, calcified connective tissue that covers the anatomic root of a tooth.
clinical crown That portion of the tooth that is visible in the oral cavity.
conception Union of the male sperm and the female ovum.
coronal pulp Part that lies within the crown portion of the tooth.
cortical plate Dense outer covering of spongy bone that makes up the central part of the alveolar process.
dental lamina Thickened band of oral epithelium that follows the curve of each developing arch.
dental papilla gingivae between the teeth
dental sac Connective tissue that envelops the developing tooth.
dentin Hard portion of the root that surrounds the pulp and is covered by enamel on the crown and by cementum on the root.
dentinal fiber Fibers found in dentinal tubules
dentinal tubules Microscopic canals found in dentin.
deposition The process by which the body adds new bone.
embryo An organism in the earliest stages of development.
embryology The study of prenatal development.
embryonic Stage of human development that occurs from the beginning of the second week to the end of the eighth week.
enamel lamellae Thin, leaflike structures that extend from the enamel surface toward the detinoenamel junction and consist of organic material with little mineral content.
enamel organ Part of a developing tooth destined to produce enamel.
enamel spindles The ends of odontoblasts (dentin-forming cells) that extend across the detinoenamel junction a short distance into the enamel.
enamel tufts The hypocalcified or uncalcified ends of groups of enamel prisms that start at the detinoenamel junction and may extend to the inner third of the enamel.
exfoliation The normal process of shedding the primary teeth.
fetal period Stage of human development that starts at the beginning of the ninth week and ends at birth.
fibroblast Type of cell in connective tissue responsible for the formation of the intercellular substance of pulp.
gestation Stage of human development that starts at fertilization and ends at birth.
histology The study of the structure and function of body tissues on a microscopic level.
hunter-schreger bands Alternating light and dark bands in the enamel that are produced when enamel prisms intertwine or change direction.
dydroxyapatite Mineral compound that is the principal inorganic component of bone and teeth.
hyoid arch The second branchial arch, which forms the styloid process, stapes of the ear, stylohyoid ligament, and part of the hyoid bone.
lamina dura Thin, compact bone that lines the alveolar socket; also known as the cribriform plate.
lining mucosa Mucous membrane that covers the inside of the cheeks, vestibule, lips, soft palate, and underside of the tongue and acts as a cushion for underlying structures.
mandibular arch the lower jaw
masticatory mucosa Oral mucosa that covers the hard palate, dorsum of the tongue, and gingiva.
meiosis Reproductive cell production that ensures the correct number of chromosomes.
modeling Bone changes that involve deposition and resorption of bone and occur along articulations as they increase in size and shape to keep up with the growth of surrounding tissues; also known as displacement.
odontoblasts cells that form dentin
odontogenesis formation of new teeth
osteoblasts cells that form bone
osteoclasts cells that resorb bone
periodontium structures that surround, support, and are attached to the teeth
preimplantation period Stage of development that occurs during the first week after fertilization.
prenatal development Stage of human development that starts at pregnancy and ends at birth.
primary cementum Cementum that covers the root of the tooth and is formed outward from the cementodentinal junction for the full length of the root.
primary dentin Dentin that forms before eruption and that makes up the bulk of the tooth.
primary palate The shelf that separates the oral and nasal cavities.
prism calcified column or rod
radicular pulp other portion known as root pulp
pulp chamber space occupied by pulp
remodeling Growth and change in shape of existing bone that involves deposition and resorption of bone.
resorption The body’s processes of eliminating existing bone or hard tissue structure.
secondary cementum Cementum that is formed on the apical half of the root; also known as cellular cementum.
secondary dentin Dentin that forms after eruption and continues at a very slow rate throughout the life of the tooth.
secondary palate The final palate formed during embryonic development.
specialized mucosa Mucous membrane on the tongue in the form of lingual papillae, which are structures associated with sensations of taste.
stomodeum primitive mouth
stratified squamous epithelium Layers of flat, formed epithelium.
striae of retzius Incremental rings that represent variations in deposition of the enamel matrix during tooth formation.
succedaneous teeth Permanent teeth that replace primary teeth.
tertiary dentin Dentin that forms in response to irritation and appears as a localized deposit on the wall of the pulp chamber; also known as reparative dentin.
tooth buds Enlargements produced by the formation of dental lamina.
zygote fertilized egg
Created by: jessicadurrett
Popular Medical sets




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