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Med Term Ch 11

Word parts of the Gastrointestinal System

Root of mouth or/o, stomat/o
Root of tooth dent/o, odont/o
Root of gums gingiv/o
Root of tongue gloss/o, lingu/o
Root of stomach gastr/o
Root of esophogus esophag/o connects mouth to stomach; eso= carry, phago= to eat (carry what you eat)
Root of intestines enter/o
Root of duodenum duoden/o first of 3 sections of small intestine
Root of jejunum jejun/o 2nd of 3 sections of the small intestine (named after "empty", as it is empty during dissections)
Root of Ileum ile/o 3rd of 3 sections of small intestine; name means "groin" as it is located in the lower abdomen
Root of colon col/o, colon/o large intestine; starts at bottom of the abdomen and divides into 3 main sections- ascending colon (going up), transverse colon (going across), and the descending colon (going down)
Root of sigmoid colon sigmoid/o at end of the colon, before the rectum begins
Root of rectum rect/o final portion of colon before arriving at anus
Root of anus an/o
Root of anus + rectum proct/o
Root of saliva sial/o
Root of bile bil/i, chol/e also called gall; substance produced in liver that is required for the body to digest food
Root of abdomen abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o
Root of bladder cyst/o
Root of duct doch/o (referring to common bile duct; multiple smaller ducts called cholangio (bile vessels) leaves liver and empties into the common bile duct (large tube) that empties into small intestine
Root of liver hepat/o, hepatic/o liver is located on right side of abdomen just below rib cage; largest organ in human body except skin; filters more than a liter of blood every minute
Root of pancreas pancreat/o
Root of peritoneum peritone/o membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the abdominal organs
Aerodontalgia ER-oh-dawn-TAL-jah aer= air, odont= tooth, algia= pain tooth pain caused by exposure to air
Aphagia a-FAY-jah a= not, phagia= eat inability to eat
Dentalgia den-TAL-jah dent= tooth, algia= pain tooth pain
dyspepsia dis-PEP-see-ah dys= bad, peps= digestion, ia= condition bad digestion
Esophagalgia eh-SAWF-ah-GAL-jah esophag= esophagus, algia= pain pain in the esophagus
Eupepsia yoo-PEP-see-ah eu= good, peps- digestion, ia = condition good digestion
Gastralgia gas-TRAL-jah gastr= stomach, algia= pain stomach pain
gastrodynia GAS-troh-DIH-nee-ah gastro= stomach, dynia= pain stomach pain
Gingivalgia JIN-jih-VAL-jah gingiv= gum, algia= pain gum pain
Gingivostomatitis JIN-jih-voh-STOH-mah-TAI-tis gingivo= gums, stomat= mouth, itis = inflammation inflammation of the mouth and gums
Hematemesis HEM-at-EM-eh-sis hemat= blood, emesis= vomiting vomiting blood
Hyperemesis HAI-per-EM-eh-sis hyper= over, emesis= vomiting excessive vomiting
Odontalgia OH-dawn-TAL-jah odont= tooth, algia= pain Tooth pain
Odontodynia oh-DAWN-toh-DAI-nee-ah odonto= tooth, dynia= pain tooth pain
Stomatitis STOH-mah-TAI-tis stomat= mouth, itis= inflammation inflammation of the mouth
Stomatodynia stoh-MAT-oh-DAI-nee-ah stomato= mouth, dynia= pain mouth pain
Constipation difficulty passing feces
Diarrhea passing of fluid or unformed feces
Dysentery DIS-en-TER-ee another name for diarrhea
Enterodynia EN-ter-oh-DIH-nee-ah entero= intestine, dynia= pain Pain in the intestine
Hemorrhoid HEM-oh-ROID inflammation of the veins surrounding the anus
Rectalgia rek-TAL-jah rectal pain
Cholecystalgia KOH-lay-sis-TAL-jah chole= bile, cyst= bladder, algia= pain pain in the gallbladder
Jaundice yellowing of skin, tissues, and fluids caused by increasing levels of bilirubin in the blood
Icterus another name for jaundice
