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Mod. 3

Medical Terminology - Module 3

adip(o) - root word - fat
lip(o) - root word - fat
steat(o) - root word - fat
cyt(o) - root word - cell
cutane(o) - root word - skin
derm(o) - root word - skin
dermat(o) - root word - skin
hidr(o) - root word - sweat
hydr(o) - root word - water
kerat(o) - root word - horny or hard tissue
Myc(o) - root word - fungus
necr(o) - root word - dead
onych(o) - root word - nail
scler(o) - root word - hardening
pil(o) - root word - Hair
trich(o) - root word - hair
xer(o) - root word - dry
cyan(o) - root word - blue
erythr(o) - root word - red
leuk(o) - root word - white
melan(o) - root word - black
xanth(o) - root word - yellow
Auto - prefix - self
Epi - prefix - above
Sub - prefix - under or below
cele - suffix - hernia, swelling
cyte - suffix - cell
derma - suffix - skin
ectomy - suffix - removal
emia - suffix - blood
malacia - suffix - softening
oma - suffix - tumor
osis - suffix - abnormal condition
pathy - suffix - disease
penia - suffix - decrease
abrasion mechanical scraping or injury to a portion of the skin or mucous membrane
alopecia absence or loss of hair
contusion injury in which the skin is not broken (a bruise)
cyst closed sac in or under the skin that contains fluid, semi-fluid, or solid material
ecchymosis discoloration of the skin that usually has irregular boarders; commonly called a bruise
eczema inflammatory skin disease characterized by redness, itching, and blisters
fissure small crack-like sore of break that exposes the dermis
impetigo inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustulre that become crusted and rupture
laceration tear of the flesh
nodule palpable lesion larger than 1-2 cm in diameter
papule elevated lesion less than 1 cm in diameter
petechia small hemorrhagic spot on the skin
pustule small elevation of the skin filled with lymph fluid or pus
scabies contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
scales excessive dry skin shed from the epidermis
urticaria allergic reaction fo the skin characterized by elevated red patches called hives
wart rounded epidermal growths caused by a virus
list the four primary functions of the integumentary system 1- thermoregulation 2 - Vitamin D production 3 - protection 4 - wound healing
what is the integumentary system comprised of - epidermis - dermis - subcutaneous tissue
since the epidermis is avascular, how does it receive nutrients the bottom (basal) layer depends on the dermis blood supply for nutrients
this component of the integumentary system this organ is the outermost layer (also known as "skin") epidermis
as skin cells are pushed towards the surface... they become filled with keratin
what happens to the dead skin cells on the outer most layer of the epidermis they are sloughed off
melanocytes - "black cells" - protects against UV rays
what determines skin pigmentation melanocytes
what is the basal layer of the epidermis - the base layer
this layer of skin creates new skin cells that grow and multiply basal layer
what are the accessory integumentary organs located in the dermis - hair follicles - suderiferous glands - sebaceous glands
suderiferous glands sweat glands
sebaceous glands oil glands
fibroblasts repair injured skin
histiocytes surround foreign invaders
what cells release histamine mast cells
what does histamine do causes itching when exposed to an irritant
describe the dermis - below the epidermis - vascularized
the dermis is the location of - integumentary accessory organs (glands and follicles) - lymph vessels - nerve fibers - several types of connective tissue
the subcutaneous tissue is prolific in what type of cell (give the name) lipocytes
lipocytes are responsible for __________________ tissue adipose
what are the function of the subcutaneous tissue - protective agent - insulator
crani(o) - root word - skull
cost(o) - root word - ribs
stern(o) -root word - sternum or breast bone
spondyl(o) - root word - vertebrae
vertebr(o) - root word - vertebrae
humer(o) - root word - humerus (upper arm bone)
carp(o) - root word - carpus (wrist bone)
metacarp(o) - root word - metacarpus (bones of hand)
phalang(o) - root word - phalanges (bones of fingers)
pelv(i) - root word - pelvis
femor(o) - root word -femur (thigh bone_
patell(o) - root word - patella (knee cap)
tibi(o) - root word - tibia (shin bone)
fibul(o) - root word - fibula (small bond on the outside of the lower leg)
calcane(o) - root word - calcaneum (heel bone)
ankyl(o) - root word - stiffening
arthr(o) - root word - joint
cervic(o) - root word - neck
lamin(o) - root word - lamina (lateral arch of the vertebrae)
myel(o) - root word - spinal cord/bone marrow
orth(o) - root word - straight
oste(o) - root word - bone
chondr(o) - root word - cartilage
lumb(o) - root word - lower back
my(o) - root word - muscle
ten(o) - root word - tendon
tend(o) - root word - tendon
tendin(o) - root word - tendon
ankylosis immobility of a joint
contracture fibrosis (stiffening) of connective tissue, muscle, or joint capsul to prevent normal movement of the joint
crepitation grinding sound made by bones rubbing together; usually an indication that the joint surface has been compromised
gout acute arthritis characterized by high levels of uric acid in the blood and around the joints
kyphosis increased convexity around the thoracic spine (appears hunched)
lordosis increased concavity of the spine; can occur on the lumbar and cervical spine ( sway back or forward chin)
muscular dystrophy hereditary disease characterized by gradual atrophy and weakness of muscle tissue; usually leads to death by age 20
osteoporosis decrease in bone density and subsequent increase in bone porosity; bones become brittle and at increased risk for fracture
rheumatoid arthritis chronic, systemic arthritis,; inflammatory changes occur in the joints resulting in deformities
sprain trauma that results injury to a ligament
strain trauma that results in injury to a muscle secondary to overuse of excessive stretch
primary functions of the skeleton - protection - calcium storage/release - red/white blood cell production
there are _________ bones in the skeleton 206
types of bones - long bones - short bones - flat bones - irregular bones
axial skeleton - skull -thorax - pelvis - spine
appendecular skeleton upper and lower extremeties
skeleton support organs include: - tendons - ligaments - muscles - cartilage
describe the protective function of bones bones create a barrier between organs and outside forces
diaphysis the shaft of long bones
where is yellow and red marrow in the diaphysis
what does yellow marrow consist of fat stores, used for energy
what does red marrow is the site for blood cell production
what is an important mineral stored in bones calcium
primary function of the muscular system - dynamic movement - BP and thermoregulation
motion is a results from a cooperation between the nervous system and the muscular system
skeletal (striated) muscle is innervated by the ____________________ nervous system somatic
___________________ muscles are under voluntary control skeletal/striated
the non voluntary muscles include smooth and cardiac muscles
smooth and cardiac muscles are innervated by the _____________________________ nervous system autonomic
shivering is (voluntary/involuntary) involuntary
muscles and blood circulation muscles aid in this by acting as a mechanical pump to increased blood flow
arteries contain smooth muscle for contraction and dilation based on body's need
"decrease in fat cells" lipocytopenia
"abnormal condition of excessive sweating" hyperhidrosis
"pertaining to death" necrotic
"fatty tumor." lipoma
"softening of the nails: onychomalacia
"inflammation of the bone and the joint" osteoarthritis
"softening of the cartilage" chondromalacia
"tumor of the brain." encephaloma
"above the ribs" supracostal
"pertaining to the humerous." humeral
"the study of bones" osteology
"abnormal condition of the vertebrae" spondylosis
"herniation of the spinal cord." myelocele
"abnormal hardening of the muscle" myosclerosis
"bone deficiency" osteopenia
Created by: kandriot
Popular Medical sets




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