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Med Term Ch 12

Word parts of the urinary system

Root and meaning of Glomerulus (plural=glomeruli) glomerul/o from latin word meaning "little ball" and refers to the little balls of blood vessels inside the kidney; primary place for filtering blood from urine
Root of kidney nephr/o, ren/o
Root and meaning of Renal Pelvis pyel/o Renal pelvis= series of tubes that funnel urine out of the kidneys and into the ureters and on to the bladder
Root of stone lith/o accumulation of salts + calcium
Root of urine ur/o, urin/o
Root of bladder cyst/o, vesic/o
Root of urethra urethr/o
Root and meaning of Ureter ureter/o thick-walled tubes about 10in in length that carry urine from te kidneys to the bladder
Root of opening meat/o meatus comes from latin word "to go through"
Root and meaning of Epididym/o epididym/o oblong organ that sits on top of each testicle; place where sperm cells complete their final level of development and are stored
Root of penis balan/o
Root of testicle orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o, testicul/o
Root + meaning of prostate prostat/o organ in male reproductive tract that surrounds the urethra
Root of sperm sperm/o, spermat/o, sperm/i
Anuria an-YUR-ee-ah lack of urination
Cystalgia sis-TAL-jah pain in the bladder
cystodynia SIS-toh-DAI-nee-ah pain in the bladder
Cystoplegia SIS-toh-PLEE-jah bladder paralysis
Dysuria dis-YUR-ee-ah painful urination
Enuresis EN-yur-EE-sis involuntary urination
Hematuria HEE-mah-TUR-ee-ah bloody urination
Incontinence inability to control urination
Nephralgia neh-FRAL-jah pain in the kidney
Nocturia nok-TUR-ee-ah Nighttime urination
Nocturnal enuresis nok-TIR-nal EN-yur-EE-sis nighttime involuntary urination
Oliguria aw-lih-GYIR-ee-ah low urine output
Polydipsia PAW-lee-DIP-see-ah excessive thirst
Polyuria PAW-lee-YUR-ee-ah excessive urination
Pyuria pai-YUR-ee-ah Pus in the urine
Ureteralgia yur-EE-ter-AL-jah pain in the ureter
Urethrodynia yoo-REE-throh-DAI-nee-ah pain in the urethra
Urethrorrhea yoo-REE-throh-REE-ah discharge from the urethra
Urocyanosis YUR-oh-SAI-ah-NOH-sis blue urine
Urodynia YUR-oh-DAI-nee-ah painful urination
Balanorrhea BAL-ah-noh-REE-ah discharge from the penis
Orchialgia OR-kee-AL-jah testicle pain
Orchidoptosis OR-kih-dop-TOH-sis downward displacement of a testicle
Orchiodynia OR-kee-oh-DIH-nee-ah testicle pain
Priapism PREE-ap-izm persistent and painful erection
Albuminuria al-byoo-mih-NUR-ee-ah protein in the urine (albumin= protein)
Azotemia AZ-oh-TEE-nee-ah excess nitrogen in the blood (azot= nitrogen)
Azotorrhea AZ-oh-toh-REE-ah excessive discharge of nitrogen (azoto= nitrogen)
Azoturia AZ-oh-TUR-ee-ah excess nitrogen in the urine
Cystorrhexis SIS-toh-REK-sis Rupture of the bladder
Dipsogenic DIP-soh-JIN-ik Creating thirst
Glucosuria GLOO-koh-shur-EE-ah sugar in the urine
Hyperkalemia HAI-per-kah-LEE-mee-ah excessive potassium in the blood (kal= potassium)
Hyponatremia HAI-poh-nah-TREE-mee-ah low sodium in blood (natr= sodium)
Ketolysis kee-TAW-lih-sis breakdown of ketones
Ketonuria kee-toh-NUR-ee-ah presence of ketones in the urine
Meatal stenosis mee-AY-tal- steh-NOH-sis narrowing of the opening of the urethra
Nephroptosis nef-rop-TOH-sis downward displacement of a kidney
Nephrosis neh-FROH-sis kidney condition
Uremia ur-EE-mee-ah urine in the blood
Ureterocele yoo-REE-ter-oh-SEEL hernia of a ureter
Ureterolithiasis yoo-REE-ter-oh-lih-THAI_ah-sis presence of stones in a ureter
Ureterostenosis yoo-REE-ter-oh-steh-NOH-sis narrowing of a ureter
Urethrospasm yoo-REE-throh-SPAZ-um involuntary contraction of the urethra