Sialorrhea SAI-ah-loh-REE-ah sialo = saliva, rrhea= excessive discharge excessive salivation
Gastromalacia GAS-troh-mah-LAY-shah gastro= stomach, malacia= softening softening of the stomach
Gastroparesis GAS-troh-par-EE-sis gastro= stomach, paresis= partial paralysis Partial paralysis of the stomach
Gingivitis JIN-jih-VAI-tis gingiv- gum , itis= inflammation inflammation of the gums
Gingivoglossitis JIN-jih-voh-glaw-SAI-tis gingivo= gums, gloss= tongue, itis= inflammation inflammation of the gums and tongue
Glossoplegia GLAW-soh-PLEE-jah gloss= tongue, plegia= paralysis paralysis of the tongue
Odontoclasis OH-dawn-TAWK-lah-sis odonto= tooth, clasis= break breaking of a tooth
Stomatogastric stoh-MAH-toh-GAS-trik stomato= mouth, gastr= stomach, ic= pertaining to pertaining to the mouth and the stomach
Stomatosis STOH-mah-TOH-sis stomat= mouth, osis= condition
Anophony an-AW-foh-nee ano= anus, phony = sound sound from the anus
Flatus FLAH-tus medical term for passing gas
Hernia Rupture or protrusion of an organ through the wall that normally contains it
Steatorrhea STAY-at-oh-REE-ah steato= fat, rrhea= discharge excessive fat discharged in the feces
Ascites ah-SAI-teez retention of fluid in the peritoneum
Biligenesis bih-lih-JIN-eh-sis bili= bile, genesis= creation formation of bile
Cholelith KOH-lay-lith chole= bile, lith = stone gallstone; literally "a stone in the bile"
Hepatomalacia heh-PAT-oh-MEG-ah-lee hepato= liver, megaly = enlargement Enlargement of the liver
Hepatoptosis heh-PAT-op-TOH-sis hepato= liver, ptosis= drooping condition downward displacement of the liver
Pancreatolith pan-kree-AT-oh-lith pancreato= pancreas, lith= stone stone in the pancreas
Sialoangiectasis SAI-ah-loh-AN-jee-EK-tah-sis sialo= saliva, angio= vessel, ectasis= expansion overexpansion of the salivary vessels
Sialolith sai-AL-oh-lith sialo= saliva, lith= stone stone in the saliva
Sialostenosis SAI-ah-loh-steh-NOH-sis sialo = saliva, sten= narrowing, osis= condition narrowing of the salivary glands
Cholangiogram koh-LAN-jee-oh-gram chol= bile, angio= vessel, gram = record record of the bile vessels (ducts)
Cholangiography koh-LAN-jee-AW-grah-fee chol= bile, angio= vessel, graphy= writing procedure Procedure for mapping the bile vessels (ducts)
Cholangiopancreatography koh-LAN-jee-oh-PAN-kree-ah-TAW-grah-fee Procedure for mapping the bile vessels (ducts) and pancreas
Cholecystogram KOH-lay-SIS-toh-gram chole= bile, cyst= bladder, gram = record record of the bile (gall) bladder
Pancreatography PAN-kree-ah-TAW-graw-fee pancreato= pancreas, graphy= writing procedure procedure for mapping the pancreas
Anosigmoidoscopy AN-oh-SIG-moid-AW-skoh-pee ano= anus, sigmoido= sigmoid, scopy = looking procedure procedure for looking at the anus and sigmoid colon
Colonoscopy COH-lon-AW-skoh-pee procedure for looking at the colon
Endoscope instrument to look inside
Endoscopy Procedure for looking inside
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy eh-SAW-fah-goh-GAS-stroh-DOO-aw-den-AW-skoh-pee esophago= esophagus, gastro= stomach, duodeno= duodenum, scopy= looking procedure procedure for looking inside the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
Esophagoscopy eh-SAW-fah-GAW-skoh-pee esophago= esophagus, scopy= looking proceudre procedure for looking inside the esophagus
Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) test of feces to discover blood not visibly apparent
Gastroscope instrument for looking at the stomach
Gastroscopy procedure for looking at the stoamach
Laparoscope LAP-ar-roh-skohp laparo= abdomen, scope - looking instrument instrument for looking inside the abdomen
