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Chapter 3

Medical Terminology from chapter 3

scoli/o twisted
lumb/o loins (lower back)
patell/o knee cap
rhabd/o rod-shaped or striated (skeletal)
spondyl/o vertebra
uln/o ulna
cervic/o neck
dactyl/o digit (finger or toe)
kyph/o humpback
lei/o smooth
compact bone tightly solid bone tissue that forms the exterior of bones
spongy bone mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity
cancellous bone mesh-like bone tissue found in the interior of bones, and surrounding the medullary cavity
diaphysis shaft of a long bone
medullary cavity cavity within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow
periosteum a fibrous, vascular membrane that covers the bone
bone marrow soft connective tissue within the medullary cavity of bones
red bone marrow functions to form red blood cells, some white blood cells, and platelets; found in the cavities of most bones in infants and in the flat bones in adults
yellow bone marrow gradually replaces red bone marrow in adult bones; functions as storage for fat tissue and is inactive in the formation of blood cells
fascia a band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscle
tendon a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone
synovial membrane membrane lining the capsule of a joint
CAT computed axial tomography
BKA below knee amputation
A anterior
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
OA osteoarthritis
ORIF open reduction, internal fixation
P posterior or pulse
PT physical therapy
Created by: markiawllms
Popular Medical sets




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