Urethrostenosis yoo-REE-throh-steh-NOH-sis narrowing of the urethra
Cystoscopy sis-TAW-skoh-pee process of examining the bladder
Meatoscope mee-AT-oh-SKOHP instrument for examining the opening of the urethra
Meatoscopy MEE-ah-TAW-skoh-pee process of examining the opening of the urethra
Nephroscopy ne-FRAW-skoh-pee procedure for examining a kidney
Resectoscope rih-SEK-toh-SKOHP instrument for examining and cutting (usually the prostate)
Ureteroscopy yoo-REE-ter-AW-skoh-pee process of examining a ureter
Urethroscope yoo-REE-throh-SKOHP instrument for examining the urethra
Urethroscopy yoo-ree-THRAW-skoh-pee process of examining the urethra
Urinalysis (UA) analysis of the urine to determine presence of abnormal elements
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea; it is the product of the breakdown of amino acids for energy
Diuresis DAI-yur-EE-sis excessive urination
Nephrologist neh-FRAW-loh-jist specialist in the kidneys
Nephrology neh-FRAW-loh-jee study of the kidneys
Urologist yur-AW-loh-jist specialist in the urinary tract
Urology yur-AW-loh-jee study of the urinary tract
Uropoiesis YUR-oh-poh-EE-sis formation of urine
Uroxanthin YUR-oh-ZAN-thin substance in urine that makes it yellow
Voiding Another term for urination
Anorchidism an-OR-kih-DIZ-um lack of a testicle
Aspermia ay-SPER-me-ah condition characterize by lack of living sperm
Azoospermia ay-ZOH-aw-SPER-mee-ah condition characterized by lack of living sperm
Cryptorchidism krip-TOR-kih-DIZ-um hidden testicle
Hydrocele HAI-droh-SEEL fluid-filled mass in a testicle
Hypospadias HAI-poh-SPAY-dee-as birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis
Oligospermia AW-lih-goh-SPER-mee-ah condition characterized by low sperm production
Phimosis fih-MOH-sis contraction of the foreskin of the penis, preventing it from being retracted
Prostatolith pros-TAT-oh-lith stone in the prostate
Prostatomegaly PROS-ta-toh-MEH-gah-lee abnormal enlargement of the prostate
Prostatorrhea PROS-ta-toh-REE-ah discharge from the prostate
Seminoma SEM-ih-NOH-mah type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue
Spermatocele sper-MAH-toh-SEEL hernia or distention of the epididymis caused by sperm cells
Spermatolysis SPER-mah-TAW-lih-sis destruction of sperm cells
Digital rectal exam (DRE) examination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum
Ejaculation emission of semen in the urethra
Gonads pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; in males, they are the testicles, and in females, they are the ovaries
Spermatogenesis sper-MAT-oh-JIN-eh-sis creation of sperm
Vas deferens VAS DEH-frenz vessel carrying sperm from the testicles
Cystogram SIS-toh-gram image of the bladder
Cystography sis-TAW-grah-fee process for recording/imaging the bladder
Nephrogram NEF-roh-gram image of a kidney
Nephrography neh-FRAW-grah-fee procedure for imaging a kidney
Pyelogram PAI-el-oh-GRAM image of the renal pelvis
Renal Angiogram image of a kidney blood vessel
renal angiography process of imaging a kidney blood vessel
Renal arteriogram REE-nal ar-TER-ee-oh-GRAM image of a kidney artery
Retrograde pyelogram REH-troh-grayd PAI-el-oh-GRAM image of the renal pelvis produced by injecting a contrast dye from the bladder to the kidney
Ultrasonography UL-trah-soh-NAW-grah-fee imaging procedure using high-frequency sound waves
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) VOI-ding SIS-toh-yoo-REE-throh-GRAM imaging procedure of the bladder and urethra produced during urination
Transrectal ultrasonography TRANZ-REK-tal UL-trah-soh-NAW-grah-fee procedure using a probe inserted into the rectum using high-frequency sound waves to scan through the rectum to nearby tissue (most commonly, the prostate)