Laparoscopy procedure for looking inside the abdomen
Nasogastric tube NAY-soh GAS-trik TOOB tube inserted through the nose into the stomach
Peritoneoscopy PER-ih-TOH-nee-AW-skoh-pee peritoneo= peritoneum, scopy= looking procedure procedure to looking at the peritoneum
Proctoscope PRAWK-toh-skohp instrument for looking at the anus and rectum
Proctoscopy Procedure for looking at the anus and rectum
Sigmoidoscope instrument for looking at the sigmoid colon
Sigmoidoscopy Procedure for looking at the sigmoid colon
Bariatrics BAR-ee-at-riks bar= heavy, latr= doctor, ics= pertaining to branch of medicine dealing with weight issues
Dentifrice DEN-ti-fris denti= tooth, frice= rub Toothpaste
Dentist specialist in teeth
Dentristry branch of medicine dealing with teeth
Gastroenterologist GAS-troh-EN-ter-AW-loh-jist specialist in the stomach and intestines
Gastroenterology GAS-troh-EN-ter-AW-loh-jee study of the stomach and instestines
Orthodontics brach of medicine dealing with the straightening of teeth
Orthodontist specialist in straightening teeth
Proctologist prok-TAW-loh-gist specialist in the anus, rectum , and colon
Proctology prok-TAW-loh-gee branch of medicine dealing with the anus, rectum, and colon
Epigastric upper center portion of the abdomen
Hypochondriac upper side portions of the abdomen
Hypogastric Lower center portion of the abdomen
Inguinal lower side portions of the abdomen
Lumbar middle side portions of the abdomen
Umbilical middle center portion of the abdomen
Esophagitis eh-SAWF-ah-JAI-tis inflammation of the esophagus
Gastrits gass-TRAI-tis inflammation of the stoamch
Gastroenteritis GAS-troh-EN-ter-AI-tis inflammation of the stomach and intestines
Gastroenterocolitis GAS-troh-EN-ter-coh-LAI-tis inflammation of the stomach, intestines, and colon
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) GAS-troh-eh-SOF-ah-JEE-al REE-fluks disease in which acid comes up from the stomach and damages the esophagus
Gingival hyperplasia JIN-jih-val HAI-per-PLAY-zhah gingiv= gum, al= pertaining to, hyper= over, plasia= formation overformation of gum tissue
Glossopathy glaws-AW-pah-thee glosso= tongue, pathy= disease disease of the tongue
Glossotrichia GLAWS-oh-TRIK-ee-ah glosso= tongue, trich= hair, ia= condition overdevelopment of bumps on the tongue, making the tongue appear to be hairy
Periodontitis PER-ee-OH-don-TAI-tis peri= around, odont= teeth, itis= inflammation inflammation of region around the teeth
Pyloric stenosis PAI-lor-ik steh=NOH-sis pylor= gatekeeper, ic= pertaining to, sten= narrowing, osis= condition narrowing of the sphincter at the base of the stomach
Stomatomycosis stoh-MAT-oh-mai-KOH-sis stomato= mouth, myc= fungus, osis= condition fungus condition of the mouth
Stomatosis STOH-mah-TOH-sis mouth condition
Colitis coh-LAI-tis inflammation of the colon
Duodentitis doo-AH-den-AI-tis inflammation of the duodenum
Enterocele EN-ter-oh-seel hernia of the intestines
Enteropathy EN-ter-AW-pah-thee disease of the intestines
Fistula FIS-tyoo-la any abnormal passageway in the body that shouldn't be there
Anal fistula abnormal opening between the rectum and the exterior perianal skin
Colovaginal fistula COH-loh-VAJ-in-al abnormal opening between the colon and the vagina
Diverticulitis dai-ver-tik-yoo-LAI-tis diverticul= diverticulum inflammation of the diverticula in the colon (diverticulum = little bulge, hernia, or pouch that forms off of the colon)
Diverticulosis dai-ver-tik-yoo-LOH-sis the condition of having diverticula in the colon (diverticulum = little bulge, hernia, or pouch that forms off of the colon)
Celiac disease disease of the intestines due to an adverse reaction to gluten
