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Ch. 7


acidemia abnormal acidity of the blood
alkalemia abnormal alkalinity (opposite of acidity) of the blood
calciuria calcium in the urine
chloremia increased chloride in the blood
euglycemia good blood sugar
glucosuria sugar in the urine
hypercalcemia excessive calcium in the blood
hypercholesterolemia excessive cholesterol in the blood
hyperglycemia high blood sugar
hyperkalemia excessive potassium in the blood
hyperlipidemia excessive fat in the blood
hypernatremia excessive sodium in the blood
hyperphosphatemia excessive phosphate in the blood
hypoglycemia low blood sugar
ketonuria ketone bodies in the urine
polyuria excessive urination
uremia presence of urinary waste in the blood
adrenaline hormone secreted by the adrenal gland
epinephrine hormone secreted by the adrenal gland
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland
corticotropin shorter name for adrenocorticotropic hormone
glucagon hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates the liver to increase blood sugar levels
glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex with a role in carbohydrate metabolism
gonadotropin hormone that stimulates the gonads
insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas that controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats
thyrotropin hormone that stimulates the thyroid
adenomegaly abnormal enlargement of a gland
adrenomegaly abnormal enlargement of the adrenal glad
euthyroid normal functioning thyroid
gluconeogenesis formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources
glycolysis breakdown of sugar
glycopenia deficiency of sugar
gonadogenesis creation/development of gonads
metabolism breakdown of matter into energy
endocrine to secrete internally
endocrinologist specialist in internal secretions
exocrine to secrete externally (through ducts and glands)
glycemic index ranking of food based on the way it affects sugar levels in the blood
ketogenesis creation of ketone bodies
thyroid function tests tests performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid
cholangiopancreatography procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas in which an endoscope is passed backward from the digestive tract into the bile duct
Created by: sbodine
Popular Medical sets




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