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Medical Terminology
Cards about Medical Terminology Word Parts
Term | Definition |
Ante- | Front, Before |
Dis- | Apart |
Endo- | Within |
Epi- | Upon |
Hypo- | Below |
Infer- | Below |
Peri- | Around |
Pre- | Before |
Quad- | Four |
Semi- | Half |
Super- | Above |
Trans- | Through, Across |
Abdomin/o | Abdomen |
Cardi/o | Heart |
Caud/o | Tail |
Chondr/o | Cartilage |
Crani/o | Skull |
Cyt/o | Cell |
Dors/o | Back |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Hist/o | Tissue |
Home/o | Same |
Homin/o | Human |
Infer/o | Below |
Later/o | Side |
Lumb/o | Lower Back, Loins |
Med/o | Middle |
Pelv/o | Pelvis, Hip Region |
Physi/o | Nature, To Grow |
Plasm/o | Structure, Formation |
Pleur/o | Side, Rib |
Poster/o | Back, Behind, After |
Proxim/o | Near |
Reticul/o | Network |
Sect/o | To Cut |
Thorac/o | Chest |
Ventr/o | Front |
-ac | Pertaining To |
-al | Pertaining To |
-cyte | Cell |
-ic | Pertaining To |
-ion | Action Of |
-ior | More Toward |
-lysis | Destruction, Loosening |
-ologist | Specialist In The Study Of |
-ology | The Study Of |
-plasm | Structure, Formation |
-stasis | Stopping, Controlling |
-ule | Small, Little |
-um | Structure |
-us | Structure, Substance |
A- | Without |
Ab- | Away |
Ad- | To, Toward |
Amphi- | Around |
Con- | Against |
De- | Lack of |
Dia- | Through, Across, Complete |
Dys- | Bad, Difficult |
Ex- | Out, Beyond |
Hyper- | More than normal, excessive |
Sub- | Below, Less than |
Syn- | Same, together |
Arthr/o | Joint |
Coll/a | Glue |
Cry/o | Cold |
Cutane/o | Skin |
Derm/o, Dermat/o | Skin |
Duct/o | To Lead |
Flex/o | Bend |
Hydr/o | Water |
Integument/o | Skin |
Lig/a | To Tie |
Melan/o | Black |
My/o | Muscle |
Orth/o | Straighten |
Osse/o, Oste/o | Bone |
Path/o | Disease |
Pector/o | Chest |
Ped/o | Foot |
Por/o | Pore, Passage |
Strict/o | Narrow, Tighten |
Tens/i | Stretch |
Vas/o | Vessel |
-ary | Pertaining to |
-ate | Having |
-ation | Action of, Process of |
-fic | Making, Causing |
-gen, -genisis | Origin, Formation, Producing |
-in | Within |
-is | Pertaining to |
-itis | Inflammation |
-ium | Structure |
-osis | Condition, Process |
-ous | Pertaining to, Having |
-plasia | Development, Formation |
-plasty | Surgical Repair |
-scopy | Processing of Viewing, Examination |
-trophy | Development |