Ileitis IH-lee-AI-tis ile= ileum inflammation of the ileum
Ileocolitis IH-lee-oh-koh-LAI-tis inflammation of the ileum and colon
Jejunitis JE-joo-NAI-tis jejun= jejunum inflammation of the jejunum
Jejunoileitis je-JOO-noh-IH-lee-AI-tis jejuno= jejunum, ile= ileum inflammation of the jejunum and ileum
Malabsorption incomplete or lack of absorbing nutrients from the intestines
Proctitis inflammation of the anus and rectum
Proctoptosis prok-TOP-toh-sis procto= anus/rectum, ptosis= drooping condition downward displacement of the rectum and anus
Rectitis inflammation of the rectum
Ulcerative colitis UL-sir-ah-tiv koh-LAI-tis inflammation of the colon, characterized by ulcers
Celiomyositis SEE-lee-oh-MAI-oh-SAI-tis celio= abdomen, myos= muscle, itis= inflammation inflammation of the abdominal muscle
Celiopathy see-lee-AW-pah-thee disease of the abdomen
Cholangitis KOH-lan-JAI-tis cholang= bile vessels inflammation of the bile vessels(ducts)
Cholecystitis KOH-lay-sis-TAI-tis inflammation of the bile (gall) bladder
Choledochocele koh-lay-DOH-koh-seel chole= bile, docho= duct hernia of the (common) bile duct
Choledocholithiasis koh-lay-DOH-koh-lith-AI-ah-sis chole= bile, docho= duct, lith= stone, iasis= presence Presence of a stone in the (common) bile duct
Cholelithiasis KOH-lay-lih-THAI-ah-sis presence of a gallstone
Cirrhosis liver disease named for the change of color in the liver
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Hepatosclerosis heh-PAT-oh-skleh-ROH-sis hepato= liver, scler= hardening hardening of the liver
Laparocele LAP-ar-oh-seel abnormal hernia (in abdomen)
pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas
pancreatolithiasis PAN-kree-AH-toh-lih-THAI-ah-sis presence of a stone in the pancreas
Peritonitis PER-ih-toh-NAI-tis inflammation of the peritoneum
Sclerosing cholangitis skleh-ROH-sing KOH-lan-JAI-tis scleros= harden inflammation and hardening of the bile vessels (ducts)
Sialadenitis sai-AL-oh-AD-en-AI-tis sialo= saliva, aden= gland, inflammation of the salivary glands
Sialoadenosis sai-AL-oh-AD-en-OH-sis a condition of the salivary glands
sialolithiasis sai-AL-oh-lih-THAI-sis presence of salivary stones
Cholangioma koh-lan-jee-OH-mah tumor of the bile vessels
Colorectal carcinoma COH-loh-REK-tal KAR-sin-NOH-mah cancerous tumor of the esophagus
Esophageal carcinoma eh-SAWF-ah-JEE-al KAR-sih-NOH-mah cancerous tumor of the esophagus
Hepatocarcinoma heh-PAT-oh-KAR-sih-NOH-mah cancerous tumor of the liver
Hepatoma HEH-pah-TOH-mah tumor of the liver
Antacid agent that neutralizes acid
Antiemetic AN-tih-EE-met-ik emet= vomiting agent that prevents or relieves nausea or vomiting
Cathartic kah-THAR-tik cathart= cleansing agent that produces bowel movements
Sialagogic sai-AL-ah-GAW-jik agent that causes salivation
Esophagectomy eh-SAW-fah-JEK-toh-mee surgical removal of the esophagus
Esophagogastroplasty eh-SAW-fah-goh-GAS-troh-PLAS-tee surgical reconstruction of the esophagus and stomach
Gastrectomy gas-TREK-toh-mee surgical removal of the stomach
Gastroduodenostomy GAS-troh-doo-AH-den-AW-stoh-mee creation of an opening between the stomach and the intestines
Gastrojejunostomy GAS-troh-JEH-joo-NAW-stoh-mee creation of an opening between the stomach and the jejunum
Gastropexy surgical fixation of the stomach
Gastroplasty surgical reconstruction of the stomach
Gingivectomy surgical removal of the gum tissue
Gingivoplasty surgical reconstruction of the gum tissue
Glossoplasty surgical reconstruction of the tongue
Glossorrhaphy glaws-OR-ah-fee suture of the tongue
Glossotomy incision into the tongue
Odontectomy surgical removal of a tooth
