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Chapter 4

nervous system and psychiatry

Cerebell/o cerebellum (little brain)
Gangli/o ganglion (knot)
Lex/o word or phrase
Phor/o carry or bear
Phren/o mind
-asthenia weakness
-lepsy seizure
Central Nervous System (CNS) brain and spinal cord
Cerebrum largest portion of the brain; divided into right and left halves, known as cerebral hemispheres, which are connected by a bridge a nerve fibers called the corpus callosum; lobes of the cerebrum are named after the skull bones they underlie
frontal lobe anterior section of each cerebral hemisphere; responsible for voluntary muscle movement and personality
parietal lobe portion posterior to the frontal lobe; responsible for sensations such as pain, temperature, and touch
temporal lobe portion that lies below the frontal lobe; responsible for hearing, taste and smell
occipital lobe portion posterior to the parietal and temporal lobes; responsible for vision
cerebral cortex outer layer of the cerebrum consisting of gray matter; responsible for higher mental functions (cortex = bark)
thalamus each of two masses of gray matter deep withing the brain between the cerebral hemispheres on either side of the third ventricle; responsible for relaying sensory information to the cortex
sulci shallow groves that separate gyri
brainstem region of the brain that serves as a relay between the cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord; responsible for breathing, heart rate, and body temperature; the three levels are mesencephalon (midbrain), pons, and medulla oblongata
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) nerves that branch from the central nervous system including nerves of the brain (cranial nerves) and spinal cord (spinal nerves)
autonomic nervous system (ANS) nerves that carry involuntary impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and various glands
sympathetic nervous system division of the autonomic nervous system that is concerned primarily with preparing the body in stressful or emergency situations
parasympathetic nervous system division of the autonomic nervous system that is most active in ordinary conditions; it counterbalances the effects of the sympathetic system by restoring the body to a restful state after a stressful experience
hypochondriasis a preoccupation with thoughts of disease and concern that one is suffering from a serious condition that persists despite medical reassurance to the contrary
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) electrical shock applied to the brain to induce convulsions; used to treat patients with severe depression.
psychotropic drugs medications used to treat mental illnesses (trop/o = a turning)
Antianxiety Agents drugs used to reduce anxiety; also called anxiolytic agents.
Neuroleptic agents drugs used to treat psychosis, especially schizophrenia
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale; a neurologic scale used to assess level of consciousness
a neurologic scale used to assess level of consciousness a state of mental confusion caused by disturbances in cerebral function; the many causes include fever, shock, and drug overdose (deliro= to draw the furrow awry when plowing, to go off the rails).
sciatica pain that follows the pathway of the sciatic nerve, caused by compression or trauma of the nerve or its roots
Created by: mmendez11
Popular Medical sets




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