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Blesi8e Ch59 Terms

[MO2] Managing the Office [Tier 01]

accommodating a conflict management style allowing the other party to satisfy their concerns while neglecting your own
accountability the acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for one's actions
accountant one who keeps, audits and inspects the financial records of individuals or businesses
A-E-I-O-U model a model to communicate concerns and offer alternatives
avoiding a conflict management style of not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it
benefits vary according to the size of the practice; such as PTO, vacation, holiday pay, sick time off, personal time, bereavement, jury duty, helath insurance, disability, life insurance and profit sharing
bereavement time time that an employee can take off when a family member or very close friend dies
collaborating a conflict management style of cooperating with another party in an effort to find a mutually satisfactory solution
competence the quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of requires skill, knowledge, qualification or capacity
competing a conflict management style using formal authority or other power to satisfy your concerns without regard to the concerns of the part that you are in conflict with
complimentary health care medical care offered to employees
compromising a conflict management style attempting to resolve a conflict by identifying a solution that is partially satisfactory to both parties
conflict a clash of opinions or interests
deductions to deduct or subtract; remove, take away
disability a benefit that covers a percentage of the salary if an employee is unable to work because if a disabling condition
evaluations assessment; judgement concerning the worth, quality, significance or value of a situation, person or product
exemption freed from or not liable for something to which others are subject
fringe benefits included in or added to the salary paid, such as health insurance, retirement fund, etc
gross income exclusive of deductions; total; entire
hourly wage a varying amount of income of income depending on hours worked.
internal revenue service (IRS) the division of federal government charged with implementing tax laws and collecting taxes
longevity a long duration of life; lasting a long time
net income remaining after all deductions have been made; to clear as profit
performance improvement plan (PIP) documents a plan for required performance improvement when an employee's performance does not meet minimum expectations
productivity the amount of work accomplished in a period of time
profit sharing a system by which employees receive a share of the profits of a business enterprise
reimbursemenet to pay back or compensate for money spent, or losses or damages incurred
salary a fixed amount of wages paid to an employee on a regular basis for a prescribed period of time
strategy alternative chosen to make happen a desired future
style a way in which something is said, done, expressed or performed
tangible employment action a significant change in employment status such as hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, undesired reassignment
vested settled; complete; absolute; continuous
Created by: MaesterRay
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