Anastomosis ah-NAS-toh-MOH-sis creation of an opening; a surgical procedure connecting two previously unconnected hollow tubes
Anoplasty surgical reconstruction of the anus
Colectomy surgical removal of the colon
Colostomy creation of an opening in the colon
Duodenectomy surgical removal of the duodenum
Enterectomy surgical removal of the intestines
Enterorrhaphy en-ter-OR-ah-fee suture of the intestines
Enterotomy incision into the intestines
Hemicoletomy surgical removal of half (a portion) of the colon
Hemorrhoidectomy HEM-oh-roi-DEK-toh-mee surgical removal of hemmrrhoids
Herniorrhaphy her-nee-OR-ah-fee suture of a hernia
Ileocolostomy IHL-ee-oh-koh-LAW-stoh-mee creation of an opening between the ileum and colon
Ileorrhaphy IHL-ee-OR-ah-fee suture of the ileum
Ileostomy creation of an opening in the ileum
Ileotomy incision into the ileum
Jejunorrhaphy JE-joo-NOR-ah-fee suture of the jejunum
Jejunostomy creation of an opening in the jejunum
jejunotomy incision into the jejunum
Proctoplasty surgical reconstruction of the anus and rectum
Rectopexy surgical fixation of the rectum
Abdominocentesis puncture of the abdomen (usually for the purpose of withdrawing fluid)
Abdominoplasty Surgical reconstruction of the abdomen
Celiotomy incision into the abdomen
Cholangiogastrostomy kohl-AN-jee-oh-gas-TRAW-stoh-mee creation of an opening between the bile vessel and stomach
Cholecystectomy KOH-lay-sis-TEK-toh-me surgical removal of the bile (gall) bladder
Choledochoenterostomy KOH-leh-DOH-koh-EN-ter-AW-stoh-me creation of an opening between the (common) bile duct and the intestines
choledochotomy KOH-leh-doh-KAW-toh-me incision into the (common) bile duct
Cholelithotomy KOH-lay-lih-THAW-toh-me incision to remove bile (gall) stones
Cholelithotripsy KOH-lay-lith-THOH-trip-see (trips= rub) crushing of bile (gall) stones
Hepatectomy surgical removal of the lier
Hepaticogastromy heh-PAT-ih-koh-gas-TRAW-stoh-mee creation of an opening between the liver and the stomach
Hepaticotomy incision into the liver
hepatopexy surgical fixation of the liver
Laparenterostomy LAP-ah-roh-EN-ter-AWS-toh-me creation of an opening between the abdomen and teh intestines
Laparoscopic surgery the use of a laparoscope to perform minimally invasive surgery
Laparotomy incision into the abdomen
Pancreatectomy surgical removal of the pancreas
Pancreatoduodenectomy PAN-kree-at-oh-DOO-aw-den-EK-toh-me surgical removal of the pancreas and duodenum
Pancreatolithectomy PAN-kree-at-oh-lih-THECK-toh-me surgical removal of stones in the pancreas
Sialoadenectomy sai-AL-oh-AD-en-EK-toh-mee incision to surgically remove salivary gland
Sialolithotomy sai-AL-oh-lih-THAW-toh-mee incision to surgically remove salivary stones
Stomatoplasty stoh-MAH-toh-PLAS-tee surgical reconstruction of the mouth
BE barium enema
BM bowel movement
CCE cholecystectomy
EGD esophogogastroduodenoscopy
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
EUS endoscopic ultrasound
FOBT fecal occult blood test
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
HAV, HBV, HCV hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus
IBD inflammatory bowel disease
IBS irritable bowel syndrom
LFT liver function test
NGT nasogastric tube
NPO nothing by mouth (nihil per os)
N&V nausea & vomiting
PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PEJ percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
PUD peptic ulcer disease
RLQ right lower quadrant
RUQ right upper quadrant
LLQ left lower quadrant
LUQ left upper quadrant
UGI upper gastrointestinal
Created by: cayla.marie
Popular Medical sets




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