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Endocrine word list

Acromegaly Enlarged features, particulary the face and hands; caused by hypersecretion of (pituitary) Growth Hormone, after puberty.
ACTH Adrenocortictropic Hormone.
Addision's Disease Chronic disorder of the adrenal glands caused by deficiency of cortical hormones.
Adenoma Tumour of a gland
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone -Vasopressin: promotes reabsorption of water in the kidneys.
Adrenal Cortex Outer section of the adrenal gland which secretes steriods.
Adrenalectomy Surgical excision of an adrenal gland.
Adrenal Glands Two bean-shaped glands situated on top of the kidneys which sectrete steriod and sex hormone.
Adrenal Medulla Inner section of the adrenal gland which secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Aldosterone Steriod produced in the adrenal cortex. Is essential to life. Maintains sodium and potassium levels.
Atrophy Lack of development.
Cortisol A gluccorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex.
Cushing's syndrome Disorder caused by hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex, resulting in excessive production of steriods.
Diabetes Insipidus Disorder more common in the young, caused by inadequate secretion of the andidiuretic hormone, which causes excessive thirst and excessive secretion of urine.
Diabetes Mellitus A common pancreatic disorder involving insulin sectretion into the blood, either in too much or too little quantities.
Diuresis Increased excretion of urine.
Dwarfism A condition of being abnomally small; may be hereditary or an endocrine dysfunction.
Endocrinology The study of ductless glands, their secretions, and their function of homeostasis.
Epinephrine Adrenaline -produced in the adrenal medualla. Increases heart rate, fat metabolism for energy, and dilates the bronchial tubes.
Exophthalmos Protrusion of eyes due to swelling in tissues; often associated with Grave's Disease.
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar.
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone.
GH Growth Hormone. Also known as PGH.
Gigantism Abnormal overgrowth of the entire body caused by hypersecretion of Pituitary Growth Hormone before puberty.
Glucogenesis Formation of glucose from glycogen.
Glucagon Hormone secreted by the pancreas which increases the amount of glucose in the blood.
Glucocorticoids Steriods in the adrenal cortex that influence the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Glycogen Substance in which carbohydrates are stored in the liver for future concersion into sugar.
Glucose The most important carbohydrate (sugar) in body metabolism.
GLucosuria Glucose in the urine.
Graves' Disease Disorder of the thyroid-hyperthyroidism. Characterized by abnormal weight loss, muscular weakness, and emotional instability.
GTT Glucose Tolerance Test.
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HDL High Density Lipoproteins.
Hirsutism A condition of abnormal hairiness, especially in females.
Homeostasis A state of stable internal environment of the body.
Hormones Secretions of endocrine glands which regulate function of the body (ie. testosterone in males and estrogen in females)
Hyperglycemia Excessive amount of sugar in the blood.
Hyperinsulinism Excessive amount of insulin in the blood-insulin shock.
Hypersecretion Excessive secretion.
Hypocalcemia Abnormally low amount of calcium in the blood.
Hypoglycemia Too little sugar in the blood.
Hypogonadism Under-development of internal secretions of male sex glands
Hypokalemia Extreme depletion of potassium in the blood usually lost in diuresis.
Hyposecretion Inadequate secretion.
ICF Intracecelluar fluid.
ICSH Interstital cell stimulating hormone.
Insulin A hormone secreted by the Islets of Langerhans. Essential for metabolism of blood sugar (glucose). Can also be made synthetically and given by injection.
Islets of Langerhans Clusters of cells in the pancreas which produce insulin and glucagon.
ITT Insulin Tolerance Test.
Ketoacidosis An acute stage of diabetes mellitus characterizes by hypotension and, eventually, coma.
LDL Low Density Lipoproteins.
LH Luteinizing Hormone
LTH Lactogenic Hormone (prolactin)
Metabolism Processes in which substances are broken down or built up during chemical reactions that are necessary to maintain life
MSH Melancoyte Stimulating Hormone, (melanin)
Mineralocorticoids Hormones in the adrenal cortex that regulate water and mineral salts (electrolytes) in the body
Norepinephrine Noradrenaline; produced in the adrenal medulla. Increases blood pressure and constricks vessels
NPH Neutral Protamine Hagedorn -a synthetic insulin
Obesity Excessive Accumluation of fat in the body
Oral Hypoglycemics Medications used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin
Pancreas An organ that contains groups of cells called the Islets and Langerhans which produce endocrine secretions, such as insulin and glucagon
Parathyroid Four seperate glands that are located on the posterior glands surfaces of the lobes of the thyroid gland
PGH Pituitary Growth Hormone
Pineal Gland Pine-cone shaped gland that is attached to the posterior part of the third ventical of the brain which secretes melatonin
Pituitary Gland Hypophysis; pea-shaped gland that is located at the base of the brain
Polydipsea Excessive thrist
Polyphagia A condition of eating abnormally large amounts of food
Polyuria Excessive secretion of urine
PHT Parathyroid Hormone
RAIU Radioactive Iodine uptake test on the thyroid gland
Serum Glucose Test Blood tests to aid in the diagnosis of insulin deficiency
Somatotropin Human growth hormone found in the anterior pituitary lobe
Thryroid Echogram Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland
Thyroidectomy Surgical excision of the thyroid gland
Thryotoxixc Thyroid poisoning
Thyroxine (T4) One of the two major hormones produced by the thyroid. Regulates metabolism and energy levels
Thriiodothyronine (T3) One of the two major hormones produced, stored and released by the thyroid gland
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Created by: nparsons
Popular Medical sets




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