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Question | Answer |
What can weaken the left ventricle? | Excessice Preload |
What color does the pericardial sac need to be? | Staw colored |
Starlings Law | Law of physiology statin that the more myocardium is stretched up to a certain amount the more forceful the subsequent contraction will be. |
Blood Pressure equation | stroke volume times heart rate times systemic vascular reisitance. |
Tricuspid valve location | Between the atrium and right ventricle |
Pulmonary Valve location | between the ventricle and pulmonary artery |
Mitral valve or bicupsid valve location | Left atrium to left ventricle |
Aortic valve location | Left ventricle to the aortic valve. |
Excitability | the cells can respond to an electrical stimulous, like other myocardial cells |
Conductivity | The cells can propogate the impluse from one cell to another |
Automaticity | Pacemaker cells capability of self depolarization |
Contractility | Ability of muscle cells to contract, or shorten |
What does a pathological Q wave on an EKG indicate? | Tissue death, may also indicate extensive transient ischemia |
What happens when stroke volume decreases? | The systemic vascular resistance will increase to maintain blood pressure and heart rate will increase |
During resting potention the cardiac cell should be doing what? | The inside of the cell should be more negativly charged. |
Resting potential | The normal electrical state of a cardiac cell |
Describe the s1 heart sound | Produced by the closure of the AV valve during ventricular systole |
Describe the s2 heart sound | produced by the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves |
What are normal heart sounds> | s1 and s2 |
when you educate the public on heart disease you should include what? | Risk factorssigns and symptomshear disease |
How many seconds is a small box and a big box on a EKG | Small = 0.04Big= 0.20 |
What does the left coronary artery supply? | Left ventricle, the interventricular septum, part of the right ventricle, and the hearts conduction system. |
What does the right coronary artery supply? | Portion of the right artium and left ventricle and part of the conduction system |
What is the first phaze of the cardiac cycle? | Diastole |
What are the early signs of hyperkalemia? | Pointed T wave |
What is a EKG useful for? | Rate and heartbeatregularity of the heartbeattimes to take the conduct the impluse through the various parts of the heart |
Things an EKG cannot detect? | Presence of location of an infarct, axis deviatioin or chamber enlargement, right to left differences or impluse formation, quatily or presenceof the pumping action. |
What does ST elevation mean? | Injury, most often the early sign of a MI |
Pulseless Paradox | Abnormally large decrease in systolic b.p more than 10 torr |
What might pulseless paradox mean? | Tamponade, adhesive pericarditis and sever ling disease and advanced heart failure |
What part of the EKG represents ventricular depolarization? | QRS complex |
Define a postive inotropic agent | Strengthens cardiac contraction |
Deince negative inotropic effects | Weakens cardiac contraction |
Define a positive chronotropix agent | Insreses heart rate |
DEfine a negative chronotropic agent | Decreases h.r |
DEfine a postive dromotropic agent | Speeds impulse conduction |
Define a negative dromotropic agent | slows conduction |
SA node firing rate | 60-100 |
AV node firing rate | 40-60 |
Purkinje system firing rate | 15-40 |
What is the myocradium | The thick middle layer of the heart |
how many cells does the capillary wall consist of ? | a single layer thick |
The aterty and veins innermost layer | The tunica intima |
The middle layer of arteries and veins | Tunica media it consists of elastic fibers and muscle |
The outermost layer of arterys? | Tunica adventitia, a fibrous tissue covering gives the muscle strength to withstand the pressure of heart contractions |
The cavity inside the vessel | Lumen |
How big does the q wave have to be to be significant? | at least one small square wide lasting 0.04 sec or is more than one third the height of the qrs complex |
What would the ekg of a hypokalemix pt be? | A flattened t wave and a prominent u waveS |
What is the approproate way the heart fires? | node2. av node3. bundle of his4. right and left bundle brances5. purkinje system |
Ejection Fraction definition | Ratio of blood pumped from the ventrcles to the amount remaining at the end of diastole |
Stroke volume | Amount of blood ejected by the heart in one cardiac contraction |
Preload | The pressure within the ventricles at the end of diastole, commonly called the end of diastole volume |
Afterload | The resistane against which the heart must pump |
Cardiac Deploarization | The cell is more positive, a reversal od changes at the cell membrane so that he inside of the cell becomes positive in relation to the outside. |
Where are the sympathetic nerves of the cardiac plexus located?? | Thoracic and lumbar regions |
If your looking at a ekg where would you see the relative refractory period? | The downslope of the T wave |
Equation for cardiac output | Venous return stroke volume and preload |
Things that increase the risk of cardiac disease | smokingolder agefamily historyhypertensionhypercholesteroemiacarbohydrate intolerancecocainemaleslack of exersice |
What does the QRS complex represent | Ventricular depolarization |
What fraction is stroke volume of the left ventricle | 2/3 |
Relative refractory period | a period in the cardiac cycle when a sufficently strong stimulous may produce depolarization |
Absoloute Refractory period | A period in the cardiac cycle when the stimulation will not produce and depolarization |
what are the pericardium layers? | Vicseral and pariteal |
Normal QT interval? | 0.42 |
Where the Apex is located? | just above the diaphragm, left of the midline |
Where is the base located? | Approx at the level of the second rib |
what is a pacing rhythm | Wife QRS complex |
Where is the Av node located? | Lower part of the right atrium |
how many people each year die from CVD | 466,000 |
Factors that are though to increase the rish of cvd | dietobesitytype a personailitystressbirth control |
The only vein that carrys oxygenated blood? | Pulmonary veins |
The hearts two sets of valves | Atrioventricular and semilunar |
What is the right atrioventricular valve called? | TRicuspid |
What is the left atriovent valve called? | Mitral |
What are the mital and tricuspif valce connected too? | special papillary muschles in the ventricles aka chordae tendonae |
What is atrial systole | Relativly quick boost occurs right before vent contracttions right before cardiac output |
bipolar limb leads | Leads 1, 2 and 3 applied to the arms and legs contains two electrodes of opposite polarity |
What are the augmented leads? | aVR aVL aVF |
Normal PR interva;? | 0,12-0.20 |
Normal QRS | 0.08-0.12 |
Normal QT | o.33-0.42 |
Dysrhythmia | Any deviation from the normal electrical rhythm of the heart |
Arhythmia | The absence of cardiac electrical activity |
Cardiovascualr diease | Disease affectiong the heart and blood vesels or both |
Coronary hear disease | a type of cvd the singlemost largest killer of americans |
Poiseullies law | blood flow through a vessel is directly porportionate to the radius if the vessek ti tge fourht power |
A group of cardiac muscle that function as one unit | syncytium |
Special bands if tissue insereted between myocarduak cekks that increase the ate at which the action potential is spread from cell to cell | intercallated discs |
action potential | stimulation of cells spreads across the myocardium |
What is corrected QT | qt divided by the square root of the rr |
Ectopic focus | nonpacemaker heart cell that automatically depolarizes |
Ectopic beat | cardiac depolarization resulting from depolarization of ectopic focus |
noncompensatory pause | pause folliwng an ectopic beat where the sa node is depolarized and the unerlyingcadence of the heart is interupted |
aberrant conduction | condustion of the electrial impulse through the heards conductive system in an abnormal fashion |
bundle brance block | a kind of interventricular heart block in which conduction through either the right of left bundle brach is blocked |
bundle of kent | an accesory av conductuon path that is thought to be responsibe for the ecg fingings of preexcitation syndrome |