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Basic Medical
English | Spanish |
Blood Clot | Coágulo de sangre |
Pain Killers | Analgésicos |
Miscarriage | Aborto espontáneo |
Abortion | Aborto inducido |
Fatty Liver | Higado graso |
Runny Nose | Escurrimiento Nasal |
Airways | Vias respiratorias |
Stuffy Nose | Nariz tapada |
Mumps | Paperas |
Scabies | Sarna |
Injury | Lesión |
Disorder | Trastorno |
Illnes | Enfermedad |
Bleeding disorder | Trastorno hemorrágico |
Blood Disorder | Trastorno sanguineo |
Sprain | Esguince |
Tonsils | Amigdalas |
Blood Sample | Muestra de sangre |
Bowel movement | Deposición fecal |
Stomachache | Dolor estomacal / Dolor de estomago |
Measles | Sarampión |
Fast | Ayunas |
Hives | Ronchas |
Provider | Proveedor |
Pinched Nerve | Nervio oprimido |
Strain | Distensión muscular |
OTC Medication | Medicamento de venta libre |
X-Ray | Radiografía |
Sole of the foot | Planta del pie |
Kneecap | Rótula |
Pap Smear | Papanicolao |
Blood Test | Analisis de sangre / Prueba de sangre |
Cast | Yeso |
Wart | Verruga |
Mouth Sores | Aftas / Postemillas |
PCP (Primary Care Physician) | Médico de cabecera |
Foreskin | Prepucio |
Stent | Endoprótesis |
MRI | Imágen de resonancia magnética |
Jaundice | Ictericia |
Hearing Device | Dispositivo auditivo |
Feeling down | Decaído |
Baby teeth | Dientes de leche |
Spine | Columna vertebral |
Stroke | Derrame |
Hot flashes | Bochornos |
Blood thinner | Anticoagulante |
Breast Pump | Bomba de lactancia |
Bile | Bilis |
Seizures | Convulsiones |
Heartburn | Agruras / Acidez estomacal |
Pacemaker | Marca pasos |
Flu | Influenza (gripe) |
Nape | Nuca |
Syringe | Jeringa |
Heart murmur | Soplo cardiaco |
Sonogram | Sonograma |
Vital signs | Signos vitales |
Refill | Surtir |
Referral | Remisión |
Stress Test | Prueba de esfuerzo |
Health care provider | Proveedor de atención médica |
Mouth guard | Protector bucal |
Outpatient procedure | Procedimiento ambulatorio |
Blood Pressure | Presión arterial |
Latch | Prender |
Bedridden | Postrado en cama |
Menstrual Period | Periodo menstrual |
Midwife | Partera |
Soiled diaper | Pañal sucio |
Palate | Paladar |
Outpatient | Paciente ambulatorio |
Stye | Orzuelo |
Navel/Belly button | Ombligo |
Obstetrician | Obstetra |
OBGYN | Ginecobstetra |
Gynecologist | Ginecólogo / Ginecóloga |
Bed sores | Llagas de decubito |
Abdominal cramp | Retortijon |
Cramp | Calambre |
IV | Intravenosa |
Groin | Ingle |
Dosage | Dosis |
Blood donor | Donador de sangre |
Labor pains | Dolores de parto |
Irritated throat | Garganta irritada |
Teaspoon | Cucharadita |
Rash | Sarpullido |
Eyelid | Parpado |
Gums | Encias |
Wound | Herida |
Tablespoon | Cucharada |
Period cramp | Cólicos |
Blister | Ampolla |
Scab | Costra |
Cold | Resfriado |
Prognosis | Pronóstico |
Itch | Picazón |
Birth control | Anticonceptivo |
Bruises | Moretones |
Phlegm | Flema |
Cotton swabs | Hisopos |
Soreness | Dolor / Molestia |
Sore throat | Dolor de garganta |
Scratchy throat | Garganta rasposa |
Pit of the stomach | Boca del estomago |
Sample | Muestra |
Prescribe | Recetar |
Check | Revisar |
Swallow | Tragar |
Symptoms | Sintomas |
Lab Test | Analisis de laboratorio |
Vaginal Delivery | Parto natural |
C-Section | Cesarea |
Splint | Férula |
Glucometer | Glucometro |
Chills | Escalofrios |
Jaw | Mandibula / Quijada |
Muscle Tear | Desgarre |
Sling | Cabestrillo |
Wheezing | Resuello |
Booster shot | Vacuna de refuerzo |
Immunization record | Cartilla de vacunación |
Stabbing pain | Dolor punzante |
Dull pain | Dolor sordo |
Excruciating pain | Dolor insoportable |
Throbbing pain | Dolor Palpitante |
Sharp pain | Dolor agudo |
Tingling | Hormigueo |
Numb | Entumecido |
Heart attack | Ataque al corazon |
Failure | Insuficiencia |
CT Scan | Tomografía Computarizada |
Cannula | Canula |