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lists of medical terms

Adomin(o) - root word - abdomen
Aden(o) - root word - gland
Adren(o) - root word - adrenal gland
Alveoi(o) - root word - air sac
angi(o) - root word - vessel
arteri(o) - root word - artery
ather(o) - root word - fatty degeneration
arthr(o) - root word - joint
audi(o) - root word - hearing
bio - root word -life
Bronch(i)/bronch(o) - root word - bronchus
carcin(o) - root word - cancer
cardi(o) - root word - heart
cellul(o)/cyt(o) - root word - cell
cerebell(o) - root word - cerebellum
Cerebr(i)/Cerebr(o) - root word -Cerebrum
chol(e) - root word -bile
cholecyst(o) - root word - gall bladder
chondr(i))/chondr(o) -root word -cartilage
col(o) - root word - colon
cost(o) - root word - rib
cry(o) - root word - cold
cutane(o) - root word - skin
cyan(o) - root word - blue
cyst(o) - root word - bladder
dipl(o) - root word - double
duoden(o) - root word - duodenum
encephal(o) -root word - brain
enter(o) - root word - intestine
esophag(o) - root word - esophagus
erythr(o - root word - red
fibr(o) - root word - fibers
Gastr(o) - root word - stomach
hemat(o)/hem(o) - root word - blood
heter(o) - root word - other or different
Hidr(o) - root word - sweat
hist(o) - root word - tissue
hom(o) - root word -same or alike
hydr(o) - root word - water
hyster(o) - root word - uterus or womb
latr(o) - root word - treatement
laryng(o) - root word - larynx
leuk(o) - root word -white
lith(o) - root word - stone
lipid(o) - root word - fat
lymph(o) - root word - lymph vessel
melan(o) - root word - black
mening(o) -root word - meninges
Men(o) - root word - menses or menstration
myel(o) - root word - bone marrow of spinal cord
my(o) - root word -muscle
nat(o) - root word - birth or new
necr(o) - root word - death
nephr(o) - root word - kidney
neur(o) - root word - nerve
oss(eo)/oss(i)/ost(e)/ost(eo) - root word - bone
path(o) - root word - disease
peritone(o) - root word - peritoneum
pharmac(o) - root word - drug
pharyng(o) - root word - pharynx
phleb(o) - root word - vein
phren(o) - root word - diaphragm
pneumon(a)/pneumon(o)/pulmon(o) - root word - lungs
rect(o) - root word - rectum
ren(o) - root word - kidney
sacr(o) - root word - sarcum
scapul(o) - root word - scapula
sept(o) - root word - infection
splen(o) - root word - spleen
spondyl(o) - root word -vertebra
stern(o) - root word - sternum
tend(o)/ten(o) - root word - tendon
testicul(o) - root word - testis
therm(o) - root word - heat
thorac(o) - root word - chest
Ur(i/o/a) - root word - urine
urethr(o) - root word - urthra
ureter(o) - root word - ureter
Vas(o)/Ven(o) - root word - vein
viscer(o) - root word - viscera
xanth(o) - root word - yellow
xer(o) - root word - dry
-ac - suffix - pertaning to
-ic - suffix - pertaining to
-al - suffix - pertaining to
-ous - suffix - pertaining to
-tic - suffix - pertaining to
-algia -suffix - pain
-dynia - suffix - pain
-ate - suffix - to use
-ize - suffix - to use
-cele - suffix - protrusion
-centesis - suffix - surgical puncture or withdraw fluid
-cle - suffix -small
-cule - suffix - small
-ule - suffix -small
-ulus - suffix -small
-cyte - suffix - cell
-desis - suffix - surgical binding
-ectomy - suffix - cutting out
-emesis - suffix - to vomit
-emia - suffix - pertaining to the blood
-esis -suffix - condition of
- ia - suffix -condition of
-iasis -suffix -condition of
-ity - suffix -condition of
-osis - suffix - condition of
-tion - suffix - condition of
-y -suffix -condition of
-form -suffix -to resemble
- oid -suffix - to resemble
-genesis - suffix - to form/make
-gram - suffix - a written record
-graph - suffix - process of recording
-ism - suffix - theory
-itis - suffix - inflammation
-lysis - suffix -break down or destruction
- malacia - suffix - softening
-megaly - suffix - enlargement
-meter - suffix - instrument used to measure
-ologist - suffix - specialist
-logy -suffix -the study of a specific field
-opsy - suffix - to view
-otomy - suffix - cutting into
-ostomy - suffix - artificial or surgical opening
-stomy - suffix - artificial or surgical opening
-pathy - suffix - disease state
- penia - suffix -lack or deficient
-pexy - suffix - surgical fixation
- pexis - suffix - surgical fixation
-phagia - suffix - to swallow
- phobia - suffix - fear of
- plasia - suffix - formation
-plasty - suffix - reconstruction or shaping
-plegia -suffix -paralysis
-pnea - suffix - breathing
-ptosis -suffix -drooping
-rrhage -suffix -excessive flow or discharge
-rrhaphy - suffix - to suture or fixate
-rrhea - suffix - flow or discharge
-sclerosis - suffix - hardening
-scope - suffix - instrument used to examine
- spasm - suffix - involuntary movement
-trophic -suffix -growth of developement
-trophy -suffix -growth or developement
A- - Prefix - lack of or without
An- - prefix -lack of or without
Ab -prefix - away from
Ad - prefix - towards or near
anti - prefix - opposing or against
auto - prefix - self
bi - prefix - double
brady - prefix - slow
brachy - prefix - short
circum - prefix - around
co -prefix - together or with
con - prefix - together or with
contra - prefix - against
di - prefix - twice
dia - prefix - through, between
dis - prefix - apart from of free from
dys - prefix - bad or difficult
ect -prefix - outer
exo - prefix -outer
ecto - prefix - outer
endo -prefix - within
epi - prefix -above, outer, or over
extra -prefix -beyond or outside of
hemi - prefix - half
hyper -prefix -execessive
hypo - prefix -below or deficient
infra -prefix - beneath
inter - prefix - between
intra - prefix -within or inside
marco - prefix -large
mal - prefix - bad
mes - prefix - middle
meta - prefix -changing
micro - prefix - small
mono -prefix -one
multi - prefix - many
neo - prefix - new or recent
oligo - prefix - scanty
pan - prefix -all
para - prefix - beside
peri - prefix - around
poly - prefix - many
post - prefix - after or following
pre - prefix - before or preceding
presby - prefix - old age
pseudo - prefix - false
quadric - prefix -four
retro - prefix - backward
sub - prefix - under or beneath
supra - prefix - above
tachy - prefix - rapid or fast
tri - prefix - three
Created by: kandriot
Popular Medical sets




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