Urethrogram yoo-REE-throh-GRAM image of the urethra
Cystitis sis-TAI-tis inflammation of the bladder
Cystocele SIS-toh-seel hernia of the bladder
Cystolith SIS-toh-lith stone in the bladder
Cystoptosis sis-TOP-toh-sis downward displacement of the bladder
Cystospasm SIS-toh-SPAZ-um involuntary contraction of the bladder
Cystoureteritis SIS-toh-yoo-REE-ter-AI-tis inflammation of the bladder and ureter
Cystourethrocele SIS-toh-yoo-REE-throh-seel hernia of the bladder and urethra
Glomerulonephritis gloh-MER-yoo-loh-neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of the kidneys involving primarily the glomeruli
Glomerulopathy gloh-MER-yoo-LAW-pah-thee disease of the kidney involving primarily the glomeruli
Glomerulosclerosis gloh-MER-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis hardening of the glomeruli
Hydronephrosis HAI-droh-neh-FROH-sis kidney condition caused by obstruction of urine flow
Lithonephritis LIH-troh-neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of the kidneys caused by stones
Nephritis neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of the kidney
Nephrocele NEH-froh-seel hernia of a kidney
Nephrohypertrophy NEH-froh-hai-PER-troh-fee overdevelopment of the kidney
Nephrolithiasis NEH-froh-lih-THAI-ah-sis presence of stones in the kidney
Nephromalacia NEH-froh-mah-LAY-shah abnormal softening of a kidney
Nephromegaly NEH-froh-MEG-ah-lee abnormal enlargement of a kidney
Nephropathy neh-FRAW-pah-thee any kidney disease
Nephroptosis NEH-frop-TOH-sis downward displacement of a kidney
Nephrosclerosis NEH-froh-skleh-ROH-sis abnormal hardening of a kidney
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) PAW-lee-SIS-tik KID-nee dih-ZEEZ disease characterized by the formation of cysts in the kidneys
Pyelitis PAI-el-AI-tis inflammation of the renal pelvis
Pyelocystitis PAI-el-oh-sis-TAI-tis inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder
Pyelocystostomosis PAI-el-oh-SIS_toh-staw-MOH-sis creating of an opening between the renal pelvis and bladder
Pyelonephritis PAI-el-oh-neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis
Pyelopathy PAI-el-AW-pah-thee disease of the renal pelvis
Pyeloureterectasia PAI-el-oh-yoo-REE-ter-ek-TAY-zhah dilation of the renal pelvis and ureter
Pyonephritis PAI-oh-neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of the kidney caused by pus
Pyonephrolithiasis PAI-oh-NEH-froh-lih-THAI-ah-sis presence of pus and stones in the kidney
Pyopyeloectasis PAI-oh-PAI-el-oh-EK-tah-sis Pus in a dilated renal pelvis
Renal failure kidney failure
Renal ischemia REE-nal ih-SKEE-mee-ah deficiency of blood in kidney
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) loss of bladder control caused by the application of external pressure
Ureteritis yoo-REE-ter-AI-tis inflammation of a ureter
Ureteropyelitis yoo-REE-ter-oh-PAI-el-AI-tis inflammation of a ureter and renal pelvis
Ureteropyelonephritis yoo-REE-ter-oh-PAI-el-oh-neh-FRAI-tis inflammation of a kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter
Urethritis yoo-ree-THRAI-tis inflammation of the urethra
Urethrocystitis yoo-REE-throh-sis-TAI-tis inflammation of the urethra and bladder
Urinary tract infection infection of the urinary tract
Uropathy yur-AW-pah-thee disease of the urinary tract
Vesicocele VES-ih-koh-SEEL hernia of the bladder
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) VES-ih-koh-yoo-REE-ter-al-REE-fluks abnormal flow of urine from the bladder back into the ureters
Balanitis bal-ah-NAI-tis inflammation of the penis
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) noncancerous overdevelopment of the prostate, also known as enlarged prostate
