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Medical Terms

GNPG 528 - Review Exam #1

Medical TermLay Term
Ablation Remove
Acuity Clearness
Acute Short term, sudden onset
Adenopathy Swollen glands
Adjuvant Helpful, assisting, added
Adverse effect Side effect
Angina Pain from not enough blood to the heart
Arthralgia Joint pain
Asthenia Loss of energy; Weakness
Ataxia Unsteady movement
Bioavailability The extent to which a drug becomes available to the body
De Novo New
Diplopia double vision
Dyspepsia Gas, upset stomach
Dysplasia Abnormal cells
Dyspnea Hard to breathe
Electrophysiology study Heart rhythm study
Elucidate To make clear; to determine; to find out
Emperic Based on experience
Enteral By way of the intestines
Extravasate To leak outside of a blood vessel
Histopathologic Pertaining to a disease of the body tissues or cells
Iatrogenic Caused by a physician or by treatment
Induration Hardening
Inert Not active; substance that does not affect you
Interferon Agent that acts against viruses
Intrathecal Into the spinal fluid
Intravesical Into the bladder
MUGA Procedure using a special camera to look at the heart after radioactive dye has been put into it through one of the veins
Neoplasia Tumor, may be non-cancerous or cancerous
Osteopetrosis Bone disorder characterized by dense bone
Refractory Not responding to treatment
Seminoma A type of testes cancer
Stomatitis Mouth sores; inflammation of the mouth
Teratogenic Can cause malformations in unborn fetuses
Created by: vmendygoslin
Popular Medical sets




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