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Pulmonary Tests

Key Terms Week 4 and 5

FVC Forced Vital Capacity
LMP Last Menstrual Period
NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
CT Computerized Tomography
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
IVP Intravenous Pyelogram
PFT Pulmonary Function Test
PEF Peak Expiratory Flow
PX Prognosis
RBC Red Blood Cells
WT Weight
TX Treatment
TLC Total Lung Capacity
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
CHEDDAR Chief Complaint, History, Examination, Details, Drugs, Assessment, and Return Visit
POMR Problem Oriented Medical Record
POLST Physician Orders For Life Sustaining Treatment
AP anterior/posterior
CXR Chest X-Ray
LAT Lateral
ABG arterial blood gas
PA posterior/anterior
ROM Range of Motion
Ambulation the act of walking
AP chest x-ray chest x-rays taken with x-rays traveling from front to back
Arthrocentesis test performed by aspirating a sample of synovial fluid from a joint for evaluation
Audiometry testing for the persons ability to hear various sound frequencies, used to identify and diagnose hearing loss
Apnea absence of breathing
Auscultation to listen
Cerumen ear wax
Chief Complaint reason for the visit (primary diagnosis) should be recorded in pts own words
Colonoscopy to visualize the colon
Fluoroscope an x ray system that makes it possible to see internal organs in motion
Gait manner or way of walking
Gastrointestinal Tract (GI tract) the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
Inspection to examine
Instillation pouring or injecting a substance drop by drop
Ishihara Test eye exam that tests for color blindness
Jaeger Chart eye chart used in testing near vision acuity
Mammography x-ray used to diagnose and locate tumors and cysts within the breast
Manipulation passive movement of joints for ROM usually performed by Chiropractors
Objective perceptible to other persons said of symptoms
Ophthalmoscope an instrument used to examine the eye
Otoscope scope used to visualize the ear
Pallor pale
Palpation to touch
Patient Navigator A health professional that focuses on the pts needs. The Navigator helps guide the patient through the healthcare system and work to overcome obstacles that are in the way of the patient receiving the care and treatment they require. Pt Navigators also p
Pelli-Robson visual exam for contrast sensitivity testing
Percussion to examine by tapping
Sigmoidoscopy examination of the sigmoid colon by means of a flexible tube inserted through the anus
Smellen Chart Chart used to measure distance visual acuity
Spirometry measurement of the volume of inhaled and exhaled air
Subjective signs and symptoms from the pts point of view
Symptoms any change in the body perceived by the pt
Upper GI upper gastrointestinal series is a radiographic(x-ray) examination of the upper GI
Visual Acuity testing to measure standard distance of 20 feet
Created by: pquinonez
Popular Medical sets




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