Epididymitis EP-ih-DID-ih-MAI-tis inflammation of the epididymis
Epididymo-orchitis EP-ih-DID-ih-moh-or-KAI-tis inflammation of the testicles and epididymis
Orchiditis OR-kih-DAI-tis inflammation of the testicles
Orchiepididymitis OR-kee-EP-ih-DID-ih-MAI-tis inflammation of the testicles and epididymis
Orchiopathy OR-kee-AW-pah-thee disease of the testicles
Orchitis or-KAI-tis inflammation of the testicles
Prostatitis PRAWS-tah-TAI-tis inflammation of the prostate
Prostatocystitis PROS-ta-toh-sis-TAI-tis inflammation of the prostate and bladder
Prostatovesiculitis PROS-ta-toh-veh-SIK-yoo-LAI-tis inflammation of the prostate and vesicles
Testitis tes-TAI-tis inflammation of a testicle
Varicocele VAR-ih-koh-SEEL overexpansion of the blood vessels of the testicles, leading to a soft tumor
Cystoma sis-TOH-mah tumor of the bladder
Hypernephroma HAI-per-neh-FROH-mah another name for renal cell carcinoma
Nephroma neh-FROH-ma kidney tumor
Renal cell carcinoma cancer of the kidneys
Seminoma SEM-ih-NOH-mah type of testicular cancer arising from sperm-forming tissue
Testicular carcinoma testicular cancer
Chlamydia sexually transmitted disease characterized by genital discharge and painful urination, caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
Gonorrhea a sexually transmitted disease characterized by discharge from the gonads, caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) a family of highly contagious viruses that effect mucous membranes and produce watery blisters that eventually scab over
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) a disease that compromises a patient's immune system leaving them open to other opportunistic infections. The late stage of this disease is referred to as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
Human papilloma virus (HPV) a virus that can cause warts and precancerous lesions in genital areas
Syphilis a sexually transmitted disease characterized at first by skin irritations then later developing into neurological and heart symptoms, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum
Trichomoniasis tri-koh-moh-NAI-ah-sis a sexually transmitted disease characterized by genital itching, painful urination, and genital discharge, caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Antispasmodic drug used to prevent spasms
Diuretic agent that causes urination
nephrotoxin agent poisonous to the kidney
Spermicide agent that kills sperm
Spermolytic agent that kills sperm
Cystectomy surgical removal of the bladder
Cystolithectomy surgical removal of a stone in the bladder
Cystostomy creation of an opening in the bladder
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) a breakdown of kidney stones using sound waves generated outside the body
Fulguration use of electric current to destroy tissue
Heminephrectomy surgical removal of half a kidney
Hemodialysis procedure for removing waste from the bloodstream
Heminephroureterectomy HEH-mee-neh-froh-yoo-REE-ter-EK-toh-mee surgical removal of half a kidney and ureter
Intracorporeal lithotripsy breakdown of kidney stones using sound waves placed inside the body
Kidney dialysis procedure for removing waste from the blood (shorter name for hemodialysis)
Laparonephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen
Lithectomy surgical removal of a stone
LIthocystotomy incision into the bladder to remove a stone
Lithonephrotomy incision into a kidney to remove a stone
Lithotripsy breakdown of a stone
Meatoplasty mee-AT-toh-PLAS-tee surgical reconstruction of the opening of the urethra
Meatorrhaphy MEE-ah-TOR-ah-phy suture of the opening of the urethra
Meatotomy MEE-ah-TAW-toh-mee incision into the opening of the urethra
Nephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney through the abdomen
Nephrocystanastomosis NEH-froh-SIST-ah-NAS-tah-MOH-sis opening of a passageway between kidney and the bladder
Nephrolithotomy incision into a kidney to remove a stone
Nephropexy surgical fixation of a kidney
Nephrorrhaphy neh-FROR-ah-fee suture of a kidney
Nephrostomy creation of an opening in a kidney
Nephrotomy incision into a kidney
Nephroureterectomy surgical removal of a kidney and a ureter
Pyelolithotomy PAI-el-oh-lih-THAW-toh-mee incision into a renal pelvis to remove a stone
Pyeloplasty PAI-el-oh-PLAS-tee surgical reconstruction of a renal pelvis
Pyelostomy PAI-el-AW-stoh-mee creation of an opening into a renal pelvis
Pyelotomy PAI-el-AW-toh-mee incision into a renal pelvis
Renal angioplasty surgical reconstruction of a kidney blood vessel
Ureteroileostomy yoo-REE-ter-oh-IL-ee-AWS-toh-mee uretero = ureter, ileo- ileum creation of an opening between a ureter and the ileum (portion of small intestines)
Ureteronephrectomy surgical removal of a kidney and ureter
Ureteroplasty surgical reconstruction of a ureter
Ureterorrhaphy yoo-REE-ter-OR-ah-fee suture of a ureter
Urethrectomy surgical removal of the urethra
Urethropexy surgical fixation of the urethra
Urethroplasty surgical reconstruction of the urethra
Urethrotomy incision into the urethra
Urinary catheterization insertion of a catheter into the bladder to drain urine
Urostomy creation of an opening in the urinary tract; normally to divert urine flow away from a diseased bladder
Vesicotomy incision into the bladder
Balanoplasty BAL-ah-noh-PLAS-tee surgical reconstruction of the penis
Circumcision surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis
Epididymectomy EP-ih-DID-ih-MEK-toh-mee surgical removal of the epididymis
Epididymotomy incision into the epididymis
Hydrocelectomy HAI-droh-seel-EK-toh-mee surgical removal of a hydrocele
Orchidectomy surgical removal of a testicle
Orchidopexy surgical fixation of a testicle
Orchidotomy incision into a testicle
Orchiectomy surgical removal of a testicle
Orchiopexy surgical fixation of a testicle
Orchioplasty surgical reconstruction of a testicle
Prostatectomy surgical removal of the prosate
Prostatolithotomy incision into the prostate to remove a stone
Prostatovesiculectomy surgical removal of the prostate and seminal vesicles
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) procedure of removing all or part of the prostate by the insertion of a resectoscope into the urethra
Vasectomy surgical removal of vas deferens
Vesiculectomy surgical removal of the seminal vesicles
BUN blood urea nitrogen
Bx bipsy
Cath catheter
ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
HD hemodialysis
I&O intake and output
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVU intravenous urogram
KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder
OAB overactive bladder
PKD polycystic kidney disease
RP retrograde pyelogram
SUI stress urinary incontinence
UA urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
VCUG voiding cystourethogram
VUR vesicoureteral reflux
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
BPH benign prostate hyperplasia
DRE digital rectal exam
ED erectile dysfunction
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HPV human papilloma virus
HSV herpes simplex virus
PSA prostate-specific antigen
STD/STI sexually transmitted disease / sexually transmitted infection
Created by: cayla.marie
Popular Medical sets




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